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Combat Arms script

Author Replies
Darkblood Sunday 25 January 2009 at 18:26

I'm finishing my script for installing Combat Arms, but suddenly a part of my code that worked no longer works. Let me show you:

warning "This game is only available for the following regions:
North Ameria
South America
Oceania (Australia/New Zealand)
The Middle East"

GAME="Combat Arms"
rm *.jpg
mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
wget $SITE/setups/CombatArms/left.jpg
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpg"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "Combat Arms" "Nexon" "North/South America and Oceania-
Europe and The Middle East-" "Darkblood" "Combat Arms"
POL_SetupWindow_message "For the game installer to work, it's necessary to install Internet Explorer and then
export the wineprefix to the IE6 folder. So i'm going to run the wizard installation
for Internet Explorer." "Install IE"

LOCATION=$(locate $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6)
if [ "$LOCATION" = "" ]; then
IE # calls the IE function
POL_SetupWindow_question "It seems that you've already been through this installation wizard.
Do you wish to skip the Internet Explorer installation?" "Skip IE installation"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "FALSE" ]; then

export WINEPREFIX="$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6"
Set_OS "winxp"

while true


POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you already have the installation file?" "$GAME"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ]; then

#Browse for the file
POL_SetupWindow_browse "Where is it?" "$GAME" "/dev/null"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "/dev/null" ]; then
EXIT=$(question "You didn't enter any path, do you want to quit the installation?" "Exit now?")

if [ "$EXIT" = "0" ]; then



else #if there's NO installation file

mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms

POL_SetupWindow_menu "Please, choose your region" "$GAME" "America/Australia/New Zealand~Europe/The Middle East" "~"

#download and installation for American users
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "America/Australia/New Zealand" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading $GAME" "$GAME" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing Combat Arms"
wine $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe
mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe $HOME

#download and installation for European users
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading $GAME" "$GAME" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Downloading Combat Arms"
wine $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/tmp/CombatArms/CAE_Downloader.exe
POL_SetupWindow_message "Only proceed after the download is complete!" "$GAME"

LOCATION=$(locate $HOME/.wine/dosdevices/c:/download/Combatarms_eu.exe)
if [ "$LOCATION" = "" ]; then
LOCATION=$(locate Combatarms_eu.exe)



POL_SetupWindow_message "The installation file has been moved to $HOME" "$GAME"
rm CombatArms -r #removes the temporary folder



if [ "$EXIT" = "1" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_message "The installation wizard has finished" "$GAME"
elif [ "$EXIT" = "0" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_message "The installation has been cancelled" "$GAME"

The part that doesn't work is this:
#download and installation for European users
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading $GAME" "$GAME" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Downloading Combat Arms"
wine $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CAE_Downloader.exe
POL_SetupWindow_message "Only proceed after the download is complete!" "$GAME"

Everything works except the wine command. If i type this command in the console, it works. If i do it by GUI, it works as well. Only here it doesn't work!
The console outputs:
err:service:RPC_Init RpcServerUseProtseq failed with error 1703
err:wineboot:start_services_process Unexpected termination of services.exe - exit code 1703
err:module:attach_process_dlls "RPCRT4.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\NEXON_EU_DownloaderUpdater.exe" failed, status c0000005

Any help?


Edited by Darkblood

Ghostofkendo Monday 26 January 2009 at 20:07

Hey Darkblood,

Nice and ambitious script you've made here (if the first piece of code is actually the entire script), but you still have to learn young padawan

Indeed, there is several mistakes or forgotten things.

But first, the solution to your issue. Wine doesn't manage to run CAE_Downloader.exe in your script because you haven't created a prefix for Combat Arms.
Do so with select_prefixe "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms"
(or "POL_SetupWindow_normalprefixcreate" if it don't do the trick).

Otherwise, you should make sure you're actually where you think you are, when you do "rm *.jpg" at the beginning of your script.
Also your mv commands don't work. For instance, instead of
mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe $HOMEyou must type mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe $HOME/CombatArmsSetup.exe(By the way, I'm wondering why you move the installer in the user's home directory? Isn't it useless once the installation is done?)

Finally, could we see your IE function please? Because I think you can do simpler but I'm not sure, so I can't tell for the moment

Bye and carry on (because, despite all I said, that's a very good start )
Darkblood Monday 26 January 2009 at 23:59

Hey Darkblood,

Nice and ambitious script you've made here (if the first piece of code is actually the entire script), but you still have to learn young padawan

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Eheh, thanks!

