GOG.com - Sacred Gold


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Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 22342
Wine: 4.0.4

Retours d'expérience


English: Hack'n'slash RPG, includes Sacred Plus and Sacred Underworld extensions. Wikipedia.
Note: this game recevied a Linux native release in 2009 (by Linux Game Publishing).

Français : Jeu de rôles "hack and slash", contient les extensions Sacred Plus et Sacred Underworld.

PCGamingWiki, Appdb.winehq.org

Captures d'écran


Code source



Membre Messages
Dadu042 Samedi 27 Juin 2020 à 11:42


Cette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe


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Dadu042 Samedi 21 Mars 2020 à 15:06


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


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Sethan Vendredi 8 Avril 2016 à 0:26
Sethan Anonymous



After the fresh installation, by clicking "Extras", both "Intro" and "Underworld Intro" do not work. I only get the black screen, and it would go back to the same window.





marian Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 1:48
marian Anonymous


Installed gog v2.0.0.4 (game version 2.28)

Single player works perfectly

If I join a local LAN multiplayer game (hosted on Windows), game works perfectly



I cannot host multiplayer.

  • cannot choose Multiplayer -> LAN -> create (game says testing ports -> server up and running; then stops at the point of connecting to server, without game crashing - I can click cancel and return to main menu)
  • cannot create dedicated server and connect to it from local machine or another machine in LAN


HOW do I tell POL (or linux) to port forward 2005 and 2006 to gameserver.exe, do I need to tell linux that POL is allowed to open port 2005 and 2006 for listening???

(I'm just guessing with the above question, if any1 has a better solution or more likely problem, please speak up)


Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 7:09
Personally I never test multiplayer, most testers on the AppDB don't either.
It's not a setting in PoL or Wine for sure (neither do anything special with networking), if there's some firewalling in place it's distribution-specific
fattum Dimanche 24 Mai 2015 à 4:26
fattum Anonymous


Hi. Single player works perfect, but i struggle running multiplayer. I tried several scenarios. Firstly, i hosted the game with "gameserver.exe" (adding this exe to playonlinux). I couldnt see my own game regardless the ip I used to host. I tried both, my local ip, and hamachi ip. Afterwards, I tried to host from the game. Game doesnt start, everything I get is a message: "Gameserver: ready!". I though, okay, i can't host, so I asked my friend to do it. As you probably guessed, we use hamachi. He created server from the game and i could see it in the lan-lobby! But if I try to connect, everything I get is a message:"Establishing connection". I am curious, if there are any tricks or works around?


Dimanche 24 Mai 2015 à 5:11
Okay, lan multiplayer via hamachi is possible, if some1 on windows hosts with "gameserver.exe". If someone will know, how to host on linux, you are welcome to share^^
rooiebiet Jeudi 29 Janvier 2015 à 14:56
rooiebiet Anonymous


game starts good wen starting a game online or single player game crashes


Jeudi 29 Janvier 2015 à 15:00
i love this game played it in the old days on my old pc now i want to play it on my mac
LelixSuper Jeudi 7 Aoüt 2014 à 18:45


The program works fine.
I am in possession of the original DVD Sacred Gold (Italian version), I have not encountered any problems during the installation and only two graphical glitches in my first seven hours of play.
The only flaw is that clicking on the "Exit" from the game I do not go out, I do not know if it's my fault or do not understand something.



Jeudi 7 Aoüt 2014 à 20:46
This script only supports the GOG release of the game
Jeudi 28 Aoüt 2014 à 22:12
Please, I downloaded GOG release, I installed play on mac, after a bunch of installation procedures I wanted to run the game, but the screen got all black. I can hear the noise of the title menu, but can't see anything. Can you help?
Vendredi 29 Aoüt 2014 à 0:05
Try with wine 1.7.25
Vendredi 29 Aoüt 2014 à 13:47
I delayed the upgrade of Wine in the script because:
- frame rate was often significantly lower with 1.6.x than with 1.4.1 on my hardware;
- I sometimes got crashes on game exit with Wine 1.6.x
It seems the former is just related to the support of more features: frame rate is roughly the same once I disabled GLSL. Not sure about the latter (requires more tests)

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