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Need help running Holdfast: Nations at War

Author Replies
Mithrilled Monday 27 December 2021 at 15:41


Today I bought Holdfast on Steam and downloaded Playonmac, following this video: It was very easy to follow, Steam itself and everything else worked very well until after I tried to actually run the game. It would load for a bit, but afterwards it gives me this error. (Excuse the dutch, but it's mostly about the middle text). When I search on the codeweavers website it says that Holdfast should run. Furthermore, when following the the video linked above, a small step (downloading Gecko) didn't appear for me, I think that's noteworthy at the very least. I'll also post the log and system details at the bottom here. This happens not only for Holdfast by the way, it happens to all games I tried running. Any help is greatly appreciated!

System details: 

OS Version: MacOS Big Sur Version 11.5.2, Graphics card: Radeon Pro 570X 4 GB, Wine version: PlayOnMac 4.4.3

Screenshots are in underlined, should link to imgur.


Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000070 in 64-bit code (0x0000000074dff6d4).

Register dump:

 rip:0000000074dff6d4 rsp:000000000021ed30 rbp:000000000021f1c0 eflags:00010246 (  R- --  I  Z- -P- )

 rax:0000000000000000 rbx:0000000002778fc8 rcx:0000000074f72ef5 rdx:0000000074f72ef5

 rsi:000000000021f110 rdi:0000000002771f50  r8:0000000074f37f9f  r9:000000000021db7c r10:00007fff203c3cce

 r11:0000000000000000 r12:0000000000000000 r13:0000000002771f50 r14:00007ffd01d90000 r15:0000000000000000

Stack dump:

0x000000000021ed30:  0000003000000000 000000000021f350

0x000000000021ed40:  000000000021f270 006c0000006c006c

0x000000000021ed50:  000000003b9bb079 000000000021f0a0

0x000000000021ed60:  0000273900400087 000067df00001002

0x000000000021ed70:  20444d4100000002 50206e6f65646152

0x000000000021ed80:  0058303735206f72 0000000000000000

0x000000000021ed90:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x000000000021eda0:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x000000000021edb0:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x000000000021edc0:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x000000000021edd0:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x000000000021ede0:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000


=>0 0x0000000074dff6d4 wined3d_adapter_vk_create+0x8f4() in wined3d (0x000000000021f1c0)

0x0000000074dff6d4 wined3d_adapter_vk_create+0x8f4 in wined3d: calll *0x0000000000000070(%rax)


Module Address Debug info Name (82 modules)

ELF             2000-            b000 Deferred        <wine-loader>

PE           240000-          4ad000 Deferred        msvcrt

PE           4b0000-          55a000 Deferred        sechost

PE           560000-          b03000 Deferred        gdi32

PE           b10000-          ceb000 Deferred        setupapi

PE           cf0000-         11c2000 Deferred        ole32

PE          11d0000-         132e000 Deferred        combase

PE          1330000-         14b1000 Deferred        winmm

PE          14c0000-         15d3000 Deferred        winhttp

PE          15e0000-         1a31000 Deferred        windowscodecs

PE          1a40000-         1ac2000 Deferred        propsys

PE          1ad0000-         1b03000 Deferred        wsock32

PE          2160000-         216e000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0

PE          2170000-         217d000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1

PE          22a0000-         247d000 Deferred        gameoverlayrenderer64

PE          4890000-         489e000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0

PE          48a0000-         48ae000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0

PE          6840000-         6d8a000 Deferred        mono

PE          6d90000-         6dab000 Deferred        mswsock

PE          91e0000-         91ee000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1

PE          9b30000-         9e46000 Deferred        d3d11

PE         61540000-        61633000 Deferred        advapi32

PE         62980000-        6298e000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1

PE         62dc0000-        62ffe000 Deferred        rpcrt4

PE         63280000-        632a3000 Deferred        version

PE         639c0000-        63a0d000 Deferred        shcore

PE         64840000-        6497b000 Deferred        shlwapi

PE         64cc0000-        650e7000 Deferred        oleaut32

PE         66040000-        66085000 Deferred        bcrypt

PE         664c0000-        664ee000 Deferred        hid

PE         67640000-        67651000 Deferred        psapi

PE         67e80000-        67ece000 Deferred        jsproxy

PE         67fc0000-        67fcf000 Deferred        api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1

