The forum


Author Replies
ang1fr Friday 5 November 2010 at 17:48


Mon ordinateur où j'utilise playonlinux n'est pas relié internet normalement.

J'essaie donc d'utiliser playonlinuxoffline, donc je l'active. Je redémarre et j'essaie de lancer une installation avec un script et rien ne se passe ...

P.S. Je viens de passer en 3.8.5 et c'est pareille.
Quentin PÂRIS Friday 5 November 2010 at 19:05
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Il faut que PlayOnLinux Offline puisse télécharger au moins une fois tout les scripts. (Tu es sur le forum rapport de bug sur le site)
ang1fr Saturday 6 November 2010 at 16:10

les scripts semble être télécharger mais je vais vérifier ....
ang1fr Saturday 6 November 2010 at 16:25

les scripts semble être télécharger mais je vais vérifier ....

Quote from ang1fr

Peux-tu me dire la manipulation pour faire ces téléchargements ?

BlondVador Saturday 6 November 2010 at 18:09

Être connecté à internet au moins une fois.

ang1fr Sunday 7 November 2010 at 10:15

Et bien moi, cela ne marche pas ....
Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 7 November 2010 at 11:09
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Lances PlayOnLinux dans un terminal
ang1fr Sunday 7 November 2010 at 11:52

Bon réflexions faites, tous mes problèmes viennent peut-être d'une seule cause. J'ai installer POL à partir du tar.gz et j'ai fait l'erreur de l'installer dans /home/user ce qui m'a forcé à modifier mon path pour exécuter un script local ...

Dans quel répertoire, je suis sensé installé le tar.gz de POL ?

Autrement :

~> playonlinux
PlayOnLinux v3.8.5

Welcome to PlayOnLinux Script Server

- Cleaning old temporary files
- Building server cache

+ Adding Other [0]
+ Caching script : MS XML
+ Caching script : Gecko HTML Engine
+ Caching script : Mono 1.9
+ Caching script : .NET Framework 2.0
+ Caching script : DirectX End-User Runtimes
+ Caching script : PlayOnLinux functions
+ Caching script : Microsoft Fonts
+ Caching script : Enable anti-aliasing

+ Adding Accessories [2]
+ Caching script : IZArc
+ Caching script : 7-Zip
+ Caching script : Google SketchUp
+ Caching script : OCR CuneiForm
+ Caching script : Cadstd Lite 3.7.0

+ Adding Patches [9]
+ Caching script : Anno 1602 patch (Dutch Version)
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 Patch 1.09
+ Caching script : Mass Effect Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Mass Effect 2 Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Warcraft III - patch
+ Caching script : Civilization 4 patch 1.74
+ Caching script : Wolfenstein Patch 1.2
+ Caching script : Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne - patch
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 - Updates
+ Caching script : Total Annihilation - patch
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic - Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl Patch 1.0006
+ Caching script : Borderlands patch 1.3
+ Caching script : Star Wars : The Force Unleashed Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Need for Speed Underground 2 - patch
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The WarChiefs - patch
+ Caching script : Starcraft 1.15.2 patch
+ Caching script : Fallout 3 - patch
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 - patch
+ Caching script : Starcraft BroodWars 1.15 patch
+ Caching script : Etherlords 2 Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : Dragon Age Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : Far Cry 2 Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Need for Speed Most Wanted - patch
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion Patch 1.2.0416
+ Caching script : Starcraft Brood War patch 1.15.2
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The Asian Dynasties - patch
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight Jedi Academy - Patch 1.01
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight II - Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy v3 PLUS patch 1.01 choix
+ Caching script : Painkiller : Battle out of Hell Patch 1.64
+ Caching script : Prey Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : The Witcher Patch 1.5
+ Caching script : Halo Combat Evolved Patch 1.08
+ Caching script : Max Payne 2 Patch 1.01
+ Caching script : CnC 3 Kane Wrath Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Starcraft patch 1.15

+ Adding Testing [10]
+ Caching script : 1000 Mots
+ Caching script : Battlefield 1942 The Complete Collection
+ Caching script : The Elder Scroll III : Morrowind - Tribunal (Testing)
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - Bloodmoon (Testing)
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind (Testing)

+ Adding Education [8]
+ Caching script : Teach 2000
+ Caching script : Derive6
+ Caching script : Graph
+ Caching script : Tell Me More Asian
+ Caching script : Adibou 2
+ Caching script : Rocket Reader

+ Adding Functions [100]
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothBGR
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothGrayScale
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet20
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml4
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wininet
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wmpcodecs
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msls31
+ Caching script : POL_Install_riched20
+ Caching script : POL_Function_override_app_dlls
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet30
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml3
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gdiplus
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wsh56
+ Caching script : POL_Install_mono26
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun2008
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gecko
+ Caching script : POL_Install_cc580
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun2005
+ Caching script : POL_Install_directplay
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msvc80
+ Caching script : POL_Install_d3dx10
+ Caching script : POL_Install_riched30
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun6
+ Caching script : POL_Fake_dotnet35
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml6
+ Caching script : POL_Install_d3dx9
+ Caching script : POL_Function_RootCommand
+ Caching script : POL_Install_tahoma
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gfw
+ Caching script : POL_Function_Sleep
+ Caching script : POL_Install_ie6
+ Caching script : POL_Install_physx
+ Caching script : POL_Install_xact
+ Caching script : POL_Function_OverrideDLL
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wmp9
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet11
+ Caching script : POL_Install_flashplayer
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB

