I recently wanted to run Trove and thought great PlayOnLinux has a Rift game setup. I thought this would work as Rift and Trove install from same installer/hub but it didn't. Glyph (game installer/hub) installed correctly but Trove error messaged, wouldn't install or run. I found a few forums and YouTube videos and combined their recommendations and it works perfectly.
I have been trying to recreate the method I used with no joy. When I have recreated it I have used a plain Wine 1.9.5-staging instead of the Rift version as a base then modefy Wine version, Windows version and add libraries(with Rift base it works after modifying). I have created a backup of this virtual machine using PlayOnLinux Vault so I don't lose it.
My main reason for messaging here is because I would like to share my success by asking PlayOnLinux or forum members if there are files I can submit to PlayOnLinux to get it into the supported games area. Then after that I will pass the information to CrossOver for their supported list.
Edited by jabbay