So all a person has to do is seem insulting to finally get a reply around here, is that it? Did you happen to notice the dates on the first two posts in this thread? Aug 8, 2008, and Jan 3, 2009. 5 months somebody has been waiting for a reply, and I come along, push a few buttons, get your dander up, and you reply instantly. Amazing.
wine, wget, unzip, lynx, xterm, ImageMagick, et python-wxgtk (python2.5-wxgtk2.8) and according to your graphic environment you will need either Zenity or kdialog.
Once all those dependencies are installed, proceed to pol's installation.
And I was supposed to know that how? It isn't stated anywhere on the site that I could find, and your forum doesn't have a search feature. Thank you for telling me that now, but dependencies should be listed somewhere on the site.
ranting about how not user friendly linux is just because you can't get a application installed
I'm not saying that Linux isn't user-friendly. I'm saying that, to a total Windows user, considering the switch, it is not as friendly as it could be. Don't get me wrong. I am a die-hard FOSS supporter, and am trying to make the switch completely, and dump M$. I'm not knocking Linux. I'm simply stating how a relatively computer-illiterate Windows user would see Linux. Until our community is capable of playing Devil's Advocate, and seeing Linux from a WIndows user's point of view, we will never be able to make strides in our desktop market share. Quit taking things like this as insults, and take them, instead, as prods to do better, to make the software more user-friendly.
"hey, i'm new, i don't know of this works and am not interested in getting to know my system well enough to help myself... do the work for me ... please " is giving me the creeps.
Well, it may give you the creeps, but get used to it, because it's the predominant attitude of most computer-illiterate M$ users. Anybody who knows me could tell you that it does not describe me at all. I don't expect somebody else to do my work. But it is the way most M$ users think, and the way they feel when confronted by something they know nothing about. If I were a die-hard M$ user, considering Linux for the first time, and looking into PlayOnLinux as one of my options for gaming, I would have given up and gone back to Windows after that list of errors in the terminal.
the documentation is being rewritten ... once again, lots of work, limited staff with limited free time.
Well, I'm glad it's being written, but honestly, it should have been written with the release of the project. If that statement leaves a sour taste in your mouth, perhaps you should examine your target audience, and determine for yourself the truth, or lack thereof, in that statement. I realize you have limited staff, and they are volunteers, and if I have made anybody feel unappreciated for their efforts, I do offer heartfelt apologies. I truly appreciate what volunteers do in a project of this magnitude, but without documentation, you've put the cart before the horse.
there is no need to troll about windows being more user-friendly than Linux
One off-hand remark about how a lifelong Windows user might view Linux is hardly "trolling". In fact, I find the KDE GUI much more user-friendly than Windows. Again, I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, and telling you how we (the Linux community) often appear to Windows users. If you choose to delete that, then I will know exactly where you stand on the issue of free speech, and will discontinue any use of your project. Believe it or not, I have gotten many of my games to work simply using Wine, in the past. I wanted to try your project because it appears to me that it might be an excellent Linux gaming solution for the masses, not just the technically-inclined, and that's what our community needs, in order to seriously attract Windows users into converting. We need to stop seeing ourselves as superusers and pros, and start seeing ourselves how non-power users see us, and start seeing our operating systems how non-power users see them. Only then will we be able to attract those users.
you will acknowledge the tone was seriously inappropriate
There was no "tone" in my original post, other than what you yourself perceived. It is text. Letters on a screen. The only tone is what the reader perceives. And no, I don't think my original post was inappropriate. As I have stated several times, it was intended to make you see how frustrating and futile this would seem to somebody who may be considering converting from Windows. If you're not able to take a little constructive criticism on the structure of the project, you may wish to consider another line of work. Not everybody will phrase their criticisms in as friendly a manner as I did. And not everybody will stick around, after having their hands slapped by you. If you want to develop a large community of users, you need to first develop thicker skin.
All that having been said, I wish to reiterate that I truly do appreciate everything that all of you are trying to do with this project, and I wish you great success in your endeavours. I simply believe that the documentation should have been written to coincide with the project's release. This is quite obviously a project designed to make for an easy switch from M$ to Linux, but it does not quite accomplish that. Yet. And I'm sure it will, given time, and your continued dedication to making it happen.