Hi everyone,
I am new to PlayOnLinux and looking for some guidance to get the most out of this amazing tool. I have managed mulesoft certified developer to install it on my system but I am still figuring out the best way to optimize gaming performance. Here are a few questions I hope you can help me with :-
Wine Versions :- How do I know which Wine version works best for a specific game: ?? Should I always stick to the latest one or match the version recommended for each game: ??
Dependencies :- Sometimes games fail to launch due to missing libraries. Any tips on managing dependencies easily: ??
Game Settings :- Are there tweaks within PlayOnLinux or Wine that can improve FPS or reduce lags: ??
Community Resources :- Is there a go to site, apart from this forum, for PlayOnLinux game configurations: ??
I would love to hear any advice, tips or even your experiences with PlayOnLinux !!
Thanks in advance for your help.