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PlayOnMac Issue on Mac OS X Catalina

Steam installer hangs forever

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rschultz1986 Sunday 5 July 2020 at 19:23

Hi, I am a newcomer to PlayOnMac, and I am trying to begin running Windows-based Steam games with it.

I have a fresh Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.5 installation on my Macbook Pro. I installed the newest version of PlayOnMac (4.4) about an hour ago, which supposedly now works with Mac OS X Catalina as of 4 July 2020 (yesterday).

Gatekeeper is disabled.

I go to "Install a program" in PlayOnMac and search for "Steam" and click Install. I click Next a few times and reach "Welcome to PlayOnMac Installation Wizard" with text "This wizard will help you install Steam on your computer", etc. I click Next. It then shows me: "macOS Catalina user: 32bits wine version are no longer available. We are going to use the system wine version instead". I click Next. Then it creates a virtual drive and proceeds to next screen where it says "Please wait while Steam is installed..." and then just hangs forever. A "wine32on64-reloader" icon appears in my dock.

What is the problem?

Edited by rschultz1986

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 5 July 2020 at 20:10
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Hmm, can you try to restart your computer (to ensure that all wine processes are killed) and retry?

f_therrien Sunday 5 July 2020 at 21:22

I have the exact same problem. I restarted my computer and it gets stuck on the creation of a virtual drive. There are also two wine preloader "command" icon in my dock and when i click on them only a line of pixels appear in the middle of my screen!

Edited by f_therrien

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 5 July 2020 at 21:35
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Can you send me the logs from the debugger please?

f_therrien Sunday 5 July 2020 at 22:01

[07/05/20 21:57:14] - Running wine- --version (Working directory : /Applications/



PlayOnMac logfile


Date: 07/05/20 21:57:14


> PlayOnMac Version


> uname -a

  Darwin MacBook-Pro-de-Francis-2.local 19.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

> lsb_release -a


> wine --version






> Distribution

   10.15.5 (19.5.0)

> glxinfo \| grep rendering


> glxinfo \| grep renderer


> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)




[07/05/20 21:57:14] - Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /Applications/

000b:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

000d:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to

use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than

or equal to 2.0.5.

0010:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

0012:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to

use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than

or equal to 2.0.5.

0014:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to

use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than

or equal to 2.0.5.

Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to

use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than

or equal to 2.0.5.

0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}

0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}

0012:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002

0012:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002

0012:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002

0014:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}

0014:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}

0014:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002

0014:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002

0014:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002

0017:fixme:thread:create_user_shared_data_thread Creating user shared data update thread.

Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to

use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than

or equal to 2.0.5.

0017:err:syslink:SYSLINK_SetFont Failed to create link font!

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 5 July 2020 at 22:59
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Interesting. Was there an older version of PlayOnMac installed before?

f_therrien Sunday 5 July 2020 at 23:00

No, it was the first time I installed it

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 5 July 2020 at 23:01
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous


Do you have XQuartz installed?

f_therrien Sunday 5 July 2020 at 23:02

Not to my knowledge.

Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 5 July 2020 at 23:28
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Can you try to install it ( just to see if it's better?

AdrianMole Sunday 5 July 2020 at 23:59


I got the same problem. I solved it by installing FreeType (as the log said: To enable Wine to use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than or equal to 2.0.5.)

rschultz1986 Monday 6 July 2020 at 2:05

I have a very similar debug file as f_therrien above, and I understand it is telling me to install FreeType, but is there a special installation procedure I should use for installing FreeType on Mac OS X such that PlayOnMac will see it on my system? I used the Homebrew method described here: and it is still producing the same debug errors about FreeType 2.0.5 or later not being found, even after system restart.

NuckM Monday 6 July 2020 at 3:22

I'm having the same issue - installing XQuartz made no difference. I am not tech savvy enough to figure out  installing freetype if that is the solution.

grebby Monday 6 July 2020 at 3:51

Can confirm I'm also having this issues. Interesting that several people are all inquiring at the same time!

AdrianMole Monday 6 July 2020 at 7:30

I have a very similar debug file as f_therrien above, and I understand it is telling me to install FreeType, but is there a special installation procedure I should use for installing FreeType on Mac OS X such that PlayOnMac will see it on my system? I used the Homebrew method described here: and it is still producing the same debug errors about FreeType 2.0.5 or later not being found, even after system restart.


I used the same method, but before doing this I had downloaded FreeType manually and tried to configure it. I don't know if this makes any difference?

Quentin PÂRIS Monday 6 July 2020 at 8:40
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Ok, I'll try to figure out what's happening. It is strange that the problem does not occur to me

f_therrien Monday 6 July 2020 at 12:08

I installed xquartz and the same thing occurs. Also, the debugging report remains the same!

dvg1970 Monday 6 July 2020 at 14:31

Quentin - thank you very much for your great job!


Could you clarify the following:


- Does PonMac 4.4. work under Catalina 64b (and newer) only or under Mojave 10.14.6 (or older) too?


- Does PonMac 4.4. support the both 64 & 32b apps or 64b only?


- How would you recommend (if I have PonMac 4.3.4 on my Mac) - to upgrade it to PonMac 4.4. at first and upgrade MacOS Mojave to Catalina after or vise versa?


- Is Xquartz installation required?


At the moment I installed PonMac 4.4. on OS Mojave and trying to create 64b virtual disk for my 64b app - but no success yet - creation process looks like hanging (working ~ 30 min without any success yet).


Thank you,


Edited by dvg1970

Xanto Monday 6 July 2020 at 21:15

I got the same problem, I got stuck on creating the virtual drive and it just stays there forever, I have it running for more than 02 hours now thinking it would work yet it doesnt.

I tried the 64bit virtual drive to install on this procedure.


xXPANAGE28 Tuesday 7 July 2020 at 15:50

Im on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 running POM 4.4 and i have the same problem described above: the virtual drive takes forever to create. For me, the virtual drive is created almost instantly, and you can see it in the configure window but that pop-up windows saying "creating virtual drive" never goes away. 

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