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Presentación y ofrecimiento

Author Replies
Nechux Sunday 14 February 2010 at 17:15

Hola! Soy NechuX de argentina, acabo de registrarme, soy un flamante migrado a Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) y estoy muy interesado en poder hacer funcionar los juegos de win, tengo una colección bastante extensa, y podría aportar mucha info útil, tengo muy pocos conocimientos en scripts y demás, lo que desearía es me expliquen como hacer un debug de las instalaciones para después pasarles a uds. estos datos y ver que solución se puede dar, mientras voy investigando por otros lados para poder aportar más a este y otros proyectos.
Gracias y espero respuesta pronto.


Hello! I NechuX of Argentina, just sign up, I am a newly migrated to Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) and am very interested in having to run to win games, I have a fairly extensive collection, and could provide a lot of useful info, I have very little knowledge in scripts and so on, what I want is to explain how to make a debug facility happen to pc then. this data and see what solution can be given, while I investigated for other sides to contribute more to this and other projects.
Thanks and I hope soon reply.

Edited by Nechux

Dr Phil Sunday 14 February 2010 at 17:25
Dr Phil


Do you speak English? It is very difficult to translate from Spanish. :laught:

I could understand that you were new to Ubuntu and that you had a big collection of Windows-games, but I didn't understand very much else. :sad:
It would be great if you could write on English, or if someone could help you translating.

Here is an online translator if you need (doesn't work very good with English<->Spanish though..) :

EDIT: I almost forgot, welcome to the free Linux-world. :D

Edited by Dr Phil

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