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PlayOnMac Module Error in

Author Replies
Dan98 Friday 11 August 2017 at 5:47

Firstly, here is my info:

Mac Version: 10.12.6

PlayOnMac Version: 4.2.12


The problem I am having with PlayOnMac is using Python on the application. The problem arises when it tries to import modules. I get this error trying to launch Python or attempting to run a .py file through python via the Wine Command Prompt:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/private/var/folders/2y/yfw12y9s7y37nn7p5c0sybrw0000gn/T/AppTranslocatio
,line 19, in <module>
    import os
ImportError: No module named os

The file is in the lib folder, but I'm not sure how to redirect to that folder within the file. The problem could be an outdated link or an outdated redirect method. It would be greatly appreciated if someone updated the python scripts to work properly. Code:

Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.

This is stripped down and customized for use in py2app applications

import sys
# os is actually in the zip, so we need to do this here.
# we can't call it because zlib is not a built-in module (!)
_libdir = '/lib/python' + sys.version[:3]
_parent = '/'.join(__file__.split('/')[:-1])
if not _parent.endswith(_libdir):
    _parent += _libdir
sys.path.append(_parent + '/')

# Stuffit decompresses recursively by default, that can mess up py2app bundles,
# add the uncompressed site-packages to the path to compensate for that.
sys.path.append(_parent + '/site-packages')
import os

def makepath(*paths):
    dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*paths))
    return dir, os.path.normcase(dir)

for m in sys.modules.values():
    f = getattr(m, '__file__', None)
    if isinstance(f, basestring) and os.path.exists(f):
        m.__file__ = os.path.abspath(m.__file__)
del m

# This ensures that the initial path provided by the interpreter contains
# only absolute pathnames, even if we're running from the build directory.
L = []
_dirs_in_sys_path = {}
dir = dircase = None  # sys.path may be empty at this point
for dir in sys.path:
    # Filter out duplicate paths (on case-insensitive file systems also
    # if they only differ in case); turn relative paths into absolute
    # paths.
    dir, dircase = makepath(dir)
    if not dircase in _dirs_in_sys_path:
        _dirs_in_sys_path[dircase] = 1
sys.path[:] = L
del dir, dircase, L
_dirs_in_sys_path = None

def _init_pathinfo():
    global _dirs_in_sys_path
    _dirs_in_sys_path = d = {}
    for dir in sys.path:
        if dir and not os.path.isdir(dir):
        dir, dircase = makepath(dir)
        d[dircase] = 1

def addsitedir(sitedir):
    global _dirs_in_sys_path
    if _dirs_in_sys_path is None:
        reset = 1
        reset = 0
    sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(sitedir)
    if not sitedircase in _dirs_in_sys_path:
        sys.path.append(sitedir)        # Add path component
        names = os.listdir(sitedir)
    except os.error:
    for name in names:
        if name[-4:] == os.extsep + "pth":
            addpackage(sitedir, name)
    if reset:
        _dirs_in_sys_path = None

def addpackage(sitedir, name):
    global _dirs_in_sys_path
    if _dirs_in_sys_path is None:
        reset = 1
        reset = 0
    fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name)
        f = open(fullname)
    except IOError:
    while 1:
        dir = f.readline()
        if not dir:
        if dir[0] == '#':
        if dir.startswith("import"):
            exec dir
        if dir[-1] == '\n':
            dir = dir[:-1]
        dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, dir)
        if not dircase in _dirs_in_sys_path and os.path.exists(dir):
            _dirs_in_sys_path[dircase] = 1
    if reset:
        _dirs_in_sys_path = None


# Run custom site specific code, if available.
    import sitecustomize
except ImportError:

# Remove sys.setdefaultencoding() so that users cannot change the
# encoding after initialization.  The test for presence is needed when
# this module is run as a script, because this code is executed twice.
if hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"):
    del sys.setdefaultencoding


Quentin PÂRIS Saturday 12 August 2017 at 0:07
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

In any hasard, is your filesystem case sensitive? 

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