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Civilization 3 , Sound Issue & some Video Issue

Author Replies
DrakeMagi Friday 20 August 2010 at 18:35

My Computer
2.4 dual-core
1 gig of ram
intel 82801 chip

Debian Lenny
system wine 1.0.1
- Video -minor
Had to change wine to 1.29 to have it start up.
otherwise it crashes at the movie screen
it leave little rectangles over the map. like a name was to go there.

- Sound -issue
oss driver always turn down sound all the way on pcm.
sound always clicking when games is running.
repeats last sound play, like the ending improvements to palace

PcLinuxOs 2010 Zen-Mini
system wine 1.2
-Sound #same as Debian

always have to go through startup menu wine to have game start
Playonlinux menu game just crashes at movies videos

Otherwise game plays okay

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