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I can't install legacy of kain defiance

Author Replies
Megacubo Monday 7 May 2012 at 2:12

Hi I use Chakra GNU/Linux 2012.04 x86_64, to try to install the game I use the wine 1.2.3 version (installed by the script) I use KDE 4.8.3

I copied both cd's in my hard drive in different folders for each cd, when playonlinux ask me for the cd's I give the route to the files, but the install application keep asking for the cd 2. Put the two cd's in the same folder don't fix the problem. The installer don't detect the cd 2 so I can't install the game

Image of error: the installer say "Please insert the disc 2 of Legacy of kain: Defiance and click in continue or cancel to exit of setup program" I can't finish the installation because no matter how many times i click in continue the installer keep asking for the cd 2

My equip is a AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 4gb of ram and ATI HD4670 512mb of vram with catalyst 12.2

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

Any help will be much apreciated, thanks in advance

Edited by Megacubo

GNU_Raziel Monday 7 May 2012 at 12:53


there is no need of copying cd's to HDD, simply use your disk drive, PlayOnLinux will ask for disk swap when needed. This game installer NEED to check physical drive status to work.



Edited by GNU_Raziel

Megacubo Monday 7 May 2012 at 20:12

Thanks for the reply, I thought I had to copy the cd's for what it says in this post

4) The game asks for next CD during installation from multiple CDs a) copy each CD to a separate directory on your hard drive b) after giving a name for the new prefix, choose Yes when "Do you want to configure your prefix before installing your application?" appears c) switch to Drives tab d) press Add... and then Browse... e) point to your first CD directory f) press Show Advanced g) select CD-ROM in "Type:" combobox h) press Apply i) repeat steps d) e) f) g) h) for every CD

Quote from NSLW

I'll try from the cd's to see if I have luck, thanks for the help again

Edit: Thanks a lot for your help and for your awesome scripts. Now I can play Soul Reaver 2 and LOK Defiance under GNU/Linux :)

Just one note, I have to set Support vertex shader to none under graphic tab in winecfg 

Edited by Megacubo

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