Salvatos |
Monday 22 November 2010 at 21:01
Wine version: 1.3.7
Distribution: Debian
Distribution version: Squeeze X86_64 (Testing)
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 480
Graphics card driver: 260.19.20
- The game runs a little better if you get rid of "unessential" effects like shadows and anti-aliasing.
Here is a preview of the game, made with the Capture plugin:
Have fun :sunglasses:
By GNU_Raziel Edited by Salvatos
Disclaimer: I'm a noob, not a dev; my advice is only a guess.
Attention : Je suis aussi noob que vous, prenez mes suggestions avec un grain de sel ;)
Hund |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 3:29
The instructions is not very clear. If I press "Forward" in the POL dialog the installation of DX11 begins and after that nothing else happends. if I press "Next" to install the game as I shouldnt do, the game gets installed and after that nothing happends.
How in the world do I install the game? °_° Edited by Hund
GNU_Raziel |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 11:38
Not clear ??
Choose your version (DVD or Digital), wait until install is done, let DX install end, press Next and it's done...
It can't be easier than that.
Note : You must have POL 3.8.6 for this installer to work. Edited by GNU_Raziel
Hund |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 14:08
What install? If I dont do anything, nothing will happend?
Edit: Just to be perfectly clear. Im here:
If I choose to install the game by pressing Next it will get installed, and when I press Forward the installation with DX begins, after that nothing happends, the Forward button is till greyed out. Edited by Hund
GNU_Raziel |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 14:43
When the GAME Installation windows, use it, press "Forward" ONLY when the GAME installer close. POL installer DO NOT replace GAME installer, it easy it. So you still have to follow GAME installer until it end, then, follow POL installer instruction again.
If you press Forward befaore the game installer end, it will not work.
Hund |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 14:51
As I said, installing the game and then pressing forward via POL doesnt work, nothing happends. Im stuck.
GNU_Raziel |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 16:08
Which version do you have ? Retail DVD ? Digital Edition - like Steam or Direct2Drive ?
Is you POL version up-to-date ?
When you launch POL via a terminal, you you see error messages ?
You're stuck at the DirectX installation right ? Verify you have DirectX folder in the game Folder (when installed).
You need to provide as much infos as you can, saying "i'm stuck" doesn't help to find the problem... Edited by GNU_Raziel
pollux |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 16:34
I confirm the bug. I'm using pol 3.8.6 and the wizard stops after directx install; next button is disabled. Searching the install script I found an error, dunno if the cause of the problem: line 97:
echo "\\"MaxShadowSize\\"=\\"0\\"" > $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CoD_Fix.reg
should be:
echo "\\"MaxShadowSize\\"=\\"0\\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CoD_Fix.reg
GNU_Raziel |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 17:19
Thx for reporting, error fixed, plz retry and tell me if it still hang at the same spot.
pollux |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 17:59
Unfortunately the fix doesn't solve the problem. The installation stops after closing directx install dialog. In console the last lines are a bunch of:
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
(of directx dialog, I think)
'Forward' button still disabled.
GNU_Raziel |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 18:13
I've modified the installer so it will kill the wine process when you press "Forward" for DX install.
Please retry and tell me if it solve the problem.
Hund |
Tuesday 23 November 2010 at 22:09
Im sorry. I should know better than that.
-Im using the DVD.
-My POL version is fully updated.
I get stuck after the DX installation. I cant see anything about DX in the folder. Where should it be and what name should it have?
Ive tried updating POL and that didnt make any difference.
GNU_Raziel |
Wednesday 24 November 2010 at 1:48
Is the DX install appended ? you see DirectX installation right ? if yes then it's not DX the problem.
Did you tried since my last modification ? if not, please try it. Edited by GNU_Raziel
Hund |
Wednesday 24 November 2010 at 14:37
I can install DX without any problems, its after that Im stuck.
Your last modification? Did you update the script after my latest post? :)
GNU_Raziel |
Wednesday 24 November 2010 at 14:46
I've added a killing process command when you press "forward" after DX installation, if it do not work, please check if you have any wine related process alive after pressing "forward".
If yes, kill it and see if it unstuck you then report here please.
Hund |
Wednesday 24 November 2010 at 15:07
I checked twice after the installation, I couldnt find any processes related to Wine at all. Edited by Hund
tijn |
Friday 26 November 2010 at 20:22
I have the same problem, POL 3.8.6, DVD Version, no running processes or anything.. very strange..
ps. i'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit Edited by tijn
GNU_Raziel |
Saturday 27 November 2010 at 13:17
Is Hund and pollux also use Ubuntu 10.10 ? If yes, we might find something...
The fact is Ubuntu 10.10 is the primal cause of MANY strangness with wine and POL...This distribution is getting worse every release...
This installer was tested on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Debian Squeeze, OpenSuse and Mac OSX 10.6.5 (with POM)...worked well every times on them.
GNU_Raziel |
Sunday 28 November 2010 at 12:49
-DVD Check & DVD Support Fixed
-Steam Store Support Added
Still no idea why it freeze for some users...all tests I ran was successful like I wrote in the previous post.
tijn |
Monday 29 November 2010 at 11:30
I think it has something to do with ubuntu 10.10, i played another game via POL (mafia) which worked fine until i upgrpaded from ubuntu 10.4 to 10.10 :(