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POL will only create amd64 prefixes

How can I make this stop?

Author Replies
relik1989 Wednesday 4 April 2012 at 16:52

My installation of PLay on Linux seems to only create 64bit prefixes, this is causing alot of headaches as most of the apps and games I want to run wont run in a 64bit prefix. How can I get Play on Linux to create only 32bit prefixes?

There really needs to be an option for this when your creating prefixes. I know the installation scripts usually specify, but I install allot of apps without scripts and I create the prefixes myself through the config screen of POL.

GNU_Raziel Wednesday 4 April 2012 at 17:19

Our x64 wine builds creates WoW64 prefixes, which mean they also perfectlly work in x86 mode.

We allow x64 builds each time it work for targeted app, each app officialy supported is tested with x64 then x86 builds to avoid any bugs/crashes/slowdowns due to architecture.

For information, x64 only builds for wine do not allow any x86 app to work (wine output is very clear, easy to detect) while WoW64 builds allow both arch to work, it's simple.

Since you're the only one experiencing this issue, I suggect you first check your system before rejecting the fault to PoL.

If you really want to force x86 mode, edit PoL cfg file and modify Arch option from amd64 to x86.

Edited by GNU_Raziel

relik1989 Friday 6 April 2012 at 15:23

I didn't think wine worked that way. I didnt know that 64bit wine could run 32bit apps, I was always under the impression that when it came it wine you installed whichever one you needed for your task.

I will absolutely check over all my settings again and see of I missed something. This has been very frustrating because the two games I cant get to work are almost like wine staples at this point, thats FFXI (WOTG wont install), and Portal 2 (Crashes with no error after splash).

I definately dont want to bash PoL, I love your guys software. Managing wine prefixes manually was a pain, but PoL makes it so incredibly easy.

So just to make sure I have my facts straight; standard x64 builds will not run 32bit apps. But your PoL x64 builds are essintally multiarch and should run my 32bit apps just fine.
GNU_Raziel Friday 6 April 2012 at 23:53

Here are the facts :
- x64 builds provided by your distro are, in fact, x86 only wine.
- DEFAULT x64 build of wine (build by yourself, from sources) will end with x64 mode only unless you specify other build options.
- PoL x64 builds of wine are made to work in x64 and x86 mode (like Windows 7 x64 do for example), it's called the WoW64 mode.

FFXI is not officially supported by PoL because we do not own this game (it have month fee if I'm not mistaken). Portal 2 is officially supported, use Install menu in PoL for it. If it do not work, enable the debug system and post a bug report.

One last note : If you have an ATI/AMD or Intel graphic card, don't expect miracles, under GNU/Linux only NVIDIA cards are really effectives thx to a very good driver, others don't. (ATI/AMD one goes better with time however)

I hope this is now more clear for you ^^

Edited by GNU_Raziel

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