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Cannot Install Adobe Photoshop CS6 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Author Replies
HerzeleidMeister Friday 20 December 2019 at 22:39

Hello, I cannot get this to install. 


 Message: Overriding DLLs
12/20/19 14:57:30 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 regedit /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun20012/20/19 14:57:30 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
12/20/19 14:57:30 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_vcrun2008 -----
12/20/19 14:57:30 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_vcrun2010
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_vcrun2010 -----
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_vcrun2010
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for vcredist_x86.exe
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 start /unix vcredist_x86.exe /q (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun2010)
12/20/19 14:57:31 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
0027:fixme:clusapi:GetNodeClusterState ((null),0x33ebd4) stub!
0027:fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA ("c:\\8f21b84b889989f1888ad5e440c750d2\\", 00000000): stub
002f:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
002f:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW (0x6cd15f38, 0x6cd20180, {e2821408-c59d-418f-ad3f-aa4e792aeb79}, 1, 0x33ea10, (null), (null), 0x6cd20188): stub
002f:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {e2821408-c59d-418f-ad3f-aa4e792aeb79}
002f:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
002f:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
002f:fixme:thread:SetThreadStackGuarantee (0x33fbb8): stub
002f:fixme:advapi:LsaOpenPolicy ((null),0x33f4a8,0x00000001,0x33f494) stub
002f:fixme:advapi:GetWindowsAccountDomainSid (0x33f418 0x1f7274 0x33f414): semi-stub
002f:fixme:secur32:GetComputerObjectNameW NameFormat 7 not implemented
002f:fixme:advapi:LsaClose (0xcafe) stub
0030:fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
002f:fixme:advapi:LsaOpenPolicy ((null),0x33f2f8,0x00000001,0x33f2e4) stub
002f:fixme:advapi:GetWindowsAccountDomainSid (0x33f268 0x1fccbc 0x33f264): semi-stub
002f:fixme:secur32:GetComputerObjectNameW NameFormat 7 not implemented
002f:fixme:advapi:LsaClose (0xcafe) stub
002f:fixme:ntdll:EtwUnregisterTraceGuids deadbeef: stub
12/20/19 14:57:42 - [POL_Wine_OverrideDLL] Message: Overriding DLLs
12/20/19 14:57:42 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 regedit /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun20112/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_vcrun2010 -----
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_corefonts
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_corefonts -----
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_corefonts
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:43 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Internal_InstallFonts
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Internal_InstallFonts
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [source] Message: Installing microsoft fonts
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_corefonts -----
12/20/19 14:57:44 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_tahoma2
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_tahoma2 -----
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_tahoma2
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [source] Message: Installing tahoma32...
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_System_cabextract] Message: Starting cabextract /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/tahoma32/tahoma32.exe
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_System_cabextract] Message: cabextract ok
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [source] Message: Registering font...
12/20/19 14:57:45 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 regedit register.reg (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/tmp/tahoma32)
12/20/19 14:57:46 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [source] Message: Cleaning up tmp folder...
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_tahoma2 -----
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_FontsSmoothRGB
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_FontsSmoothRGB -----
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_FontsSmoothRGB
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB -----
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
12/20/19 14:57:51 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
12/20/19 14:57:52 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 regedit /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/fontsaa.reg (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
12/20/19 14:57:53 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
12/20/19 14:57:53 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Function_FontsSmoothRGB -----
12/20/19 14:57:53 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_FontsSmoothRGB -----
12/20/19 14:57:58 - [POL_Download] Message: Downloading
12/20/19 14:58:03 - [POL_Download] Warning: MD5 is missing!
12/20/19 14:58:04 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 /AdobeAIRInstaller.exe (Working directory : /home/herzeleidmeister/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
wine: cannot find '/AdobeAIRInstaller.exe'
12/20/19 14:58:04 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message
12/20/19 14:58:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 2
12/20/19 14:58:08 - [POL_System_TmpDelete] Warning: POL_System_TmpName is not defined !
12/20/19 14:58:08 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for /home/herzeleidmeister/Desktop/Photoshop Screens Failed Install/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe CS6/Set-12/20/19 14:58:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-3.21 /home/herzeleidmeister/Desktop/Photoshop Screens Failed Install/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe CS6/Set-up.exe (Working d0009:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
0009:fixme:font:get_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Ani"!
0009:fixme:nls:GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000034, 0x32e004, 0x32e074 0x32e00c
0009:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x34 0x32e004 0x32e074 0x32e00c) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0009:fixme:shell:InitNetworkAddressControl stub
0029:fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
002c:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
002c:fixme:font:get_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Ani"!
002c:fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
002c:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
002c:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0x33d370 (nil) 0x33d374) returning a dummy value (current locale)
002c:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0x33d370 0x1e3b80 0x33d374) returning a dummy value (current locale)
002c:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
002c:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
12/20/19 14:58:20 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
002c:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x1008e, 0x209ed10): stub
0039:err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x73
12/20/19 14:58:33 - [POL_Shortcut] Message: Looking for <photoshop.exe>, found <>
12/20/19 14:58:33 - [POL_Shortcut] Error: Binary not found: photoshop.exe\nHave you installed the program to the default location?
12/20/19 14:58:36 - [POL_Shortcut] Message: Shortcut created:  Adobe Photoshop CS6
12/20/19 14:58:38 - [POL_SetupWindow_Close] Message: Closing window for pid 10066
12/20/19 14:58:39 - [POL_SetupWindow_question] Message: question answer: FALSE


Here is the information that I do know:

1. The first error I get says: ERROR In POL_Wine - Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is runningignore this message.

2. Then I get the intialization failed error. 

3. Then I get: Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: photoshop.exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?

Then it wants to send a bug report to POL.
My laptop is running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 3 with 16 GB Ram, 2.0 GHZ processor, trying to install Photoshop CS6.
When I go to Tools > Manage Wine Verson it shows version 3.2.1 on the x86 tab and nothing on the amd64 tab.
Dadu042 Monday 30 December 2019 at 12:20

Please post the install log, see:

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