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Call of Duty: Black Ops

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loopodoopo Tuesday 30 November 2010 at 19:24


What a great idea trying to get black ops running on Linux! Love the idea but it does not work for me...

First of all, some system information:

Ubuntu 10.10

wine --version
playonlinux --version
PlayOnLinux 3.8.6

Weird thing is, in pol I can set the wine version to version 1.3.8 (that's what I did)

I installed POl the following way:

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install playonlinux

Oke now the problem: When I try the installer trough the pol wizard everything works fine until I need to connect to steam. This simply fails (does not matter which installer type I choose). It looks like steam is loggin in, but it is not connected and tells me it will try again later.

When I start pol on the command line and get to the steam connection I get the following output:

fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
fixme:urlmon:CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled 5, 0x00000002, 1, stub
fixme:urlmon:CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled 10, 0x00000002, 1, stub
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer 0x4b10978, L"ROOT\\\\CIMV2", (null), (null), (null), 0x00000080, (null), (nil), 0x428bec8)
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used

Anyone can reproduce this problem of has a solution for it?



loopodoopo Tuesday 30 November 2010 at 19:35

Small update:

I tried to update wine. Wine version is now:

wine --version

This is the output when I try to connect to steam:

fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer
CellID: CSDS returned 173 servers.
CellID: Connecting to . .
CellID: Connect to took 234 MS
CellID: Nothing beat our old best time of 50 MS
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer 0x4844ab8, L"ROOT\\\\CIMV2", (null), (null), (null), 0x00000080, (null), (nil), 0x3f9bec8)
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used

loopodoopo Tuesday 30 November 2010 at 19:45

hmz, now trying to connect to steam in Windows 7 I get the following message:

"No network connection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connection until the service becomes available."

So I think I will just wait. I will let you know if the problem is fixed after the Steam service becomes available.
icc Tuesday 7 December 2010 at 23:32

This doesn't work on my Ubuntu 10.10 x64 either.

DX says:
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
... and the installer script hangs after installing DX, forward is grayed out.

Last messages from Steam when trying to launch:
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"Z:\\\\home\\\\icc\\\\.PlayOnLinux\\\\wineprefix\\\\CoDBlackOps\\\\drive_c\\\\Program Files\\\\Steam\\\\Config", 0xa80db88, 520), stub!
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd (nil)
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd 0xb012e

I'm using wine 1.3.8. Maybe it's time to give Debian a shot.
GNU_Raziel Tuesday 7 December 2010 at 23:41

CellID entries are signs steam is trying to connect...But I think Ubuntu 10.10 have defaults security which make steam to fail...

I've tested Steam on ubuntu 10.04 x64 and Debian Testing x64 and it worked on both.
icc Wednesday 8 December 2010 at 23:00

I might be wrong but it seems like PlayOnLinux downloads a i386 version of wine. Setting up wineprefix manually using wine 1.3.8 from ubuntu repo works.
GNU_Raziel Thursday 9 December 2010 at 13:29

Yes we build x86 wine only. It do not cause any troubles with other x64 distributions...only Ubuntu 10.10 seems to suffer from this bug, we are currently investigating.
KingBiscuit614 Wednesday 29 December 2010 at 4:52

I am using Unbuntu 10.04 LTS. I just installed POL 3.8.8 on Christmas Day. This should have the latest code. It still hangs after the Direct X install.

Any suggestions?

Edited by KingBiscuit614

KingBiscuit614 Wednesday 29 December 2010 at 5:28

OK, I just re-installed everything and the Black Ops install went very smooth. POL now shows both multiplay and single player in the main menu.

When I try to play either game, I get these messages:
"Completing Installation ... 1%"
and then

"Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty Black Ops (2)".

Any suggestions for this?

Westy Thursday 6 January 2011 at 7:25

I have the same issue. Kubuntu 10.10. After install steam gives: "Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty Black Ops (2)". Shame, sorry to hear this is an ubuntu 10.10 issue, depressing really.
Derathor Tuesday 18 January 2011 at 15:33

I have the same issue. Kubuntu 10.10. After install steam gives: "Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty Black Ops (2)". Shame, sorry to hear this is an ubuntu 10.10 issue, depressing really.

Quote from Westy

Im facing the same issue on Linux Mint 10 "Julia" ...

Im using the original DVD version of the game, and of course STEAM.

Edited by Derathor

Vanguard Tuesday 18 January 2011 at 23:23

OK, I just re-installed everything and the Black Ops install went very smooth. POL now shows both multiplay and single player in the main menu.

When I try to play either game, I get these messages:
"Completing Installation ... 1%"
and then

"Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty Black Ops (2)".

Any suggestions for this?


Quote from KingBiscuit614

I'm getting the same error, using Mandriva 2009.1 (POL version 3.8.3.) and Mandriva 2010.1 (POL version 3.8.5.)