Indeed, there is several mistakes or forgotten things.

But first, the solution to your issue. Wine doesn't manage to run CAE_Downloader.exe in your script because you haven't created a prefix for Combat Arms.
Do so with select_prefixe "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms"
(or "POL_SetupWindow_normalprefixcreate" if it don't do the trick).

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Hmn, i see, so that's why it worked an now doesn't work. Before i was doing those two commands, but I thought that by doing - "export WINEPREFIX="$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6""- all the configuration would go to this folder...guess not.

Otherwise, you should make sure you're actually where you think you are, when you do "rm *.jpg" at the beginning of your script.
Also your mv commands don't work. For instance, instead of
mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe $HOMEyou must type mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe $HOME/CombatArmsSetup.exe(By the way, I'm wondering why you move the installer in the user's home directory? Isn't it useless once the installation is done?)

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Yes, the "rm *.jpg" at the beginning of my script is nonsense. It was from the "previous" script and i forgot to remove it.
Well, the thing about the installation file is that some people like to keep it, to give it to friends for example. Do you think i should leave it? or prompt the user if he wants to remove it? or just remove it?

Finally, could we see your IE function please? Because I think you can do simpler but I'm not sure, so I can't tell for the moment

Bye and carry on (because, despite all I said, that's a very good start )

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Yes, sure. It's basically identical to the script made by Tinou, just made a few changes. But anyways, i would like you to see it.


if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]
IES4LINUX="Un grand merci à ies4linuxn"
LNG_DL_IE="Téléchargement de ies4linux en cours..."
LNG_EX_IE="Extraction de ies4linux"
IES4LINUX="Thanks to ies4linuxn"
LNG_DL_IE="Downloading ies4linux..."
LNG_EX_IE="Extracting ies4linux"


mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
rm *.jpg
wget $SITE/setups/ie6/left.jpg
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6/left.jpg"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "Internet Explorer 6" "Microsoft" "" "Tinou" "ie6"
POL_SetupWindow_message "$IES4LINUX" "Internet Explorer 6"
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
wget "$MS_LICENCE"

POL_SetupWindow_licence "Please read this carrefully" "Licence" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6/ie_license.txt"

#afficher_fichier "license.txt" "Licence" 3 $MAX_STEP 1 "" "J'accepte"
#Set_WineVersion_Session "0.9.37"
POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_DL_IE" "$LNG_DOWNLOAD" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "PlayOnLinux is installing IE6..." "Installation"

tar -xvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
cd ies4linux-*
./ies4linux --no-desktop-icon --no-menu-icon --no-gui --basedir "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/CombatArms/" --bindir "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/ies4linux/" --downloaddir "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/tmp/ie6"
## Netoyage
cd $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms
rm ./bin/ -r
rm ./tmp/ -r
rm "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/ies4linux/" -r
rm "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/tmp/ie6" -r

export WINEPREFIX="$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6"
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "ie6" "Program Files/Internet Explorer" "iexplore.exe" "ies4linux.png" "Internet Explorer 6"

POL_SetupWindow_message "Installation of Internet Explorer has finished.
Now click next to proceed to $GAME installation " "Internet Explorer 6"

One question, i've noticed that it never removes the folder ./tmp/, because none it's created...can i remove this comand?

Last thing, more questions :
What about directx?
I tried using the script in other PC but i had problems with "locate". I switched to "find" and did the trick...What should i use?

Once again, thank you.

Edit: Just one more thing . I want to translate PlayOnLinux to portuguese. I've already edited the .po file in the Lang folder of the source. What else do i have to do?

Edited by Darkblood

Ghostofkendo Thursday 29 January 2009 at 21:58

Well, the thing about the installation file is that some people like to keep it, to give it to friends for example. Do you think i should leave it? or prompt the user if he wants to remove it? or just remove it?

Quote from Darkblood
I think you should ask the user if he wants to keep the installer.

About your IE function, it seems correct, I'm just wondering if it is really necessary to create a launcher for Combat Arms' IE?

One question, i've noticed that it never removes the folder ./tmp/, because none it's created...can i remove this comand?

Last thing, more questions :
What about directx?
I tried using the script in other PC but i had problems with "locate". I switched to "find" and did the trick...What should i use?

Quote from Darkblood
Yes, I suppose you can remove the "rm ./bin/ -r" command.
And for the choice between locate and find, it's up to you. So if find works everywhere, I don't see any problem.

