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Translation error in "Who is online?"

Author Replies
cgizmo Saturday 10 November 2007 at 17:55


Edited by cgizmo

ryousuke Saturday 10 November 2007 at 18:27

Yea good one ^^ I didn't even saw that
Shai Saturday 10 November 2007 at 20:08

body mean friend or dude, You say "hi body !"
Or body mean a dead people xD
isn't it ?
It's uncool xD

does it still work for online poeple ?

Edited by Shai

la boite à BI.
(tu le changes je mord)
ryousuke Saturday 10 November 2007 at 20:18

you mean "buddy" right ?

But in the Who's online thing .. It just doesn't feel well.
Quentin PÂRIS Saturday 10 November 2007 at 20:40
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Woops, sorry
Shai Saturday 10 November 2007 at 22:23

indeed ryou

la boite à BI.
(tu le changes je mord)
dlzerocool Monday 12 November 2007 at 23:10

you mean "buddy" right ?

But in the Who's online thing .. It just doesn't feel well.

Quote from ryousuke

+1 agree

Drum & Bass - Dev - Beer and more... What else ?
cgizmo Tuesday 20 November 2007 at 19:36


Edited by cgizmo

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