ELF         68013000-        680c0000 Deferred

PE         680c0000-        680e5000 Deferred        liblzma.5.dylib

PE         6825a000-        68262000 Deferred        libwine.1.0.dylib

ELF         68262000-        6827c000 Deferred

ELF         6827c000-        6829a000 Deferred

ELF         6829a000-        682b8000 Deferred

ELF         682b8000-        682e2000 Deferred

ELF         682e2000-        682fe000 Deferred

ELF         6c200000-        6c248000 Deferred        ws2_32<elf>

  \-PE         6c210000-        6c23b000 \               ws2_32

ELF         6c248000-        6c269000 Deferred

ELF         6c269000-        6c296000 Deferred

ELF         6c296000-        6c2cd000 Deferred        iphlpapi<elf>

  \-PE         6c2a0000-        6c2c1000 \               iphlpapi

PE         6c2e3000-        6c38c000 Deferred        libfreetype.6.dylib

PE         6c38c000-        6c3bd000 Deferred        libpng16.16.dylib

PE         6c3bd000-        6c3ce000 Deferred        libbrotlidec.1.0.9.dylib

PE         6c3ce000-        6c3f5000 Deferred        libbrotlicommon.1.0.9.dylib

PE         6c600000-        6c618000 Deferred        libtasn1.6.dylib

PE         6c62c000-        6c684000 Deferred        libnettle.8.dylib

PE         6c684000-        6c6ed000 Deferred        libhogweed.6.dylib

ELF         6d800000-        6e258000 Deferred        shell32<elf>

  \-PE         6d810000-        6e1e1000 \               shell32

PE         6e258000-        6e2d8000 Deferred        libgmp.10.dylib

PE         6e3b8000-        6e5ca000 Deferred        libgnutls.30.dylib

ELF         6e5ca000-        6e6a8000 Deferred        winemac<elf>

  \-PE         6e5d0000-        6e66b000 \               winemac

PE         6e6c0000-        6e99b000 Deferred        crypt32

PE         6ea40000-        6ea60000 Deferred        dwmapi

PE         6eac4000-        6eadc000 Deferred        libobjc-trampolines.dylib

PE         6eb00000-        6f1ca000 Deferred        user32

PE         70940000-        70c0f000 Deferred        ucrtbase

ELF         70d17000-        70d67000 Deferred        dxgi<elf>

  \-PE         70d20000-        70d4b000 \               dxgi

PE         71000000-        7104e000 Deferred        imm32

ELF         74ddd000-        74fa1000 Stabs           wined3d<elf>

  \-PE         74de0000-        74f74000 \               wined3d

PE         7646e000-        76b14000 Deferred        libmoltenvk.dylib

ELF         7a800000-        7a9a7000 Deferred        opengl32<elf>

  \-PE         7a810000-        7a958000 \               opengl32

PE         7b000000-        7b323000 Deferred        kernelbase

PE         7b600000-        7b931000 Deferred        kernel32

PE         7bc00000-        7becd000 Deferred        ntdll

ELF         7d400000-        7d40a000 Deferred        <wine-loader>

PE        140000000-       1400a3000 Deferred        holdfast naw

PE        180000000-       181732000 Deferred        unityplayer

PE     7fff203c2000-    7fff203f2000 Deferred        libsystem_kernel.dylib

PE     7fff203f2000-    7fff203fe000 Deferred        libsystem_pthread.dylib

PE     7fff2043a000-    7fff20446000 Deferred        libsystem_platform.dylib


process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)

00000020 Steam.exe

00000024    0

000000e8    0

000000ec    0

000000f0    0

000000f8    0

000000fc    0

00000104    0

00000108    0

0000010c    0

00000118    2

0000011c    0

00000120    2

00000128    0

0000012c    0

00000130    0

00000134    0

00000138    0

00000144    0

00000148    0

0000014c    0

00000150    0

00000154    0

00000158    0

0000016c    0

00000178    0

000001b4    0

00000030 services.exe

00000034    0

00000038    0

00000044    0

00000060    0

00000078    0

000000a0    0

000000c8    0

0000003c winedevice.exe

00000040    0

0000004c    0

00000050    0

00000054    0

00000248    0

00000058 plugplay.exe

0000005c    0

00000064    0

00000068    0

0000006c    0

00000088    0

0000008c    0

000000f4    0

00000070 winedevice.exe

00000074    0

0000007c    0

00000080    0

00000084    0

00000090    0

00000094    0

00000098 svchost.exe

0000009c    0

000000a4    0

000000a8    0

000000ac explorer.exe

000000b0    0

000000b4    0

000000b8    0

000000c0 rpcss.exe

000000c4    0

000000d0    0

000000d4    0

000000d8    0

000000dc    0

000000e0    0

00000164    0

0000019c (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Holdfast Nations At War\Holdfast NaW.exe

000001a0    0 <==

000001c8    0

000001cc    0

000001d0    0

000001d4    0

000001d8    0

000001dc    0

000001e0   -2

000001e4   -2

000001e8   -2

000001ec   -2

000001f0   -2

000001f4   -2

000001f8   -2

000001fc   -2

00000200   -2

00000204   -2

00000208   -2

0000020c   -2

00000210   -2

00000214   -2

00000218   -2

0000021c   -2

00000220   -1

00000224    0

00000240    0

000001c0 UnityCrashHandler64.exe

000001c4    0

0000022c    0

System information:

    Wine build: wine-6.0

    Platform: x86_64

    Version: Windows 7

    Host system: Darwin

    Host version: 20.6.0


Edited by Mithrilled

Mithrilled Wednesday 5 January 2022 at 14:22

Does anyone know a solution to this? I can still refund the game so if not I'll do that, any help is appreciated

Dadu042 Wednesday 5 January 2022 at 18:40

The only help I can provide you is:

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