+ Adding Office [3]
+ Caching script : Adwords Editor 8.0.1
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2007
+ Caching script : Microsoft Money 2004
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2000
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2003
+ Caching script : Microsoft Money 2003

+ Adding Internet [4]
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3
+ Caching script : Quiet Internet Pager
+ Caching script : ApexDC
+ Caching script : Internet Explorer 7
+ Caching script : Trillian 3
+ Caching script : mIRC
+ Caching script : Google Chrome
+ Caching script : Opera 9.64
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3.6
+ Caching script : Safari
+ Caching script : Internet Explorer 6
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3.5

+ Adding Multimedia [5]
+ Caching script : Windows Media Player
+ Caching script : MP3 Tag
+ Caching script : Guitar Pro 5
+ Caching script : iTunes 7
+ Caching script : VSRip
+ Caching script : SubRip
+ Caching script : Spotify

+ Adding Graphics [6]
+ Caching script : Adobe Photoshop CS4
+ Caching script : Blender
+ Caching script : Fireworks 8
+ Caching script : Photofiltre 6.3.1
+ Caching script : Fireworks MX

+ Adding Development [7]
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2000
+ Caching script : AutoCAD Electrical 2008
+ Caching script : Dreamweaver 8
+ Caching script : Inno Setup
+ Caching script : Flash MX
+ Caching script : Flash 8
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2004
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2002
+ Caching script : CATIA V5 Service Pack
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2008
+ Caching script : SolidWorks 2007
+ Caching script : StarUml 5.0
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2006
+ Caching script : AutoCAD Mechanical 2008
+ Caching script : Notepad
+ Caching script : AutoCAD R14
+ Caching script : CATIA V5
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2005

