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Option to download the scripts for users without internet connection

Like me...

Author Replies
Tuxman Tuesday 2 June 2009 at 1:11

Hi, in first place, excuse me, my english is too bad, I don't are very very good...

Well, I'm a user of PlayOnLinux, and in this momment I'm playing Diablo II (it run perfect :D), but, I don't have internet connection, then, I need to download the web pages with the installation scripts for games, then, edit script files copying the text of the web page to the script file (yes, I'm slow to copy and paste text...), then I have an idea: add an option in the program to download all (or part of all, like for section) the scripts, and maybe PlayOnLinux can store it in some folder (in the configuration folder in the home folder or in another place), and, when the program are in offline mode, it can use the downloaded scripts instead of an external script (obviusly, the option for external script don't need to be deleted, it is a good option).

This is my idea, I don't know if anything else was posted this idea before me.

Thanks a lot for any answer.

PlayOnLinux rulea chido!
NSLW Tuesday 2 June 2009 at 8:26

I think you idea isn't good because some scripts need internet connection to download additional files to make application running so having only installing script isn't enough.
Ghostofkendo Tuesday 2 June 2009 at 13:31

Hi Tuxman,

As said by NSLW, an option to locally retrieve only the installation scripts won't work.

However, installing an application while being offline isn't impossible.
Indeed, as you may have seen it in the Install window of POL, there's an option to install .pol packages. These packages can contain a version of Wine for example, but it also can contain everything required to run an installation script offline.
The problem is that we currently haven't a documentation to allow you to make such packages by yourself. This part of the documentation will be written some day but, for the moment, I have a plenty of documentation to write so it may not come very quickly.

That's why I propose you, while waiting for the related documentation, to directly ask me what application you would need to install offline and I'll do the corresponding .pol package.

Tuxman Wednesday 3 June 2009 at 0:23


Well, yes, I have in mind th problem that NSLM say, and, like the post, is only an idea.

Don't worry for me, I'm fine (in this momment I only are playing Diablo II, then, I don't need to disturb Ghostofkendo), but, please, have in mind my idea, scripts like the script for Diablo II don't need internet. I know, don't be a easy job to check all the scripts and separate it in "need internet" and "don't need internet".

In any case, this post is a successfull post for me, why? Well, one admin was readed it (Ghostofkendo) and now, my idea is public, if it in a future can be real, good, but if not, don't worry, I'm happy to can use PlayOnLinux and can play Diablo II :D

And (again), don't worry, I can wait the documentation :)


Only one more thing, now I need to check the post as solved? Or is better to wait?
Aymeric P. Saturday 6 June 2009 at 16:58
Aymeric P.

In the past cendre make a plug-in for package script into pol
It's available in French here :

The last release (0.6) is a little old (2009-07-17), and I don't check if it's work always.


Edited by MulX

Former member.
Tuxman Monday 8 June 2009 at 23:58

Thanks :D, I will check it
nexter Thursday 18 June 2009 at 2:12

I think you idea isn't good because some scripts need internet connection to download additional files to make application running so having only installing script isn't enough.

Quote from NSLW

But why not make some kind of description for each script and in the description, have the text "Requires additional downloads" so that the user will know that it won't work without those extra files?
Because in some cases, my own brother has been complaining about this, the user already have those files, so why not add the option in the script to choose where to get the files? Like, "Browse for file or download"?
That would be really nice.
Ghostofkendo Thursday 18 June 2009 at 14:12

Hi nexter,

Because in some cases, my own brother has been complaining about this, the user already have those files, so why not add the option in the script to choose where to get the files? Like, "Browse for file or download"?
That would be really nice.

Quote from nexter
I agree that all the scripts should propose to download or browse for a file when needed (and that's what we usually do when we write a script) but we didn't wrote all the scripts so the older ones don't let you the ability to choose.

So for what scripts is it the most annoying? We'll try do modify them.

NSLW Thursday 18 June 2009 at 21:23

the user already have those files, so why not add the option in the script to choose where to get the files?

Quote from nexter

Each of script i wrote checks if the required file is in resources and if not then downloading is needed.

Like Ghostofkendo said, we didn't write all the scripts.
Shea7993 Sunday 13 September 2009 at 14:17

Okay i read the the topic, i have to say this is a good topic, because there are people that do not have internet, or maybe limited internet or very slooow internet...
its great that linux can retrieve anything you need from the internet, but it sux when you dont have connection... I know i didnt always have internet, we couldnt afford it, untill now, but for those people who dont have internet, create downloadable packages that contain the necesary dependancies for a specific game or application, and when installing that playonlinux would ask to browse for that package when installing when there is no connection, maybe even store the packages in a cache, so we dont have to download it again when we want to install the game again in future? those dependancy files in the cache you can use as downloadable or swappable?

just my idea on this topic, i dont know if it will work or not, but its something to think about
Tuxman Tuesday 31 August 2010 at 23:06

Hi, I'm again.

Well, I know, there was too very much time since I was posted something here.

I was stay thinking about that problem of the internet connection. So, now I have internet, but toooooo slow (up to 16 kbps... and not constant...), then, I was look for another type of applications (applications of other kind, not programs like POL), so, one of it, their job is to help people like me, checking a program to install, check their dependences and make a list of it, so, the user can go to another PC with internet and execute a script (it works for windows and linux), and it download all the files needed to install that program.

So, I was stay thinking, instead of modify every script, to add the option to select a file and that things, why not to make a tool for POL, that read a script, and make a list of all the files needed to download, and then, when a user have it in any way (another PC of things like that), run that tool again or other, to modify it, just like:

From: "Download X from Y in Z folder."
To: "Copy X from Y folder to Z folder."

So, that maybe will help, to "skip" the download and use the script without a big change, replacing the download line or lines to a copy lines.

I know, it is not so easy like "do that" and puff!! It's complete, but is an idea.


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