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Search Box

searching a forum

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Z.K. Saturday 19 March 2011 at 23:06

I think you could use a search box for each forum. That way you don't have to go through all 25 or 50 pages and someone might not post a duplicate that way. Yes there is a search box at the forum home page, but not on the section pages where it would be most useful.
thomassisson Monday 22 April 2013 at 21:06

Just a note, search is not working for me, and I don't know why. When I do a search, the page loads. I see the links on the side and the top, the word search, and the rest of the page, but nothing is under the word Search. There is not even "No Results." I'm using the Linux version of Firefox 20 to access this page, so it is not some Wine related bug.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 22 April 2013 at 21:10

Its working fine on this side. Try a different browser real quick to see if that makes a difference. I am on Chrome, and it works fine.

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thomassisson Monday 22 April 2013 at 21:22

I don't have Chrome installed. I used Konquorer with Webkit, and received the same results. Try typing something in search that you know cannot be found. See if it says anything like cannot be found.

There should be something to indicate nothing can be found if nothing is found.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 22 April 2013 at 21:42

Ah. I get it. So basically, it should say "no results"?

Thats not really a big deal, it will for sure help a bit. Ill open a bug report for it. :) Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 22 April 2013 at 21:45

A ticket has been opened for this:

This will be assigned to someone in the near future to implement this.

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lindamartin123 Wednesday 24 July 2013 at 4:48

thank god, someone has brought this topic. I wasn't able to find something and logged in forum hoping there will be easier way for navigate atleast for a logged in people and no, it still the same. Hope this problem is solved soon, I'm still trying to find what I wanted to for long :(
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 24 July 2013 at 4:50

What exactly are you looking for? If it doesnt show up, its not there. It may have been deleted, or simply not there.

So, if you get no results, there is nothing related to what you are searching for. What was it you wanted (in terms of what you were searching for)?

Edited by RoninDusette

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zeplinguitar Wednesday 13 August 2014 at 23:28

I have had success with both kinds of setup. A search box is cool because it allows the user to search quickly while the pagination is great for indexing on search engines. 

PaddyLandau Saturday 27 December 2014 at 17:43

A search box would be great.

I would also appreciate a search box in the Bugs section; at the moment, I don't know how to find if a bug has already been reported.

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 30 December 2014 at 18:43

There is a search box at the top of the forums. Though, I do agree that a search function in the bug section would be nice. 

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petch Tuesday 30 December 2014 at 19:57

For the bug reports, a feature request already exists:

However, since it's not clear yet for how long the bug tracker will stay around and be integrated with the repository, I'm not sure it has any kind of priority.

Edited by petch

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