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Webserver down?

Author Replies
sp0 Monday 18 May 2009 at 20:14


I'm quite new to Ubuntu and all new to PlayOnLinux. Until now, the only reason for running Windows instead of Ubuntu, is that I never have gotten Warcraft 3 to run smoothly with Wine (never put so much in it..)

I will try to explain my problem as good as I can.

This is my setup:

- Ubuntu (9.04 -the Jaunty Jackalope)
- PlayOnLinux 3.5 and the wine version that came with (used apt-get install playonlinux)
- Gnome
- I have a Pentium 4 (3 GHz), ~1,5 GB ram, ATI X1600, Soundblaster Audigy 2 Soundcard (..)

- Errors from the software (came when I had finished the windows installer of WC3):
PlayOnLinux v3.5

Checking python :                     [ Ok ]These fonts were provided by Microsoft "in the interest of cross-
platform compatibility". This is no longer the case, but they are
still available from third parties.

You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
to the file name or packaging format.
Downloading : andale32.exe...
Downloading : arialb32.exe...
Downloading : arial32.exe...
Downloading : comic32.exe...
Downloading : courie32.exe...
Downloading : georgi32.exe...
Downloading : impact32.exe...
Downloading : times32.exe...
Downloading : trebuc32.exe...
Downloading : verdan32.exe...
Downloading : webdin32.exe...
Downloading : tahoma32.exe
No internet access
Installing : andale32.exe...
Installing : arialb32.exe...
Installing : arial32.exe...
Installing : comic32.exe...
Installing : courie32.exe...
Installing : georgi32.exe...
Installing : impact32.exe...
Installing : times32.exe...
Installing : trebuc32.exe...
Installing : verdan32.exe...
Installing : webdin32.exe...
Installing : tahoma32.exe
rm: kan ikke fjerne «*.done»: No such file or directory
rm: kan ikke fjerne «*.dll»: No such file or directory
rm: kan ikke fjerne «*.txt»: No such file or directory
Running install menu
rm: kan ikke fjerne «/home/ron/.PlayOnLinux/install»: No such file or directory
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on USB Device 0x46d:0x8c5, disabling mixer
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x33cf94
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\\\windows\\\\gecko\\\\0.9.1\\\\wine_gecko\\\\components\\\\xpti.dat" 1 536870916 (nil) (nil) 0x33c960 (nil)
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xa4ae888, overlapped 0xa4ae890): stub
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\\\windows\\\\gecko\\\\0.9.1\\\\wine_gecko\\\\components\\\\compreg.dat" 1 536870916 (nil) (nil) 0x33ca50 (nil)
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\js3250.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\sqlite3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\ssl3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\plds4.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\softokn3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\nss3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\plc4.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\nssutil3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\smime3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\xpcom.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\nspr4.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\freebl3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\nssckbi.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\xul.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\nssdbm3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
0[19ef10]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\\windows\\gecko\\0.9.1\\wine_gecko\\plugins\\npnul32.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
wine: configuration in '/home/ron/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WarcraftIII' has been updated.
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on USB Device 0x46d:0x8c5, disabling mixer
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on USB Device 0x46d:0x8c5, disabling mixer
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
--2009-05-18 18:58:47--
Slår opp
Kobler til||:80... feilet: Connection timed out.
Prřver igjen.

--2009-05-18 19:01:58-- (forsřk: 2)
Kobler til||:80... feilet: Connection timed out.
Prřver igjen.

--2009-05-18 19:05:09-- (forsřk: 3)
Kobler til||:80... feilet: Connection timed out.
Prřver igjen.

(and so on....)

--2009-05-18 20:01:04-- (forsřk:20)
Kobler til||:80... feilet: Connection timed out.
Gir opp.

After this the setup wizard says:
Wine 0.9.58
Unable to find version: 0.9.58

I guess it's the server that is not working for the moment, is there any other way to fix this?

Any help is appreciated :)

NSLW Monday 18 May 2009 at 20:34

I guess it's the server that is not working for the moment, is there any other way to fix this?

Quote from sp0

You should wait till the sever will be up. It always shouldn't take long time.
Aymeric P. Sunday 24 May 2009 at 19:45
Aymeric P.

The server is now on-line, but Wine 0.9.58 is corrupted (it will be automatically corrected in the following day).


Former member.
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