+ Adding Games [1]
+ Caching script : Hitman 2
+ Caching script : Max Payne
+ Caching script : Future Pinball
+ Caching script : Serious Sam - The First Encounter
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Anniversary
+ Caching script : Strong Bad 102: Strong Badia the Free
+ Caching script : Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 201: Ice Station Santa
+ Caching script : SimCity 4 Deluxe
+ Caching script : Druid Soccer
+ Caching script : Grim Fandango
+ Caching script : Hitman 3 : Contracts
+ Caching script : Dragon Age : Origins
+ Caching script : Jerusalem: The 3 Roads To The Holy Land
+ Caching script : Escape from Monkey Island
+ Caching script : Gothic 2 The Night Of The Raven
+ Caching script : Strong Bad 101: Homestar Ruiner
+ Caching script : Star Wars - Episod 1 : Racer
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider III The Lost Artefact
+ Caching script : Half Life 1
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 2 : The Conquerors Expansion
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Shivering Isle
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider III Adventures of Lara Croft
+ Caching script : The Witcher
+ Caching script : Baldurs Gate (5 CDs)
+ Caching script : Sam and Max Season 1
+ Caching script : Runaway 1 - A Road Adventure
+ Caching script : Planescape Torment
+ Caching script : Best One Poker
+ Caching script : Tribes
+ Caching script : World in Conflict
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2007
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 World Adventures
+ Caching script : Dark Age of Camelot : Labyrinth of the Minotaur
+ Caching script : System Shock 2
+ Caching script : Deus Ex
+ Caching script : Battlefield 2
+ Caching script : Wolfenstein
+ Caching script : Starcraft : BroodWar
+ Caching script : Track Mania Nations For Ever
+ Caching script : Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
+ Caching script : Tropico 3
+ Caching script : Super Mario Brothers X
+ Caching script : Painkiller : Battle Out Of Hell
+ Caching script : Need For Speed II
+ Caching script : Worms World Party
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider II
+ Caching script : Devil May Cry 4
+ Caching script : Supreme Commander
+ Caching script : Last Chaos
+ Caching script : Starcraft II Wings of Liberty
+ Caching script : Fallout 3
+ Caching script : Vantage Master Online
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3
+ Caching script : Midnight Club II
+ Caching script : Age Of Wonders
+ Caching script : Diablo II : Lord Of Destruction
+ Caching script : Soldier of Fortune Platinum
+ Caching script : BaldursGate 2 Throne of Bhaal
+ Caching script : Borderlands
+ Caching script : Football Manager 2010
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Underground 2
+ Caching script : Serious Sam - The Second Encounter
+ Caching script : Etherlords 2
+ Caching script : F.E.A.R
+ Caching script : Steam HL2 mod : Pirates Vikings And Knights II
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia 2008
+ Caching script : Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition
+ Caching script : Fallout 3 - DLC
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Chronicles
+ Caching script : Theme Park World
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead
+ Caching script : Mansion Poker
+ Caching script : Steam : Team Fortress 2
+ Caching script : Clive Barker's Jericho
+ Caching script : Crayon Physics
+ Caching script : Guild Wars
+ Caching script : The Sims 3
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
+ Caching script : Warcraft III
+ Caching script : Rally Championship 2000
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs
+ Caching script : Dawn of War : Soulstorm
+ Caching script : Cacodemons Barbecue Party in Hell
+ Caching script : Pluto Strikes Back
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
+ Caching script : Civilization 3
+ Caching script : 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin
+ Caching script : Steam : Counter Strike Source
+ Caching script : Fable : The Lost Chapters
+ Caching script : Crayon Physics Deluxe
+ Caching script : Halo Combat Evolved
+ Caching script : Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic
+ Caching script : Runaway 3 - A Twist of Fates
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider II Golden Mask
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind
+ Caching script : Painkiller
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 Ambitions
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub?
+ Caching script : Race Driver : GRID
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic
+ Caching script : Gothic 3
+ Caching script : Steam : Natural Selection patch
+ Caching script : Poker Stars
+ Caching script : Need For Speed: High Stakes Road Challenge
+ Caching script : Breath of Fire IV
+ Caching script : Full Tilt Poker
+ Caching script : World Of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade
+ Caching script : Toca Race Driver 2
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer - Red Alert 3
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars - Kane Wrath
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion
+ Caching script : Bioshock
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Bloodmoon
+ Caching script : BaldursGate 2
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
+ Caching script : World Of Warcraft
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Tribunal
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2008
+ Caching script : Spore
+ Caching script : RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
+ Caching script : Jazz Jackrabbit 2
+ Caching script : Croc Legend of the Gobbos
+ Caching script : StarCraft - Brood War (Digital Distribution Copy)
+ Caching script : Toca Race Driver 3
+ Caching script : Caesar III
+ Caching script : The Truth About Game Development
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - Sands of Time
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Battlefront
+ Caching script : Blur
+ Caching script : Re-Volt
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff
+ Caching script : Dawn Of War : Dark Crusade
+ Caching script : IL2 : Sturmovik
+ Caching script : King's Bounty: The Legend
+ Caching script : Industry Giant II - Gold Edition
+ Caching script : Legacy Of Kain : Defiance
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Legend
+ Caching script : Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - The Two Thrones
+ Caching script : Mass Effect
+ Caching script : Call Of Duty 2
+ Caching script : Warrior Kings Battles
+ Caching script : Settlers 4 : Trojans and the elixir of power
+ Caching script : Zoo Tycoon 2
+ Caching script : Painkiller Black Edition
+ Caching script : Dragon Age : Awakening
+ Caching script : Steam HL1 mod : Sven Co-Op
+ Caching script : Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands
+ Caching script : PKR Poker
+ Caching script : Total Annihilation
+ Caching script : Richard Burns Rally
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto 3
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2 : Episode 2
+ Caching script : Call of Chtulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
+ Caching script : Dark Age of Camelot : Trials of Atlantis
+ Caching script : Colin Mcrae Rally 04
+ Caching script : Sonic Fan Remix
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2 : Episode 1
+ Caching script : Diablo II
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006
+ Caching script : Trackmania United For ever
+ Caching script : Worms Reloaded
+ Caching script : Emperor
+ Caching script : Two Worlds (GOTY)
+ Caching script : GhostRecon
+ Caching script : FlatOut II
+ Caching script : Soldat
+ Caching script : World Racing
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Undercover
+ Caching script : Silkroad Online
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy
+ Caching script : Sonic Adventure DX
+ Caching script : Mafia
+ Caching script : Starcraft
+ Caching script : The Settlers II 10th Anniversary
+ Caching script : F.E.A.R.2 : Project Origin
+ Caching script : Steam
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto IV
+ Caching script : NeverWinter Nights 2
+ Caching script : Pizza Syndicate
+ Caching script : Anno 1602 Koenigs-Edition
+ Caching script : Forbidden
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars - Kane Edition
+ Caching script : Paddy Power Poker
+ Caching script : Anno 1602
+ Caching script : Gothic 2
+ Caching script : Zeus: Master of Olympus
+ Caching script : bwin Poker
+ Caching script : Rfactor
+ Caching script : Pharaon
+ Caching script : Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2
+ Caching script : Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne
+ Caching script : Blood Bowl
+ Caching script : Swat 4
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
+ Caching script : Torchlight
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - Warrior Within
+ Caching script : Dead Rising 2
+ Caching script : Drakensang
+ Caching script : Silent Hill 2
+ Caching script : Colin Mcrae Rally 2005
+ Caching script : Gothic 1
+ Caching script : CivNet
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 2 : The Age of Kings
+ Caching script : Mafia II
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2
+ Caching script : Alien Breed 2 : Assault
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness
+ Caching script : Black & White 2
+ Caching script : Geheimakte Tunguska - German
+ Caching script : Red Faction II
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Most Wanted
+ Caching script : Assassin's Creed
+ Caching script : Assassin's Creed 2
+ Caching script : Ragnarok Online
+ Caching script : The Witcher Enhanced Edition
+ Caching script : Steam : Portal
+ Caching script : Sim City 3000
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Underground
+ Caching script : Mass Effect 2
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 202: Moai Better Blues
+ Caching script : Stunt GP
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Knight of the nine
+ Caching script : Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne
+ Caching script : Settlers 4
+ Caching script : Theme Hospital Win
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
+ Caching script : Far Cry 2
+ Caching script : Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic : The Sith Lords
+ Caching script : SimCity 4
+ Caching script : Monkey Island 2 Special Edition
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The WarChiefs
+ Caching script : Civilization 4
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The Asian Dynasties

