The forum crashes for many games

Author Replies
oriol.tristany Wednesday 6 September 2017 at 21:14

I've tried to install Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft Remastered manually (from .exe file). 

I've an XUbuntu 16.04 64 bits and last version of Playonlinux.

Playonlinux logs always shows only following error:


fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option 77 STUB
err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option 77 STUB
err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option 77 STUB
err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029
fixme:winhttp:get_system_proxy_autoconfig_url no support on this platform
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported


Anybody could help me?


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