Hi Ghostofkendo,
I'm quite surprised by your message.
First of all, I'm a newby POL scripts committer, but a long time POL user.

Last week, I discovered (thanks to marieuh) that it was possible for any user to commit scripts, in the scripts section. Therefore, I committed 3 new POL scripts : "Diablo II : LoD 1.12a patch", "Fire Department 2" and "Warcraft III : TFT 1.22a patch". Then, the 3 POL scripts entered the state : "in-editing" scripts. I validated two of them, the blizzard patch installers (by clicking the "validate" link). Scripts I tested successfully on my W3TFT and D2LoD installs. For the last script, I left it in "in-editing" state, because I've to update it to POL v3 API.
So my understanding of POL scripts states was simple:
- in-editing : The commiter (anybody) can still make changes to his script. Nobody can use
it. POL script only available to committer.
- non-validated : The committer clicked the button "validate", considering its scripts as
ready to be tested and committed to the repo by the admins.
- validated : Admins accepted the script and will commit it to the repo and therefore
will gave all POL users the ability to use the script.
In my opinion, I thought that before this step only admins could see the script.
So has I told you, I'm surprised by your message. You seem to say that I shoudn't have validated my scripts. I thought first that it was a POL admin reserved action. But as long as a validate button was available for me (little member) I thought I could validate my production. On my point of view, I thought, testing would come next, and my script would be set as "validated" by an Admin. But it seems that I didn't understand anything. I'm sorry
I will be delighted to better understand POL scripts commit process.