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Making a PlayOnLinux install script compatible with PlayOnMac?

Author Replies
joe21 Thursday 27 May 2010 at 22:38

I have a install script which only contains POL script commands, with the exception of a call to wine and it references POL variables, will this be compatible with PlayOnMac?

Also should we only mark a install script as PlayOnMac compatible, if we have tested this script on a Mac?

Edited by joe21

Quentin PÂRIS Friday 28 May 2010 at 22:38
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yes ! On mac, you will ecounter several problems with 3D acceleration. You should test your script with POM to mark it as compatible.

Two main rules with PlayOnMac

Unix command are more stricts. You shouldn't use cp folder1 folder2 -r but cp -r folder1 folder2
You should not use $HOME/.PlayOnLinux but $REPERTOIRE (var that will be translated soon)

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