E. PlayOnLinux server is already running. Exiting
Vérification de l'extension : Advanced Wine Configuration...
Vérification de l'extension : Offline PlayOnLinux...
Vérification de l'extension : Capture...
Vérification de l'extension : Transgaming Cedega...
Vérification de l'extension : Wine Import...
Vérification de l'extension : Wine Look...
Vérification de l'extension : Detour...
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:28] "GET /version2.php?v=3.8.5 HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:30] "GET /update_mark.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:30] "GET /update_mark.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
Le dépôt PlayOnLinux doit être mis à jour.
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:30] "GET /check.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:30] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_list.php HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:33] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_top?by=download
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:33] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_top?by=download HTTP/1.0" 404 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:33] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_top
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:33] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_top HTTP/1.0" 404 -
Running install menu
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] code 404, message File Not Found: /V2_data/miniatures/Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] "GET /V2_data/miniatures/Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_description.php?id=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_description.php?id=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/stars.php?n=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:53] "GET /V3_data/repository/stars.php?n=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:54] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_file.php?version=playonlinux-3.8.5&id=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [07/Nov/2010 12:42:54] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_file.php?version=playonlinux-3.8.5&id=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.0" 404 -

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 7 November 2010 at 12:32
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Oh oui je sais d'où vient le problème !

Modifies le fichier bash/install de PlayOnLinux, et retire les ?version=$VERSION
ang1fr Sunday 7 November 2010 at 13:57

Je vois bien un fichier install sous .Playonlinux.

Ce fichier est vide.
Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 7 November 2010 at 16:15
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Je parle du fichier du .tar.gz
ang1fr Monday 8 November 2010 at 11:58

Le ficher est modifié :


# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 PlayOnLinux Team
# Copyright (C) 2007 Pâris Quentin

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
     exit 0

source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

if [ ! "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     menu=$($PYTHON "$PLAYONLINUX/python/" | tail -n 1);
if [ "$menu" = "ExecLiveInstall" -o "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE=$(eval_gettext "Manual installation")
LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG=$(eval_gettext "Install a .pol package")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE3=$(eval_gettext "Installation wizard")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE=$(eval_gettext "Please choose a type of application to install.")

     installbis=$(menu "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE" "$LISTE" "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE3" 1 2 1 "wizard.png" "~");
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG" ]
          bash "$PLAYONLINUX/playonlinux-pkg" -b
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE" ]
          bash $PLAYONLINUX/bash/LiveInstall
if [ "$?" != 0 ]
#check_network "" --quiet
if [ $? == 0 ]
     if [ "$menu" = "about:conceptor" ]
          python "$PLAYONLINUX/python/"
     if [ ! "$menu" = "" ]
          type="$(echo $menu | cut -d ':' -f1)"

          if [ "$type" = "get" ]
               id=$(echo "$menu" | cut -d ":" -f2)
               POL_SetupWindow_Init ""
               POL_SetupWindow_free_presentation "Install a non-validated script" "PlayOnLinux is going to execute a non-validated script.\\n\\nThese scripts have not been checked by PlayOnLinux validators. Please ensure you know what you are doing !"
               rm $REPERTOIRE/install
               wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file_n.php &id=$id" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
               POL_SetupWindow_licence "Here the source code of the script. Check it carrefully" "Non validated script" "$REPERTOIRE/install"


               if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
                    bash $REPERTOIRE/install
          menu=${menu//" "/"%20"}
          rm $REPERTOIRE/install
          wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file.php &id=$menu" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
          if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
               bash $REPERTOIRE/install

Résultat :

-> playonlinux
PlayOnLinux v3.8.5

Welcome to PlayOnLinux Script Server

- Cleaning old temporary files
- Building server cache

+ Adding Other [0]
+ Caching script : MS XML
+ Caching script : Gecko HTML Engine
+ Caching script : Mono 1.9
+ Caching script : .NET Framework 2.0
+ Caching script : DirectX End-User Runtimes
+ Caching script : PlayOnLinux functions
+ Caching script : Microsoft Fonts
+ Caching script : Enable anti-aliasing

+ Adding Accessories [2]
+ Caching script : IZArc
+ Caching script : 7-Zip
+ Caching script : Google SketchUp
+ Caching script : OCR CuneiForm
+ Caching script : Cadstd Lite 3.7.0

