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Starcraft 2 : Beta

Author Replies
deadalnix Sunday 28 March 2010 at 1:30

# Date: (2009-08-21 19-25)
# Distribution used to test: Ubuntu - Karmic
# Wine version used: 1.1.41
# Author: Deadalnix

#fetching PROGRAMFILES environmental variable
PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"`

#Vérifier que PlayOnLinux est bien exécuté avant
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0

#Charger les librairies
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

Title="Starcraft2 : Beta"

if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \\"Suivant\\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du jeu sera
terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \\"Next\\" ONLY when the game installation
is finished or you will have to redo the installation.."


POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$Title" "Blizzard" "" "Deadalnix" "$Prefix"

#Installation de Wine
POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "1.1.41"

#selectiond e wine
Use_WineVersion "1.1.41"

#Préparation de Wine
select_prefixe "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$Prefix"

#install some packages using winetrick
wget -O "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/winetricks"
sh "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/winetricks" droid fontfix fontsmooth-rgb gdiplus gecko vcrun2008 vcrun2005 allfonts d3dx9 win7

#Taille de la mémoire graphique
POL_SetupWindow_textbox "Your Memory Graphic ?" "Memory Graphic"

#Réglage DirectDrawRenderer
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp"
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Direct3D]" > OGL.reg
echo "\\"VideoMemorySize\\"=\\"$VMS\\"" >> OGL.reg
regedit OGL.reg

#Override dll
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\DllOverrides]" > override.reg
echo "\\"mmdevapi\\"=\\"diabled\\"" >> override.reg
regedit override.reg

#Configuration de Wine
Set_OS win7
Set_SoundDriver "alsa"

wine "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/Installer.exe"

POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$Title"

#Création Launcher
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$Prefix" "$PROGRAMFILES/sc2beta/" "StarCraft II.exe" "" "$Title"

Set_WineVersion_Assign "1.1.41" "$Title"


This isn't really clean but it work.

However, the registration process to post here is a pain in the ass. I had to try 6 time before getting things right. Moreover, the documentation isn't clear, and unhomogenous trow different languages.

I think POL should have a look at this, as long as it's anoying people that want to help the project. This is not good to build a strong community.
BlondVador Sunday 28 March 2010 at 21:42

Thank you for your contribution !

deadalnix Monday 29 March 2010 at 3:02

No problem.

I think it has to be reviewed before an integration into the project, because this is the first time I do this so the usability of the script isn't so easy. But anyway, you have my benediction to do so ;)
deadalnix Saturday 3 April 2010 at 5:02


I'm back because of some issues with this script with the new patches. I have a quite complicated workaround :
Berillions Saturday 3 April 2010 at 10:05

Tu sais que tu peux parler Francais sur le forum Francais hein....

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