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Office 2003, changing the installation: add more features

Author Replies
Ofife Monday 6 April 2020 at 21:44

Linux version: MX Linux 19 (Debian)

Version de POL: 4.3.4

Full computer specs: CPU: Topology: Quad Core model: Intel Core i5-4570 bits: 64 type, RAM: 8 GB, On Board graphics


After the install of Office 2003 as typical installation and after starting it, I wanted to add additional features.


I went to

PlayOnLinuxConfig->Wine->Control Panel->Software->Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003->change->add features->ticked the checkbox "advanced changes"-> "next"


Then an error appeared:


Here is the content of the "Details" button:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000006 in 32-bit code (0x7e8d6590).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:7e8d6590 ESP:0033ea40 EBP:0033ef68 EFLAGS:00010246(  R- --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:7e99a9e4 ECX:00000006 EDX:0033ff10
 ESI:0033eb44 EDI:00db7030
Stack dump:
0x0033ea40:  00161ea8 00ce01a0 00000016 00000001
0x0033ea50:  0033eab0 0033eab4 f7db4d79 7d953000
0x0033ea60:  7cb51e20 000004ff 0033ec18 f7db4e8e
0x0033ea70:  7cb7a7f0 00000001 0033ec18 00001dac
0x0033ea80:  00161ee4 7e964be8 00161ed4 00000000
0x0033ea90:  00d35f60 00d05438 00000000 0033eb44
=>0 0x7e8d6590 in msi (+0x16590) (0x0033ef68)
  1 0x7e8d215e in msi (+0x1215d) (0x0033f148)
  2 0x7e8e2299 in msi (+0x22298) (0x0033f198)
  3 0x7e8e290f in msi (+0x2290e) (0x0033f1e8)
  4 0x7e92d822 in msi (+0x6d821) (0x0033f228)
  5 0x7e8e3127 in msi (+0x23126) (0x0033f288)
  6 0x7e8d215e in msi (+0x1215d) (0x0033f468)
  7 0x7e8e2299 in msi (+0x22298) (0x0033f4b8)
  8 0x7e8e290f in msi (+0x2290e) (0x0033f508)
  9 0x7e92d822 in msi (+0x6d821) (0x0033f548)
  10 0x7e8e324b in msi (+0x2324a) (0x0033f588)
  11 0x7e8d215e in msi (+0x1215d) (0x0033f768)
  12 0x7e8e2299 in msi (+0x22298) (0x0033f7b8)
  13 0x7e8e35fe in msi (+0x235fd) (0x0033f818)
  14 0x7e91f598 MsiConfigureProductExW+0x3d7() in msi (0x0033fc88)
  15 0x7e9dea3c WinMain+0x30b() in msiexec (0x0033fd88)
  16 0x7e9dda64 main+0xb3() in msiexec (0x0033fe18)
  17 0x7e9e0790 in msiexec (+0x1078f) (0x0033fe68)
  18 0x7b4688cc call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fe88)
  19 0x7b469b99 in kernel32 (+0x49b98) (0x0033fed8)
  20 0x7bc84fa0 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033feec)
  21 0x7bc8841d in ntdll (+0x7841c) (0x0033ffcc)
  22 0x7bc84f7e RtlRaiseException+0x49() in ntdll (0x0033ffec)
0x7e8d6590: movzwl    0x0(%ecx,%eax,1),%edx
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (85 modules)
PE      560000-  566000    Deferred        msid235.tmp
PE     1ff0000- 1ff7000    Deferred        msie662.tmp
PE    10000000-10014000    Deferred        msic974.tmp
PE    36650000-3668b000    Deferred        msic952.tmp
PE    366b0000-36707000    Deferred        msic664.tmp
ELF    7b400000-7b7f3000    Dwarf           kernel32<elf>
  \-PE    7b420000-7b7f3000    \               kernel32
ELF    7bc00000-7bcfa000    Dwarf           ntdll<elf>
  \-PE    7bc10000-7bcfa000    \               ntdll
ELF    7c000000-7c003000    Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF    7d215000-7d234000    Deferred        fusion<elf>
  \-PE    7d220000-7d234000    \               fusion
ELF    7d234000-7d29c000    Deferred        dbghelp<elf>
  \-PE    7d240000-7d29c000    \               dbghelp
ELF    7d460000-7d497000    Deferred        mscoree<elf>
  \-PE    7d470000-7d497000    \               mscoree
ELF    7d497000-7d4de000    Deferred        usp10<elf>
  \-PE    7d4a0000-7d4de000    \               usp10
ELF    7d600000-7d619000    Deferred        sxs<elf>
  \-PE    7d610000-7d619000    \               sxs
ELF    7d63d000-7d65b000    Deferred
ELF    7d65b000-7d720000    Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE    7d670000-7d720000    \               msvcrt
ELF    7d720000-7d758000    Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
  \-PE    7d730000-7d758000    \               uxtheme
ELF    7d758000-7d76b000    Deferred
