GOG.com - Planescape: Torment
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InformationCet installateur a été accepté par l'équipe. InformationsPlate-formes : Retours d'expérience1 0 DescriptionEnglish: One of the most original story ever told in a cRPG. GOG now has installers for Linux and Mac GOG propose maintenant des installeurs pour Linux et Mac Captures d'écranCode source |
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Dadu042 | Samedi 25 Janvier 2020 à 13:10 |
InformationCette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe DifferencesNouveau code sourceRéponses |
k0st1x | Samedi 6 Aoüt 2016 à 13:44 |
Messagestrying to install PST (russian "fargus"), but without success. Here it can be downloaded: game library -> "Planescape: Torment" -> Game goodies -> "Russian localization (Fargus)" this localization is only for Windows and I can not install it under ther "play on linux" service. I installing it with all default options, then while installation is in progress, it shows me a message-box "Runtime error (at 69:445)". (screenshot: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AnIsKYlgFpEwqccn0ckswZTi2eHgCQ ) Please give me suggestions to fix this issue. Réponses |
Yokhl | Mercredi 23 Mars 2016 à 21:40 |
MessagesOS: ROSA Desktop Fresh R7 release 2014.1 for x86_64, HP 530 Notebook After installation the game with PoL you need: 1. to change in the PoL parameters the Wine version manually to 1.9.6 and Video memory size to 256. 2. to change the Wine preferences, for screen setting to virtual, my size is 1280x800 resolution 3. All patches from https://www.gog.com/news/mod_spotlight_planescape_torment_mods_guide have been executed at the command prompt for this Wine (PS:T) in it's "c:\program files\gog\planescape torment\" directory one by one. Then enjoy Réponses |
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