Edit: Just one more thing . I want to translate PlayOnLinux to portuguese. I've already edited the .po file in the Lang folder of the source. What else do i have to do?

Quote from Darkblood
Well, you just have to send an e-mail to Tinou with the .po file joined. Thank you for participating so much

Darkblood Friday 30 January 2009 at 17:56

Well, the thing about the installation file is that some people like to keep it, to give it to friends for example. Do you think i should leave it? or prompt the user if he wants to remove it? or just remove it?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
I think you should ask the user if he wants to keep the installer.

About your IE function, it seems correct, I'm just wondering if it is really necessary to create a launcher for Combat Arms' IE?

Quote from Darkblood

Ok. I've removed it. It was there mostly to give credit for Tinou for making the IE script. I changed to this:

mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
POL_SetupWindow_message "$IES4LINUX" "Internet Explorer 6"
wget "$MS_LICENCE"

The $IES4LINUX i've changed it to:
IES4LINUX="Thanks to ies4linuxn also thanks to Tinou for this script"

About the setup file...ok!

One question, i've noticed that it never removes the folder ./tmp/, because none it's created...can i remove this comand?

Last thing, more questions :
What about directx?
I tried using the script in other PC but i had problems with "locate". I switched to "find" and did the trick...What should i use?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
Yes, I suppose you can remove the "rm ./bin/ -r" command.
And for the choice between locate and find, it's up to you. So if find works everywhere, I don't see any problem.

Quote from Darkblood

The command i was talking about was ./tmp/ -r not ./bin/ -r . Should i remove both then?
Ok, i'll try locate and find on other distros, to see what happens.

You forgot about the directx ( or you didn't want to answer , just kidding. ). The directx is installed when we install PlayOnLinux?

Edit: Just one more thing . I want to translate PlayOnLinux to portuguese. I've already edited the .po file in the Lang folder of the source. What else do i have to do?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
Well, you just have to send an e-mail to Tinou with the .po file joined. Thank you for participating so much


Quote from Darkblood

I've sent the email with the .po file attached.
Thank you too.

One more thing. About the POL_SetupWindow_browse, is there any way that it selects folders instead of files?


Edited by Darkblood

Ghostofkendo Friday 30 January 2009 at 23:08

Ok. I've removed it. It was there mostly to give credit for Tinou for making the IE script. I changed to this:

mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
POL_SetupWindow_message "$IES4LINUX" "Internet Explorer 6"
wget "$MS_LICENCE"

The $IES4LINUX i've changed it to:
IES4LINUX="Thanks to ies4linuxn also thanks to Tinou for this script"

Quote from Darkblood
No, I wasn't talking about the presentation (you were right to leave it) I was talking about that:POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "ie6" "Program Files/Internet Explorer" "iexplore.exe" "ies4linux.png" "Internet Explorer 6"Sorry for the misleading

The command i was talking about was ./tmp/ -r not ./bin/ -r . Should i remove both then?

Quote from Darkblood
Erf, sorry again. I was meaning "rm ./tmp/ -r "

Indeed, about DirectX, I forgot the question. My apologizes once more.
So DirectX 8.1 is provided in Wine by default. If Combat Arms needs DirectX 9, use the script to update DirectX.

One more thing. About the POL_SetupWindow_browse, is there any way that it selects folders instead of files?

Quote from Darkblood
Hmm, I don't think so but I'll ask Tinou
Darkblood Saturday 31 January 2009 at 3:08

Ok. I've removed it. It was there mostly to give credit for Tinou for making the IE script. I changed to this:

mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ie6
POL_SetupWindow_message "$IES4LINUX" "Internet Explorer 6"
wget "$MS_LICENCE"

The $IES4LINUX i've changed it to:
IES4LINUX="Thanks to ies4linuxn also thanks to Tinou for this script"

Quote from Ghostofkendo
No, I wasn't talking about the presentation (you were right to leave it) I was talking about that:POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "ie6" "Program Files/Internet Explorer" "iexplore.exe" "ies4linux.png" "Internet Explorer 6"Sorry for the misleading

Quote from Darkblood

My apologies for the mistake, i'll change it back.

The command i was talking about was ./tmp/ -r not ./bin/ -r . Should i remove both then?