+ Adding Patches [9]
+ Caching script : Anno 1602 patch (Dutch Version)
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 Patch 1.09
+ Caching script : Mass Effect Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Mass Effect 2 Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Warcraft III - patch
+ Caching script : Civilization 4 patch 1.74
+ Caching script : Wolfenstein Patch 1.2
+ Caching script : Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne - patch
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 - Updates
+ Caching script : Total Annihilation - patch
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic - Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl Patch 1.0006
+ Caching script : Borderlands patch 1.3
+ Caching script : Star Wars : The Force Unleashed Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Need for Speed Underground 2 - patch
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The WarChiefs - patch
+ Caching script : Starcraft 1.15.2 patch
+ Caching script : Fallout 3 - patch
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 - patch
+ Caching script : Starcraft BroodWars 1.15 patch
+ Caching script : Etherlords 2 Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : Dragon Age Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : Far Cry 2 Patch 1.03
+ Caching script : Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Need for Speed Most Wanted - patch
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion Patch 1.2.0416
+ Caching script : Starcraft Brood War patch 1.15.2
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The Asian Dynasties - patch
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight Jedi Academy - Patch 1.01
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight II - Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy v3 PLUS patch 1.01 choix
+ Caching script : Painkiller : Battle out of Hell Patch 1.64
+ Caching script : Prey Patch 1.04
+ Caching script : The Witcher Patch 1.5
+ Caching script : Halo Combat Evolved Patch 1.08
+ Caching script : Max Payne 2 Patch 1.01
+ Caching script : CnC 3 Kane Wrath Patch 1.02
+ Caching script : Starcraft patch 1.15

+ Adding Testing [10]
+ Caching script : 1000 Mots
+ Caching script : Battlefield 1942 The Complete Collection
+ Caching script : The Elder Scroll III : Morrowind - Tribunal (Testing)
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - Bloodmoon (Testing)
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind (Testing)

+ Adding Education [8]
+ Caching script : Teach 2000
+ Caching script : Derive6
+ Caching script : Graph
+ Caching script : Tell Me More Asian
+ Caching script : Adibou 2
+ Caching script : Rocket Reader

+ Adding Functions [100]
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothBGR
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothGrayScale
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet20
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml4
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wininet
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wmpcodecs
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msls31
+ Caching script : POL_Install_riched20
+ Caching script : POL_Function_override_app_dlls
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet30
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml3
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gdiplus
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wsh56
+ Caching script : POL_Install_mono26
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun2008
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gecko
+ Caching script : POL_Install_cc580
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun2005
+ Caching script : POL_Install_directplay
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msvc80
+ Caching script : POL_Install_d3dx10
+ Caching script : POL_Install_riched30
+ Caching script : POL_Install_vcrun6
+ Caching script : POL_Fake_dotnet35
+ Caching script : POL_Install_msxml6
+ Caching script : POL_Install_d3dx9
+ Caching script : POL_Function_RootCommand
+ Caching script : POL_Install_tahoma
+ Caching script : POL_Install_gfw
+ Caching script : POL_Function_Sleep
+ Caching script : POL_Install_ie6
+ Caching script : POL_Install_physx
+ Caching script : POL_Install_xact
+ Caching script : POL_Function_OverrideDLL
+ Caching script : POL_Install_wmp9
+ Caching script : POL_Install_dotnet11
+ Caching script : POL_Install_flashplayer
+ Caching script : POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB

+ Adding Office [3]
+ Caching script : Adwords Editor 8.0.1
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2007
+ Caching script : Microsoft Money 2004
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2000
+ Caching script : Microsoft Office 2003
+ Caching script : Microsoft Money 2003

+ Adding Internet [4]
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3
+ Caching script : Quiet Internet Pager
+ Caching script : ApexDC
+ Caching script : Internet Explorer 7
+ Caching script : Trillian 3
+ Caching script : mIRC
+ Caching script : Google Chrome
+ Caching script : Opera 9.64
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3.6
+ Caching script : Safari
+ Caching script : Internet Explorer 6
+ Caching script : Mozilla Firefox 3.5

+ Adding Multimedia [5]
+ Caching script : Windows Media Player
+ Caching script : MP3 Tag
+ Caching script : Guitar Pro 5
+ Caching script : iTunes 7
+ Caching script : VSRip
+ Caching script : SubRip
+ Caching script : Spotify

+ Adding Graphics [6]
+ Caching script : Adobe Photoshop CS4
+ Caching script : Blender
+ Caching script : Fireworks 8
+ Caching script : Photofiltre 6.3.1
+ Caching script : Fireworks MX

+ Adding Development [7]
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2000
+ Caching script : AutoCAD Electrical 2008
+ Caching script : Dreamweaver 8
+ Caching script : Inno Setup
+ Caching script : Flash MX
+ Caching script : Flash 8
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2004
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2002
+ Caching script : CATIA V5 Service Pack
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2008
+ Caching script : SolidWorks 2007
+ Caching script : StarUml 5.0
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2006
+ Caching script : AutoCAD Mechanical 2008
+ Caching script : Notepad
+ Caching script : AutoCAD R14
+ Caching script : CATIA V5
+ Caching script : AutoCAD 2005

