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Everest Poker

Author Replies
kogitus Friday 6 March 2009 at 21:19

Bonjour à tout le monde!!!

Je suis sous Mandriva Gnome 2009.

J'ai essayé d'installer Everest Poker par le biais du Terminal ( mais l'installation s'arrête après le téléchargement.

[root@localhost Program Files]# wine everest.exe
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,255,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,253,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,247,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,239,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,232,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,228,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,221,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,213,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,208,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,204,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,200,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,194,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,186,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,183,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,180,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,174,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,170,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,163,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,160,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,153,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,148,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,146,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,141,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,134,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,124,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,120,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,109,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,99,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,94,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,83,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,76,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,72,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10028,0x00000000,0,2): stub!
fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA 1 0x33fd14 0x1459ac 0x33fd44
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\Program Files\\Everest Poker" 1 4 (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)
[root@localhost Program Files]# fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA 1 0x33fcbc 0x12f75c 0x33fce8
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\Program Files\\Everest Poker" 1 4 (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)
fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA 1 0x33fcbc 0x12f7dc 0x33fce8
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\Program Files\\Everest Poker" 1 4 (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)
fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA 1 0x33fc1c 0x1300bc 0x33fc48
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\windows\\profiles\\All Users\\Menu D\00e9marrer\\Programmes\\Everest Poker" 1 4 (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)
fixme:gdiplus:GdipSetStringFormatFlags format (0x13f870) flags (26628)
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 00640000
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 441100ec
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 04000100
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: eeff0000
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 0065626f
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: dbff0100
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 06060606
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 07080c08
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 0e0a0808
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 11100d0d
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 0f110c0e
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 18180f12
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 22222223
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 27272727
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 09080809
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 0b0e0b09
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 0e0e0e0e
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 130d0d0e
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 18110f0f
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 1a161714
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 2021211a
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 27272727
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 1100c0ff
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 220103f4
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: ff011103
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Load Unknown stream header magic: 03020200
fixme:shellllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shellllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shellllCanUnloadNow stub

Je voudrai savoir s'il est possible d'installer ce jeu, s'il existe un script avec POL ou s'il y en a un en préparation ?

Merci d'avance.

PS : Grand merci pour le script de CSS
bastien09 Saturday 7 March 2009 at 11:29

d'après il semble qu' Everest Poker ne soit pas installable avec wine.

Si tu as une machine assez puissante et une licence Windows tu peux utiliser VirtualBox pour jouer au poker (c'est ce que je fais et ça marche très bien )

Edited by bastien09

kogitus Sunday 8 March 2009 at 12:23

Salut bastien09,

Merci pour ta réponse.

d'après il semble qu' Everest Poker ne soit pas installable avec wine.

Quote from bastien09

Alors je vais attendre les futurs progrès de wine ou la bonne volonté d'Everest Poker à faire comme Winamax qui a pensé au linuxien

Si tu as une machine assez puissante et une licence Windows tu peux utiliser VirtualBox pour jouer au poker (c'est ce que je fais et ça marche très bien )

Quote from bastien09

Le problème c'est que je voudrai l'installer chez plusieurs personnes qui ont Mandriva et pas Windows.

En attendant je crois qu'ils vont se contenter de Poker Star ou Winamax


PS: Désolé pour le double poste.

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