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IE8 components fails to install - MD5 sum mismatch

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coldscientist Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 18:28


I'm trying to install IE8 component (select app at PlayOnMac screen > Setup > Install Components > Internet Exlporer 8), I first tried to select the Portuguese (Brazil) link but it seems broken - it's still available at Web Archive, so I believe it's easy to fix - only needed to change the Portuguese (Brazil) URL of IE8 to:

As I was unable to install IE8 into my language, I decided to install it througth English language instead - the file was downloaded just fine. It requested to download MS Fonts, it also endup fine. But when it attempted to download KB975337, it fails with MD5 Sum Mismatch.

I'm not sure, but I believe that this problem is happening because the file isn't available at Web Archive anymore (it doesn't seems to download the file, as the download progress bar isn't updated) or the MD5 sum at POL file isn't match the MD5 sum downloaded from Web Archive.

coldscientist Thursday 12 May 2022 at 16:49

I updated the POL_install_ie8 and POL_install_gdiplus scripts at PlayOnLinux community so it should now be able to download those updates.

There's still a bug that prevent PlayOnMac to download Web Archive URLs, so multilanguage download support to IE8 should be fixed only to Linux plataform. Mac users can still download IE8 ENU (English) instead.

I will open another forum topic to discuss about Web Archive URL support on macOS.

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