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Format Factory, wrong md5 sum of downloaded config file

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TonyStark83 Thursday 16 August 2018 at 19:59


I today reinstall my old linux mint 18.2 to version 19 Tara - mate desktop.

When I try install Format Factory, I select proper file Formatfactory3.6.0.0.exe with right md5 sum (i was looking for them some time) and Instalation continues, but when download second file called config, it says that md5sum on disk is different from md5sum of config file on server. It gives after some time different md5 sums on disk while i trying install format factory again and again. Is this bug? I have old files of playonlinux disks with format factory and i hoped that i can use them in new system, but it doesnt work and i delete these files. I also delete all disks in playonlinux and wine, uinstall playonlinux and wine and install again hoped that bug with md5 sum did I with previous instalations on disks. I think that its bug in server or something i dont understand why downloaded config file is still another md5 sum number than posted server md5 sum. Is it changing or what?

Or Nobody has this bug see, only I because of dirty files or something ? 

I also tested some scripts which i found here for instalation but no success, only with proper instalation from menu multimedia and selected setup from disk, i get more far than with scripts. But md5 sum of config file is always wrong.

Can anyone help me, or is this more common bug?

Thank you.

TonyStark83 Thursday 16 August 2018 at 20:09

Example 01

Example 02


Edited by TonyStark83

TonyStark83 Thursday 16 August 2018 at 21:21

I solved problem. I use one of scripts without config downloading and between select file to install and crashes with message POL_SHORCUT (like that something) i copy folder FreeTime/FormatFactory from Windows install where it works and these way i dont get faulty message about missing shortcuts.

By debugging I also must install wine32 packages to linux .....

Then I cloned disk and under windows installed newest version to same folder FreeTime/.... and than delete these folder in cloned disk and copied new one from windows. 

Now I can use version under linux.

I used similar technique in old system and runs version

Now is all okey.



Only version works stable, has some problems with GUI. :)


Edited by TonyStark83

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