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PlayonLinux unable to find my Starcraft cdrom

Author Replies
fabiozu Thursday 12 July 2012 at 3:44

I'm trying to install my Starcraft original cd in my Salix (=Slackware) 13.37 64 bits XFCE, with wine 1.3.36 and PlayonLinux 4.1.3.
I insert my cdrom into the drive. It's mount it, but playonlinux can't find my cd.
Even if a mount the CD manually (with #mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom) it cannot find my cd (even I choose Other->Where's your cd-rom-> /mnt/cdrom; and the cd is mounted, because I do a:
# ls /mnt/cdrom  and I can see the files in the folder -
Autorun.inf  Installer Tome.mpq  Installer.ico  StarCraft (Windows).exe).

I tried (also) to mount with (read some tutos in the net about hybrid cds):
# mount -o remount,unhide /mnt/cdrom and
# mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

But playonlinux can't find my cd either.
Any advices? I really want to install my Starcraft with POL.


Salix 13.37 64 bits / Multilib 4 Gb RAM
NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GTX
Wine 1.3.36
fabiozu Thursday 12 July 2012 at 23:41

Some news:
Tried to install for a mounted .iso image (in the Starcraft install profile). Done:

# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=starcraft.iso
# mount -o loop starcraft.iso /mnt/iso

And pointed the installer to /mnt/iso. POL can't find my .iso BUT when I choose Install Starcraft/Brood War Digital Copy and pointed to the .iso install, POL find my  .iso file (and when I point to the CD, POL can find it too). But the installation is not sucessful, since POL asks for the 2nd cd.

So, any hints ?

EDIT: More info: I'm trying to install Starcraft Anthology (2 cd's set). First cd is Starcraft; second is Brood War expansion set

Edited by fabiozu

Salix 13.37 64 bits / Multilib 4 Gb RAM
NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GTX
Wine 1.3.36
fierce_brake Thursday 26 July 2012 at 18:18

I'm trying to install my Starcraft original cd in my Salix (=Slackware) 13.37 64 bits XFCE, with wine 1.3.36 and PlayonLinux 4.1.3.
I insert my cdrom into the drive. It's mount it, but playonlinux can't find my cd.
Even if a mount the CD manually (with #mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom) it cannot find my cd (even I choose Other->Where's your cd-rom-> /mnt/cdrom; and the cd is mounted, because I do a:
# ls /mnt/cdrom  and I can see the files in the folder -
Autorun.inf  Installer Tome.mpq  Installer.ico  StarCraft (Windows).exe).

I tried (also) to mount with (read some tutos in the net about hybrid cds):
# mount -o remount,unhide /mnt/cdrom and
# mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

But playonlinux can't find my cd either.
Any advices? I really want to install my Starcraft with POL.

Quote from fabiozu

Good day friend,
I also use Salix (mate version) but cant find a way to install playonlinux 4.1.3 how did you install it ? i managed to install playonlinux version 4.0.14 but it wont run Office 2010.
Would you pleae give me a hint on how you installed 4.1.3 ?
fabiozu Saturday 28 July 2012 at 22:02

I finally instaled Starcraft Anthology in Salix using playonlinux.

Choose the Starcraft Broodwar Digital Distribution Copy.

Then the installer ask the first cd. Pointed to the files; begin installation.
Then the installer asked from the 2nd cd. Unmounted the first, put the 2nd, and waited for the automount. When mounted, pointed to the installs files, and done: Starcraft Anthology was installed.

To fierce_brake: I installed the POL 4.1.3 using a modified slackbuild; download it from:

and the following files:


and put all in the same folder (like /home/POL/);

Download the playonlinux.tar.gz (the version with you want) from:

And put it in the same folder that you placed the .SlackBuild (/home/POL);
then edit the playonlinux.Slackbuild and change the VERSION variable to the desired version of POL that you downloaded...
VERSION=${VERSION:-4.0.14} to VERSION=${VERSION:-4.1.3};

Run the script (sh playonlinux.SlackBuild); grab the package in /tmp; install it using # installpkg package or #upgradepkg package (if you have a previous version, just upgrade it...).

Another hint: since 4.1.2, POL asks from (missing) icotools and wrestool. Install the package icoutils form Sourcery and done: your POL will works.


Salix 13.37 64 bits / Multilib 4 Gb RAM
NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GTX
Wine 1.3.36

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