+ Adding Games [1]
+ Caching script : Hitman 2
+ Caching script : Max Payne
+ Caching script : Future Pinball
+ Caching script : Serious Sam - The First Encounter
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Anniversary
+ Caching script : Strong Bad 102: Strong Badia the Free
+ Caching script : Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 201: Ice Station Santa
+ Caching script : SimCity 4 Deluxe
+ Caching script : Druid Soccer
+ Caching script : Grim Fandango
+ Caching script : Hitman 3 : Contracts
+ Caching script : Dragon Age : Origins
+ Caching script : Jerusalem: The 3 Roads To The Holy Land
+ Caching script : Escape from Monkey Island
+ Caching script : Gothic 2 The Night Of The Raven
+ Caching script : Strong Bad 101: Homestar Ruiner
+ Caching script : Star Wars - Episod 1 : Racer
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider III The Lost Artefact
+ Caching script : Half Life 1
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 2 : The Conquerors Expansion
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Shivering Isle
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider III Adventures of Lara Croft
+ Caching script : The Witcher
+ Caching script : Baldurs Gate (5 CDs)
+ Caching script : Sam and Max Season 1
+ Caching script : Runaway 1 - A Road Adventure
+ Caching script : Planescape Torment
+ Caching script : Best One Poker
+ Caching script : Tribes
+ Caching script : World in Conflict
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2007
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 World Adventures
+ Caching script : Dark Age of Camelot : Labyrinth of the Minotaur
+ Caching script : System Shock 2
+ Caching script : Deus Ex
+ Caching script : Battlefield 2
+ Caching script : Wolfenstein
+ Caching script : Starcraft : BroodWar
+ Caching script : Track Mania Nations For Ever
+ Caching script : Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
+ Caching script : Tropico 3
+ Caching script : Super Mario Brothers X
+ Caching script : Painkiller : Battle Out Of Hell
+ Caching script : Need For Speed II
+ Caching script : Worms World Party
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider II
+ Caching script : Devil May Cry 4
+ Caching script : Supreme Commander
+ Caching script : Last Chaos
+ Caching script : Starcraft II Wings of Liberty
+ Caching script : Fallout 3
+ Caching script : Vantage Master Online
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3
+ Caching script : Midnight Club II
+ Caching script : Age Of Wonders
+ Caching script : Diablo II : Lord Of Destruction
+ Caching script : Soldier of Fortune Platinum
+ Caching script : BaldursGate 2 Throne of Bhaal
+ Caching script : Borderlands
+ Caching script : Football Manager 2010
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Underground 2
+ Caching script : Serious Sam - The Second Encounter
+ Caching script : Etherlords 2
+ Caching script : F.E.A.R
+ Caching script : Steam HL2 mod : Pirates Vikings And Knights II
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia 2008
+ Caching script : Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition
+ Caching script : Fallout 3 - DLC
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Chronicles
+ Caching script : Theme Park World
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead
+ Caching script : Mansion Poker
+ Caching script : Steam : Team Fortress 2
+ Caching script : Clive Barker's Jericho
+ Caching script : Crayon Physics
+ Caching script : Guild Wars
+ Caching script : The Sims 3
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
+ Caching script : Warcraft III
+ Caching script : Rally Championship 2000
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs
+ Caching script : Dawn of War : Soulstorm
+ Caching script : Cacodemons Barbecue Party in Hell
+ Caching script : Pluto Strikes Back
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
+ Caching script : Civilization 3
+ Caching script : 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin
+ Caching script : Steam : Counter Strike Source
+ Caching script : Fable : The Lost Chapters
+ Caching script : Crayon Physics Deluxe
+ Caching script : Halo Combat Evolved
+ Caching script : Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic
+ Caching script : Runaway 3 - A Twist of Fates
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider II Golden Mask
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind
+ Caching script : Painkiller
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 Ambitions
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub?
+ Caching script : Race Driver : GRID
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic
+ Caching script : Gothic 3
+ Caching script : Steam : Natural Selection patch
+ Caching script : Poker Stars
+ Caching script : Need For Speed: High Stakes Road Challenge
+ Caching script : Breath of Fire IV
+ Caching script : Full Tilt Poker
+ Caching script : World Of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade
+ Caching script : Toca Race Driver 2
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer - Red Alert 3
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars - Kane Wrath
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion
+ Caching script : Bioshock
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Bloodmoon
+ Caching script : BaldursGate 2
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
+ Caching script : World Of Warcraft
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls III - Tribunal
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2008
+ Caching script : Spore
+ Caching script : RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
+ Caching script : Jazz Jackrabbit 2
+ Caching script : Croc Legend of the Gobbos
+ Caching script : StarCraft - Brood War (Digital Distribution Copy)
+ Caching script : Toca Race Driver 3
+ Caching script : Caesar III
+ Caching script : The Truth About Game Development
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - Sands of Time
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Battlefront
+ Caching script : Blur
+ Caching script : Re-Volt
+ Caching script : The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff
+ Caching script : Dawn Of War : Dark Crusade
+ Caching script : IL2 : Sturmovik
+ Caching script : King's Bounty: The Legend
+ Caching script : Industry Giant II - Gold Edition
+ Caching script : Legacy Of Kain : Defiance
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider Legend
+ Caching script : Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - The Two Thrones
+ Caching script : Mass Effect
+ Caching script : Call Of Duty 2
+ Caching script : Warrior Kings Battles
+ Caching script : Settlers 4 : Trojans and the elixir of power
+ Caching script : Zoo Tycoon 2
+ Caching script : Painkiller Black Edition
+ Caching script : Dragon Age : Awakening
+ Caching script : Steam HL1 mod : Sven Co-Op
+ Caching script : Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands
+ Caching script : PKR Poker
+ Caching script : Total Annihilation
+ Caching script : Richard Burns Rally
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto 3
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2 : Episode 2
+ Caching script : Call of Chtulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
+ Caching script : Dark Age of Camelot : Trials of Atlantis
+ Caching script : Colin Mcrae Rally 04
+ Caching script : Sonic Fan Remix
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2 : Episode 1
+ Caching script : Diablo II
+ Caching script : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006
+ Caching script : Trackmania United For ever
+ Caching script : Worms Reloaded
+ Caching script : Emperor
+ Caching script : Two Worlds (GOTY)
+ Caching script : GhostRecon
+ Caching script : FlatOut II
+ Caching script : Soldat
+ Caching script : World Racing
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Undercover
+ Caching script : Silkroad Online
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy
+ Caching script : Sonic Adventure DX
+ Caching script : Mafia
+ Caching script : Starcraft
+ Caching script : The Settlers II 10th Anniversary
+ Caching script : F.E.A.R.2 : Project Origin
+ Caching script : Steam
+ Caching script : Grand Theft Auto IV
+ Caching script : NeverWinter Nights 2
+ Caching script : Pizza Syndicate
+ Caching script : Anno 1602 Koenigs-Edition
+ Caching script : Forbidden
+ Caching script : Command And Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars - Kane Edition
+ Caching script : Paddy Power Poker
+ Caching script : Anno 1602
+ Caching script : Gothic 2
+ Caching script : Zeus: Master of Olympus
+ Caching script : bwin Poker
+ Caching script : Rfactor
+ Caching script : Pharaon
+ Caching script : Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2
+ Caching script : Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne
+ Caching script : Blood Bowl
+ Caching script : Swat 4
+ Caching script : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
+ Caching script : Torchlight
+ Caching script : Prince Of Persia - Warrior Within
+ Caching script : Dead Rising 2
+ Caching script : Drakensang
+ Caching script : Silent Hill 2
+ Caching script : Colin Mcrae Rally 2005
+ Caching script : Gothic 1
+ Caching script : CivNet
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 2 : The Age of Kings
+ Caching script : Mafia II
+ Caching script : Steam : Half-Life 2
+ Caching script : Alien Breed 2 : Assault
+ Caching script : Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness
+ Caching script : Black & White 2
+ Caching script : Geheimakte Tunguska - German
+ Caching script : Red Faction II
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Most Wanted
+ Caching script : Assassin's Creed
+ Caching script : Assassin's Creed 2
+ Caching script : Ragnarok Online
+ Caching script : The Witcher Enhanced Edition
+ Caching script : Steam : Portal
+ Caching script : Sim City 3000
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Underground
+ Caching script : Mass Effect 2
+ Caching script : Sam and Max 202: Moai Better Blues
+ Caching script : Stunt GP
+ Caching script : The Elder Scrolls IV - Knight of the nine
+ Caching script : Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne
+ Caching script : Settlers 4
+ Caching script : Theme Hospital Win
+ Caching script : Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
+ Caching script : Far Cry 2
+ Caching script : Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe
+ Caching script : Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic : The Sith Lords
+ Caching script : SimCity 4
+ Caching script : Monkey Island 2 Special Edition
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The WarChiefs
+ Caching script : Civilization 4
+ Caching script : Age Of Empires 3 The Asian Dynasties

