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PCLinuxOS build, codecs etc.

Author Replies
mooncats Saturday 10 January 2009 at 2:18

First of all, let me thank you for the extremely useful high-quality application, you guys did a great job.

I'm using PCLinuxOS GNU/Linux distribution, and i was happy to find a download link for this specific distro. Unfortunately, this link appeared to be broken and leads to nowhere. Do you possibly have a backup one I could use to download the latest version of PCLinuxOS-targetted build? The one we got in repository is 2.* which is no longer supported according to the statement i get while trying to fetch a game. Luckily, i got no major issues with games I install manually, but i'd still love to have a latest package.

There is, however, another thing which is bugging me. One of the games I'd like to run requires a specific codec to be installed. Could you please explain how do I get some .exe installer to affect a certain wineprefix location in a slightest way?

Thank you for your time, and again, thanks for your great work, keep it up! By the way, do you accept any donations?


P.S. Jeez, I really love this cozy forum. Did you use any ready-made engine or created your own one? In the 1st case, I would appreciate if you let me know its title. Thanks.
marieuh Saturday 10 January 2009 at 9:41


*if the link for your distro is broken, use the generic package here

*I have no idea as far as your codec problem but did you check wine's website to see how your game ran? If it works fine with wine then there should be no problem (and even explanations) but if it doesn't work with wine it most certainly won't work with pol

* I don't think Tinou used a ready made engine for the forum, he did it all by himself (I'm pretty sure)

as far as donations go, check this out with the über big boss if you're really interested in supporting the project that way


If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
mooncats Saturday 10 January 2009 at 11:33

Thanks so much for your prompt response.

Actually, i am using generic package currently. However, I am having a strange GUI issue with it: I can't proceed with installing any application, neither from list nor manually, unless i kill an application-choosing window forcibly, it miraculously makes the installation process continue. I thought this may be tuned in specific build, but well, i can live with that

As for codec, I just wanted to know how do I make some additional installer be run in the existing wineprefix, but I've found the way myself already

Thanks again for your work, you've got a staunch user of your project now. And I am gonna spread a word of it with regard to this topic. I believe people ain't aware much of it, at least comparing to projects like Cedega and Crossover. And that IS a pity. There is a FREE stuff which can beat them all.

Best regards,

Edited by mooncats

marieuh Saturday 10 January 2009 at 12:11

Well, I may be wrong (this isn't really my area of expertise, I'm the translator here) but you should be able to modify the installation script so that it downloads the proper codecs and installs them in the correct wineprefix...

keep us informed and thanks for the nice words (and future publicity) it's always nice


If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Ghostofkendo Saturday 17 January 2009 at 22:18

Hello mooncats,

Well, I may be wrong (this isn't really my area of expertise, I'm the translator here) but you should be able to modify the installation script so that it downloads the proper codecs and installs them in the correct wineprefix...

Quote from marieuh
Sure, you can write your own short script but there is a simpler solution.
Do Install > install a non supported application > manual installation > Modify an already installed app then you can choose a prefix and the .exe installer to run.
I guess that's how you did.

mooncats Monday 19 January 2009 at 23:50

Hello, Ghostofkendo!

I guess that's how you did.


Yes, that's right! Pure logic, isn't it? ;)

By the way, I've switched to another Linux distro recently (ALT Linux - our native /russian/ rpm-based distribution), the GUI bug doesn't arise there, and a generic package works like charm, though i've been puzzled a little when i was asked about "ar" and "convert" utilities required (couldn't find a list of libs required for POL to work), but that's such a small problem ;)

Best regards,

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