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Many Many spelling Mistakes in the German Version

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marius888 Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 18:55

Hello, I'm using the german translation of playonlinux and I have found many spelling mistakes in there. For example:

In the Main-Window

"Frisch Datenbehälter auf" must be "Frische Datenbehälter auf"

If you want to install software you're asked to

"Kilke weiter" but it must be "Klicke weiter" (I saw this mistake also in other dialogs)

in the last line and you're told that

"PlayOnLinux nimmt keine Verantwortung für Verwendung von disem Script"
- this is totally nonsense, it must be
"PlayOnLinux übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Verwendung von diesem Skript"

and then (in the following Window) it says

"Bitte warten während erstellung der Präfix"

but this doesn't work. It should be

"Erstelle das Präfix. Bitte haben Sie einen Augenblick Geduld" or "Erstelle das Präfix. Bitte habe einen Augenblick Geduld"

Is there any way I can help to remove these mistakes?

NSLW Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 20:16

Language files to translate are in /usr/share/playonlinux/lang/po. You can correct those mistakes and then send .po file to Tinou. He will make .mo file out of it and hopefully include it in next POL release.

Besides first mistake I'm the one to blame for buggy German translation. Last sentence you mentioned was really hard for me to translate and as we can see I failed at it. However if not my translation you would be reading in English now :)
marius888 Saturday 22 May 2010 at 16:45

Ok, thanks for the Help

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