Ready to start the server ! Listening on port 8050
Vérification de l'extension : Advanced Wine Configuration...
Vérification de l'extension : Offline PlayOnLinux...
Vérification de l'extension : Capture...
Vérification de l'extension : Transgaming Cedega...
Vérification de l'extension : Wine Import...
Vérification de l'extension : Wine Look...
Vérification de l'extension : Detour...
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:18] "GET /version2.php?v=3.8.5 HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:20] "GET /update_mark.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:20] "GET /update_mark.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
Le dépôt PlayOnLinux doit être mis à jour.
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:20] "GET /check.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:20] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_list.php HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:23] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_top?by=download
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:23] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_top?by=download HTTP/1.0" 404 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:23] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_top
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:23] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_top HTTP/1.0" 404 -
Running install menu
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] code 404, message File Not Found: /V2_data/miniatures/Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] "GET /V2_data/miniatures/Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_description.php?id=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_description.php?id=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/stars.php?n=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:39] "GET /V3_data/repository/stars.php?n=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:40] code 404, message File Not Found: /V3_data/repository/get_file.php%20&id=Mass%20Effect%202
localhost - - [08/Nov/2010 12:49:40] "GET /V3_data/repository/get_file.php%20&id=Mass%20Effect%202 HTTP/1.0" 404 -
Quentin PÂRIS Monday 8 November 2010 at 12:10
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Mets un ?id= a la place du &id=
Aymeric P. Monday 8 November 2010 at 12:59
Aymeric P.

