Some more data in case anyone has ideas...
The output below relates to the device that appears after connecting. I saw one article and tried to symlink - but still no good.,
+-o DJI@14300000 <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x10000797e, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (216 ms), retain 26>
"sessionID" = 132021557337527
"iManufacturer" = 2
"bNumConfigurations" = 1
"idProduct" = 31
"bcdDevice" = 65535
"Bus Power Available" = 250
"USB Address" = 39
"bMaxPacketSize0" = 64
"iProduct" = 3
"iSerialNumber" = 4
"bDeviceClass" = 0
"Built-In" = No
"locationID" = 338690048
"bDeviceSubClass" = 0
"bcdUSB" = 512
"USB Product Name" = "DJI"
"PortNum" = 3
"non-removable" = "no"
"IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
"bDeviceProtocol" = 0
"IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2"
"IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=4,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=4}
"kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 1
"Device Speed" = 2
"USB Vendor Name" = "DJI"
"idVendor" = 11427
"uid" = "USB:2CA3001F456789ABCDEF"
"IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
"USB Serial Number" = "0123456789ABCDEF"
"IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBDevice"
Edited by gregk