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Autorun feature

Bug in Autorun

Author Replies
Ante Saturday 27 September 2008 at 11:17

I have found a bug in Autorun feature and have made a un-official patch that isn't release. I have made these games working with the autorun feature by my patch: Battlefield 1942, Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, Delta Force: Land Warrior, Demon Stone, Dragonshard, MDK and Sacred Gold. Before it didn't work with the autorun for those games!

Any other got any problems with some games?

Know this, my friend - the evil that you move against is the dark lord of terror. -Deckard Cain
Ante Tuesday 11 November 2008 at 18:46

Bugg exist still! Intressted of a patch?

Edited by Ante

Know this, my friend - the evil that you move against is the dark lord of terror. -Deckard Cain
Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 30 November 2008 at 17:26
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

I just need to know why are these games posing problems
Ante Monday 1 December 2008 at 19:04

Running with Autorun in PlayOnLinux 3.2.1
Delta Force Land Warrior the autorun runs and display this when I click Install.
Title: AutoRun Error (2)
Text: AutoRun was unable to carry out your command. If you have removed the CD from the CD-ROM please replace the CD and try again.

Sacred the autorun runs and display this.
Title: Error
Text: Error reading data file.

Demon Stone the autorun runs and display this.
Title: Wrong Disc In
Text: Please insert Install Disc 1

Dragonshard the autorun runs and display this.
Title: Error
Text: Text not found!

BattleField 1942 (Deluxe Edition) the autorun runs and when pressing install it just disapeer.
BattleField menu isn't working and displayed correctly.

Delta Force Black Hawk Down the autorun runs and display this when I click Install.
Title: AutoRun Error (2)
Text: AutoRun was unable to carry out your command. If you have removed the CD from the CD-ROM please replace the CD and try again.

Tested in terminal
If I run this in terminal:
wine /media/DELTAFORCELW/autorun/autorun.exe
wine /media/Sacred\ Gold/AutoRun.exe
wine /media/DEMON_STONE_DVD/Autorun.exe
wine /media/DRAGONSHARD/Autoplay.exe
wine /media/BF1942_1/Autorun.exe
All these commands I get the same error as in the PlayOnLinux.

Autorun works and install:
cd /media/DELTAFORCELW/ && wine autorun/autorun.exe
cd /media/Sacred\ Gold/ && wine AutoRun.exe
cd /media/DEMON_STONE_DVD/ && wine Autorun.exe
cd /media/BF1942_1/ && wine Autorun.exe
cd /media/DFBHD/ && wine AUTORUN/AUTORUN.EXE

cd /media/DRAGONSHARD/ && wine Autoplay.exe (Autorun works but Wine bug: Install refuse to run because of safedisc copy-protection) So here we have to wait for wine to fix it's bug too,

MDK's autorun isn't working probly a wine bug.
Didn't work at all.
I used the latest PlayOnLinux 3.2.1 and Wine 1.1.9.

Edited by Ante

Know this, my friend - the evil that you move against is the dark lord of terror. -Deckard Cain
Ante Friday 5 December 2008 at 14:06

Simply the problem is that the autorun feature on some games autorun program doesn't work correctly. Because it is runes directly instead of going to the folder where the CD is located. It makes some games autorun program to not work or work properly.

Know this, my friend - the evil that you move against is the dark lord of terror. -Deckard Cain
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