Quote from Ghostofkendo
Erf, sorry again. I was meaning "rm ./tmp/ -r "

Indeed, about DirectX, I forgot the question. My apologizes once more.
So DirectX 8.1 is provided in Wine by default. If Combat Arms needs DirectX 9, use the script to update DirectX.

One more thing. About the POL_SetupWindow_browse, is there any way that it selects folders instead of files?

Quote from Darkblood
Hmm, I don't think so but I'll ask Tinou

Quote from Darkblood

Ok, thanks.
Darkblood Sunday 8 February 2009 at 23:55

Hi again,

So...any news? I've sent the email with the .po file, but i haven't got any answer, i don't know if Tinou received it or not. I don't know why he doesn't answer me, i have been always polite and i'm trying to help this project the way i can. And it's not polite from him that he doesn't answer his messages...are we working on a community or what?

About the script...i've been doing some minor changes, i don't have much time now (exams).

warning "This game is only available for the following regions:
North Ameria
South America
Oceania (Australia/New Zealand)
The Middle East"

GAME="Combat Arms"
mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
wget $SITE/setups/CombatArms/left.jpg
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpg"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "Combat Arms" "Nexon" "North/South America and Oceania-
Europe and The Middle East-" "Darkblood" "Combat Arms"
POL_SetupWindow_message "For the game installer to work, it's necessary to install Internet Explorer and then
export the wineprefix to the IE6 folder. So i'm going to run the wizard installation
for Internet Explorer." "Install IE"

POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "ie6" "Program Files/Internet Explorer" "iexplore.exe" "CombatArms2.png" "Combat Arms"

LOCATION=$(find -name $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6)
if [ "$LOCATION" = "" ]; then
IE # calls the IE function
POL_SetupWindow_question "It seems that you've already been through this installation wizard.
Do you wish to skip the Internet Explorer installation?" "Skip IE installation"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "FALSE" ]; then

#manage wine prefix
select_prefixe "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms"
export WINEPREFIX="$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/ie6"

while true


POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you already have the installation file?" "$GAME"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ]; then

#Browse for the file
POL_SetupWindow_browse "Where is it?" "$GAME" "/dev/null"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "/dev/null" ]; then
EXIT=$(question "You didn't enter any path, do you want to quit the installation?" "Exit now?")

if [ "$EXIT" = "0" ]; then



else #if there's NO installation file

mkdir $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms

POL_SetupWindow_menu "Please, choose your region" "$GAME" "America/Australia/New Zealand~Europe/The Middle East" "~"

#download and installation for American users
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "America/Australia/New Zealand" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading $GAME" "$GAME" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing Combat Arms"
wine $REPERTOIRE/tmp/CombatArms/CombatArmsSetup.exe

#download and installation for European users
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading $GAME" "$GAME" ""
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Downloading Combat Arms"
wine $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/tmp/CombatArms/CAE_Downloader.exe
POL_SetupWindow_message "Only proceed after the download is complete!" "$GAME"

LOCATION=$(find -name $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/CombatArms/drive_c/download/Combatarms_eu.exe) #CORRIGIR o directório de download
if [ "$LOCATION" = "" ]; then
LOCATION=$(find -name $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/Combatarms_eu.exe)


#prompt user for remove
while true; do

POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you want to keep the setup file?" "$GAME"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_browse "To where? (It's advised to type or copy to the textbox, instead of browse!)" "$GAME" "$HOME"

#move the file and check if it's moved correctly
mv $LOCATION $APP_ANSWER/Combatarms_eu.exe
LOCATION1=$(find -name CombatArmsSetup.exe)
LOCATION2=$(find -name Combatarms_eu.exe)
if [ "$LOCATION2" = "" ] || [ "$LOCATION1" = "" ] ; then
POL_SetupWindow_message "The file was NOT moved!
Please try again (check if the directory is correct!)" "Error!"

else #If user doesn't want the setup file

rm CombatArms -r #removes the temporary folder
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "Combat Arms" "game folder path" "CombatArms.exe" #don't mind this :P


if [ "$EXIT" = "1" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_message "Done !
The installation wizard has finished" "$GAME"
elif [ "$EXIT" = "0" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_message "The installation has been cancelled" "$GAME"

I think the last thing to be done is the shortcut, which is incomplete in this script. If you notice any bugs, please let me know.

