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Connect to domain

Author Replies
jaboehm Friday 18 January 2019 at 21:06

I have a client server software that is installed on our Windows server 2003.  From a workstation I am to connect to the server and install the client version of the software from the server.  I can navigate to the folder and file to install but once it starts to install I get a error that says "Change the share properties or security settings on the server to give this workstation write access to this folder and run the client install again".

I am using Fedora 29 and am able to connect to the server and write to that folder but not in PlayOnLinux.  Is there a setting or something I need to do or PlayOnLinux cannot connect to domains?



jaboehm Wednesday 23 January 2019 at 17:46

So nobody has any thoughts or comments on this?

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