ELF    7d7ae000-7d7cd000    Deferred
ELF    7d7cd000-7d7d4000    Deferred
ELF    7d7d4000-7d7d9000    Deferred
ELF    7d7d9000-7d807000    Deferred
ELF    7d807000-7d956000    Deferred
ELF    7d956000-7d96b000    Deferred
ELF    7d975000-7d981000    Deferred
ELF    7d988000-7da1a000    Deferred        winex11<elf>
  \-PE    7d990000-7da1a000    \               winex11
ELF    7da1a000-7da3f000    Deferred        imm32<elf>
  \-PE    7da20000-7da3f000    \               imm32
ELF    7dabe000-7dac8000    Deferred
ELF    7dac8000-7db03000    Deferred
ELF    7db03000-7db50000    Deferred
ELF    7db6d000-7dc09000    Deferred
ELF    7dc09000-7dc29000    Deferred        cabinet<elf>
  \-PE    7dc10000-7dc29000    \               cabinet
ELF    7dc29000-7dd58000    Deferred        comctl32<elf>
  \-PE    7dc30000-7dd58000    \               comctl32
ELF    7dd58000-7dd96000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE    7dd60000-7dd96000    \               ws2_32
ELF    7dd96000-7ddbe000    Deferred        mpr<elf>
  \-PE    7dda0000-7ddbe000    \               mpr
ELF    7ddbe000-7ddd7000    Deferred
ELF    7ddd7000-7de54000    Deferred        wininet<elf>
  \-PE    7dde0000-7de54000    \               wininet
ELF    7de54000-7decf000    Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
  \-PE    7de60000-7decf000    \               shlwapi
ELF    7decf000-7e130000    Deferred        shell32<elf>
  \-PE    7dee0000-7e130000    \               shell32
ELF    7e130000-7e278000    Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
  \-PE    7e150000-7e278000    \               oleaut32
ELF    7e278000-7e300000    Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE    7e280000-7e300000    \               rpcrt4
ELF    7e300000-7e436000    Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE    7e310000-7e436000    \               gdi32
ELF    7e436000-7e625000    Deferred        user32<elf>
  \-PE    7e450000-7e625000    \               user32
ELF    7e625000-7e6a3000    Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE    7e630000-7e6a3000    \               advapi32
ELF    7e6a3000-7e80d000    Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE    7e6c0000-7e80d000    \               ole32
ELF    7e80d000-7e8b3000    Deferred        urlmon<elf>
  \-PE    7e820000-7e8b3000    \               urlmon
ELF    7e8b3000-7e9cc000    Dwarf           msi<elf>
  \-PE    7e8c0000-7e9cc000    \               msi
ELF    7e9cc000-7e9ef000    Dwarf           msiexec<elf>
  \-PE    7e9d0000-7e9ef000    \               msiexec
ELF    7e9ef000-7ea04000    Deferred
ELF    7eed2000-7efd8000    Deferred
ELF    7efd8000-7efe3000    Deferred
ELF    7efe7000-7f000000    Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE    7eff0000-7f000000    \               version
ELF    f7bc6000-f7bcc000    Deferred
ELF    f7bcc000-f7daa000    Deferred
ELF    f7daa000-f7dcb000    Deferred
ELF    f7de8000-f7f9f000    Dwarf 
ELF    f7fa1000-f7fcb000    Deferred
ELF    f7fce000-f7fd0000    Deferred        [vdso].so
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 control.exe
    0000002f    0
    00000009    0
0000000e services.exe
    000000bd    0
    000000a4    0
    0000001e    0
    00000018    0
    00000013    0
    00000010    0
    0000000f    0
00000011 winedevice.exe
    0000001d    0
    00000017    0
    00000016    0
    00000012    0
0000001b plugplay.exe
    00000020    0
    0000001f    0
    0000001c    0
0000002a explorer.exe
    0000002e    0
    0000002d    0
    0000002c    0
    0000002b    0
00000030 rundll32.exe
    00000031    0
000000a2 svchost.exe
    000000a8    0
    000000a7    0
    000000a6    0
    000000a5    0
    000000a3    0
000000bb rpcss.exe
    000000c1    0
    000000c0    0
    000000bf    0
    000000be    0
    000000bc    0
000000d8 (D) C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe
    000000d9    0 <==
System information:
    Wine build: wine-2.22
    Platform: i386
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 4.19.0-6-amd64

Would appreciate some solution. Thank you.