Ah, va falloir faire une nouvelle version du plugin ....

Former member.
ang1fr Monday 8 November 2010 at 13:01

Voilà le nouveau ficheir:


# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 PlayOnLinux Team
# Copyright (C) 2007 Pâris Quentin

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
     exit 0

source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

if [ ! "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     menu=$($PYTHON "$PLAYONLINUX/python/" | tail -n 1);
if [ "$menu" = "ExecLiveInstall" -o "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE=$(eval_gettext "Manual installation")
LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG=$(eval_gettext "Install a .pol package")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE3=$(eval_gettext "Installation wizard")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE=$(eval_gettext "Please choose a type of application to install.")

     installbis=$(menu "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE" "$LISTE" "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE3" 1 2 1 "wizard.png" "~");
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG" ]
          bash "$PLAYONLINUX/playonlinux-pkg" -b
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE" ]
          bash $PLAYONLINUX/bash/LiveInstall
if [ "$?" != 0 ]
#check_network "" --quiet
if [ $? == 0 ]
     if [ "$menu" = "about:conceptor" ]
          python "$PLAYONLINUX/python/"
     if [ ! "$menu" = "" ]
          type="$(echo $menu | cut -d ':' -f1)"

          if [ "$type" = "get" ]
               id=$(echo "$menu" | cut -d ":" -f2)
               POL_SetupWindow_Init ""
               POL_SetupWindow_free_presentation "Install a non-validated script" "PlayOnLinux is going to execute a non-validated script.\\n\\nThese scripts have not been checked by PlayOnLinux validators. Please ensure you know what you are doing !"
               rm $REPERTOIRE/install
               wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file_n.php ?id=$id" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
               POL_SetupWindow_licence "Here the source code of the script. Check it carrefully" "Non validated script" "$REPERTOIRE/install"


               if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
                    bash $REPERTOIRE/install
          menu=${menu//" "/"%20"}
          rm $REPERTOIRE/install
          wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file.php ?id=$menu" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
          if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
               bash $REPERTOIRE/install

Plus de message d'erreur mais l'installation ne démarre pas.
Quentin PÂRIS Monday 8 November 2010 at 17:58
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Vire les espaces dans l'adresse
ang1fr Tuesday 9 November 2010 at 11:57

Voilà le nouveau code :


# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 PlayOnLinux Team
# Copyright (C) 2007 Pâris Quentin

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
     exit 0

source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

if [ ! "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     menu=$($PYTHON "$PLAYONLINUX/python/" | tail -n 1);
if [ "$menu" = "ExecLiveInstall" -o "$OFFLINE" == "1" ]
     LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE=$(eval_gettext "Manual installation")
LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG=$(eval_gettext "Install a .pol package")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE3=$(eval_gettext "Installation wizard")
LNG_APP_CHOOSE=$(eval_gettext "Please choose a type of application to install.")

     installbis=$(menu "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE" "$LISTE" "$LNG_APP_CHOOSE3" 1 2 1 "wizard.png" "~");
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_PKG" ]
          bash "$PLAYONLINUX/playonlinux-pkg" -b
     if [ "$installbis" = "$LNG_MAIN_INSTALL_LIVE" ]
          bash $PLAYONLINUX/bash/LiveInstall
if [ "$?" != 0 ]
#check_network "" --quiet
if [ $? == 0 ]
     if [ "$menu" = "about:conceptor" ]
          python "$PLAYONLINUX/python/"
     if [ ! "$menu" = "" ]
          type="$(echo $menu | cut -d ':' -f1)"

          if [ "$type" = "get" ]
               id=$(echo "$menu" | cut -d ":" -f2)
               POL_SetupWindow_Init ""
               POL_SetupWindow_free_presentation "Install a non-validated script" "PlayOnLinux is going to execute a non-validated script.\\n\\nThese scripts have not been checked by PlayOnLinux validators. Please ensure you know what you are doing !"
               rm $REPERTOIRE/install
               wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file_n.php?id=$id" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
               POL_SetupWindow_licence "Here the source code of the script. Check it carrefully" "Non validated script" "$REPERTOIRE/install"


               if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
                    bash $REPERTOIRE/install
          menu=${menu//" "/"%20"}
          rm $REPERTOIRE/install
          wget "$SITE/V3_data/repository/get_file.php?id=$menu" -O $REPERTOIRE/install -q
          if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/install" ]
               bash $REPERTOIRE/install

L'installation ne démarre toujours pas ...

This site allows content generated by members, and we promptly remove any content that infringes copyright according to our Terms of Service. To report copyright infringement, please send a notice to