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Caesar 3 keeps asking for cd

Author Replies
hannah Monday 11 May 2009 at 19:50

Hi everyone,

I recently switched from windows to ubuntu (jaunty), and although I'm not exactly a computer genius I haven't had much problems and I'm very happy with it. Today I felt like playing my old cd-rom game "Caesar III" again, and after some googling I found this program. The installation went smoothly but when I try to play the game it keeps asking for the cd, while it's in the same cd drive as when I installed it. I think there must be some simple solution that I overlooked, being new to linux and all, but I've been googling for half an hour and I haven't found anything. I hope you can help me, and that this question hasn't been asked a hundred times before...
NSLW Monday 11 May 2009 at 19:59

I think there must be some simple solution that I overlooked, being new to linux and all

Quote from hannah

You didn't overlooked nothing the game is copy protected and to get it run on Linux you have to use illegal stuff even when you've got original game.

PS. It is the same case as here. My post from Wednesday 29 April 2009 at 13:17
hannah Tuesday 12 May 2009 at 10:18

Alright, thanks, I'll do it the "illegal" way then. No one in their right mind would call that theft so I think I have the right, even though it's not entirely within the law...
Now to figure out how to go about it :-) (I'll figure it out, it'll be great to teach me more about how linux works I guess)

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