About the "Set_OS"...this sets a Windows version that remains every time i launch the game?
If i had used Set_OS_2k in one game, every time i launched that specific game the OS in wine would change (or remain) to the 2k?

marieuh Monday 9 February 2009 at 0:38

Hi again,

So...any news? I've sent the email with the .po file, but i haven't got any answer, i don't know if Tinou received it or not. I don't know why he doesn't answer me, i have been always polite and i'm trying to help this project the way i can. And it's not polite from him that he doesn't answer his messages...are we working on a community or what?

Quote from Darkblood

you assume too much and the forum is no place for such assumptions as someone being polite or not in the first place.
There is no point in assuming someone's not polite because they haven't replied and even less point in commenting about it on the forum, I hope it is understood and won't happen again... drawing conclusions from an unanswered mail is taking it a bit too far don't you think?

so submit your script here if it is finished and someone will look it up

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Darkblood Monday 9 February 2009 at 2:56

Hi again,

So...any news? I've sent the email with the .po file, but i haven't got any answer, i don't know if Tinou received it or not. I don't know why he doesn't answer me, i have been always polite and i'm trying to help this project the way i can. And it's not polite from him that he doesn't answer his messages...are we working on a community or what?

Quote from marieuh

you assume too much and the forum is no place for such assumptions as someone being polite or not in the first place.
There is no point in assuming someone's not polite because they haven't replied and even less point in commenting about it on the forum, I hope it is understood and won't happen again... drawing conclusions from an unanswered mail is taking it a bit too far don't you think?

so submit your script here if it is finished and someone will look it up

Quote from Darkblood

I didn't assume anything, i'm dealing with facts. I didn't say that he wasn't a nice person and i can't even say that, because i simply don't know him... what've said (or at least tried to) is that his atitude towards me was not polite. And if you think the atitude of ignoring people who are trying to help the project is good or normal, well..there's no point discussing with you.
I tried to contact him also by private message, it wasn't only one mail, and i've been very patient, of course.
If i don't use the forum to also discuss these things, where should i go? Working on a community is discussing (not only but also) when something is wrong long as there is respect, it's a good thing and i don't think i disrespected anyone.

I'm not trying to judge anyone, who am i to do that? i just want the same respect that i give to others, and in this case, was just a message saying "yes" or "no".
The email i sent was about a translation that i made for PlayOnLinux, it wasn't related to this script. But thanks for that link, i'll certainly use it when my script is finished.
Ghostofkendo Monday 9 February 2009 at 22:54

Ohoh, it seems that you've just met marieuh, so let me introduce the most strict person in our staff... (just kidding)

More seriously, I agree mostly with you. Sure, Tinou should have answered to your messages but what you don't know is that we have to change our server (within a few weeks) and Tinou have to work hard to set up the new server.
So he is very busy right now and as an example, he doesn't have time to do even what I suggest him!

About the shorcut, it is easy:
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "GamePrefix" "Program Files/Editor Directory/Game directory" "GameExecutable.exe" "Game Icon name" "Shortcut name"For the icon, it isn't mandatory so you can submit your script without it and ask to add it later.

And yes, the value given with the "Set_OS" function will remain as long as the user doesn't change it explicitly (with Configure this application > Configure wine for example).

luchix Wednesday 7 October 2009 at 9:56

how to I can install combat arms?? Copy the script in empty file and run it in the console???

examble: $ ./empty_file




I have install Combat Arms with POL...I have install first IE6 and after I launch Combatarms_eu.exe.
All works...but:

1 - my desktop resolution is 1920x1080...when I launch Combat Arms, his resolution turn on 1024x768!! How I can change his resolution??

2 - The key W...S...D...A... this key go in loop if I press it for 1 second! The player stop and the sound go in loop. After I release the key, the player work perfectly!

Bye bye
Skrap Wednesday 25 November 2009 at 4:27

As this thread has been dead for awhile, and I couldn't help but notice no script in playonlinux v3.7.2, I was wondering: Is there going to be a completed script for it in the future? Or if there is already a completed script, what do I need to recieve/install it? I love the game, and hate windows. :devil: I'm not much at coding for any language, and know virtually nothing about linux, but I would like to help, if nothing more than just keeping the thread alive. °_°

I realize game updates, along with hackshield updates might add stumbling blocks, and I don't want to sound like an impatient adolescent, was just hoping someone could point me in the right direction as I am new to the linux community as well as the playonlinux community.

To all those who read, research, and reply to these posts, I thank you for your time and knowledge you share with us. You do great things for us who are less knowledgeable in such matters.

Edited by Skrap

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