And here is the playonlinux.log:

fixme:msi:is_uninstallable check other criteria
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
fixme:msi:event_spawn_wait_dialog doing nothing
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000006 at address 0x7e8d6590 (thread 00d9), starting debugger...
[04/06/20 21:31:42] - Running wine-2.22 control (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:msi:msi_parse_patch_summary patch obsoletes L"{D945AA3B-4D75-444B-B317-46967654A6A3}{76DFA03E-A8DD-4946-A65C-DC8671C6A4E5}{2F9540CA-FB30-4EF4-8945-8720B97978D0}{F1A2FD12-9B3D-4F3E-8380-971860A6Afixme:msi:is_uninstallable check other criteria
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"DoDialogSequence" returned 1602
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:msi:msi_parse_patch_summary patch obsoletes L"{D945AA3B-4D75-444B-B317-46967654A6A3}{76DFA03E-A8DD-4946-A65C-DC8671C6A4E5}{2F9540CA-FB30-4EF4-8945-8720B97978D0}{F1A2FD12-9B3D-4F3E-8380-971860A6Afixme:msi:is_uninstallable check other criteria
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
fixme:msi:open_userdata_comp_key only looking at the current user
fixme:msi:event_spawn_wait_dialog doing nothing
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000006 at address 0x7e8e1590 (thread 0104), starting debugger...
[04/06/20 21:49:32] - Running wine-2.22 EXCEL.EXE (Working directory : /home/VM-Konto/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2003/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11)
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d618,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x601ec 0x00000000
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:font:freetype_SelectFont Untranslated charset 255
fixme:font:freetype_SelectFont Untranslated charset 255
fixme:font:freetype_SelectFont Untranslated charset 255
fixme:font:freetype_SelectFont Untranslated charset 255
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80004002
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {00024512-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} could be created for context 0x1
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80004002
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {00024512-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} could be created for context 0x1
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80004002
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {00024512-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} could be created for context 0x3
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80004002
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {00024512-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} could be created for context 0x3
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 768) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 3) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 4) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -600) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -601) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -608) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -602) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -603) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -604) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 770) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -605) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -606) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -607) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 771) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 772) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 773) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 768) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 3) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 4) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -600) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -601) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -608) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -602) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -603) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -604) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 770) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -605) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -606) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -607) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 771) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 772) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 773) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 768) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 3) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 4) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -600) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -601) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -608) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -602) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -603) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -604) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 770) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -605) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -606) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 -607) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 771) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 772) stub!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x1b05568 773) stub!
fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x90178 0x00000000
fixme:msi:MsiGetFeatureUsageW L"{91E30407-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}" L"OfficeCoreRDC" 0x32c66c (nil)
fixme:setupapi:SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceW 0x1e9e1e8 L"{FD47D9CC-4218-4135-9CE2-0C195C87405B}" 00000000 0x32c5ac
fixme:advapi:GetCurrentHwProfileW (0x32c4f0)
fixme:msi:MsiGetFeatureUsageW L"{91E30407-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}" L"OfficeCoreRDC" 0x32e5c0 (nil)
fixme:advapi:LsaOpenPolicy ((null),0x32e540,0x00000024,0x32e574) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaRetrievePrivateData (0xcafe,0x32e560,0x32e570) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaClose (0xcafe) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaOpenPolicy ((null),0x32e540,0x00000024,0x32e574) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaRetrievePrivateData (0xcafe,0x32e560,0x32e570) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaStorePrivateData (0xcafe,0x32e560,0x32e558) stub
fixme:advapi:LsaClose (0xcafe) stub
fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32d86c)
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401
fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32d86c)
err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 84 0 310457)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 47 0 32e234)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x401f2 3 0 40429)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1b0134 1f 0 0)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1b0134 a 0 0)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1b0134 47 0 32f1b4)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x800b6 84 0 3f0290)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x800b6 1f 0 0)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x800b6 a 0 0)
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x800b6 47 0 32f1b4)
fixme:file:ReplaceFileW Ignoring flags 2
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub
fixme:ole:DllDebugObjectRPCHook stub
fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x601ec


Edited by Ofife

Dadu042 Tuesday 7 April 2020 at 12:28

1. The Wine version used is old (v2.22, 2015 ?). Try a newer.

2. Then follow:

Ofife Wednesday 8 April 2020 at 9:02

I have installed Office 2003 with PlayOnLinux and the supported software. This way it installed automatically wine 2.2 .

So I was thingking when PlayOnLinux take wine 2.2, then this would be the best version for Office 2003. Nor right?

Dadu042 Wednesday 8 April 2020 at 10:21

Not exactly. This just mean that the software was successfully tested with Wine 2.22 at the time of the script writting.

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