This is the DVD version of Black Ops.
Derathor Wednesday 26 January 2011 at 18:19

I have the same issue. Kubuntu 10.10. After install steam gives: "Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty Black Ops (2)". Shame, sorry to hear this is an ubuntu 10.10 issue, depressing really.

Quote from Derathor

Im facing the same issue on Linux Mint 10 "Julia" ...

Im using the original DVD version of the game, and of course STEAM.

Quote from Westy

Also tried on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on the same computer and faced the same error.
Smon Thursday 27 January 2011 at 18:47

$ uname -r
$ playonlinux --version
PlayOnLinux 3.8.8

The installation runs fine. Maybe change LNG_WAIT_END when it appears the secound time.
First i thought it is a bug and press forward before the dx installation.
So i redid the installation. All went fine, but when i want to start it, appears that error:
Shader model 3.0 not available

I have the DVD version

My graphic card has a SM 4.1 with 775Mhz Shaderfrequency

Edit²: CoD4 works brilliant! CoD4 requires SM 3.0 too or?

Edit³: Ok, with wine version 1.3.12 i made a new wineprefix installed with winetricks d3dx9 d3dx10 dsoundbug9612 dsound

I switcht dsound to native, but i dont have a sound. The Game lags with 4x2,8 PhenomII and HD3870. Sometimes there are graphical errors, i have to press strg+alt+f6 and then switfch back, but thats maybe fglrx s fault

I read that UseGLSL = disable dont work with ati Cards, because at nVidia the Shadermodul can be accessed without GLSL, but with ATI cards this isnt possible

Edited by Smon

jwiesmann Saturday 12 February 2011 at 12:55

I do get the same error as described above.
Using Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) 64 Bit.
$ playonlinux --version
PlayOnLinux 3.8.8
Wine version managed in PLO = 1.3.11-64b

getting the following error when trying to finish installation.
Everything works fine till now (Steam=ok, installation=ok, after patching CoD it fails)

fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"C:\\\\windows", 0x7bbdb88, 520), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"C:\\\\Programme\\\\Steam\\\\logs", 0x7bbdb88, 520), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"C:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\mui", 0x7bbdb88, 520), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"C:\\\\windows\\\\Fonts", 0x7bbdb88, 520), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (L"C:\\\\Programme\\\\Steam\\\\Config", 0x7bbdb88, 520), stub!
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd (nil)
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd 0x1011e

Screenshot at:
jwiesmann Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 22:54

i just solved this ?bug?
It is quite easy to solve ... if you know how :)
I just studied the Steam - Website and found an interesting hint at:
All you have to do is:
- delete you Call Of Duty dir in POL (home/yourName/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/CoDBlackOps
- start the normal installation (POL - CoD ..)
- if Steam asks to be installed CHANGE the path from C:\\Programme\\Steam (or whatever) to c:\\steam (but watch out, the installer does not recognize it. There ist still written the old path)
- keep installing ..
thats it
hope it helps

Take a look here :D

Edited by jwiesmann

geekzilla Friday 11 March 2011 at 1:26

I tried your solution and it didn't work for me. My exact problem can be found here:

When I try your solution and run the game from POL nothing happens at all. The game doesn't launch. When I try to run it from Steam I get this message: "Completing Installation...1%. But it never gets past 1%. Then I get an error message that states: "Incomplete Installation of Call of Duty: Black Ops (2)."
edtheuniquegeek Saturday 26 March 2011 at 3:12

geekzilla, the same exact thing happens to me.
Anyone have a solution?
robino_7 Monday 6 June 2011 at 17:43

The following involves installing BlackOps twice through PlayOnLinux and wine alone. Then copying the wine version over the PlayOnLinux version.

1. Install BlackOps through PlayOnLinux per usual.
After error close Steam and exit.

2. You need to now install BlackOps with wine alone.
make sure you have the microsoft fonts installed. If not use winetricks.

# wintricks corefonts

3. Now install BlackOps from the DVD. Change the location of the Setup.exe to whatever folder your system mounts it

# wine /media/BLACK_OPS/Setup.exe

4. Follow the install to completion and allow the update. Now we are going to copy this version that had no difficulty updating to PlayOnLinux

# rm -rf ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/CoDBlackOps/*
# mv ~/.wine/* ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/CoDBlackOps/

5. You should be able to launch the game thru PlayOnLinux without difficulty. If you own an Nvidia graphics card and are suffering from poor performance, it is suggested you disable GLSL through PlayOnLinux Advance Wine Configuration Plugin
AndreK Thursday 8 September 2011 at 20:11

I installed the game long time ago, it was awfully slow, (and still is) - reducing resolution from HD does not help, reducing effects does not help.
Wine 1.3.8
Nvidia GTX570

Other games perform well.
What's up with this one ?
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