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best place to show new scripts?

Author Replies
chain2k Friday 16 May 2008 at 22:54

I've added a script for A9CAD at 21 of April for validation. Script was many weeks in confirmation state. Today I gut a strange message from Tux about script refusion.

Votre script a .


thats all.

So i checked ready scripts and found the script from member malownu with A9CAD installation.
that's no problem, no matter who create it, but i cant understand why my script was bad...
A9CAD is very simple in installation with last wine versions, no mess with windows dll's or windows versions as in malownu script.. You can check it with I tested A9CAD on three different computers.

So, may be it will be better to post new scripts on forum?
And please tell the reason next time when you refuse the scripts.

thnx for your attention
P.S. I'm not angry just surprised a little

P.P.S Did you resolve the problem with cyrillic in scripts?
Quentin PÂRIS Friday 16 May 2008 at 23:22
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous


Hi need to solve this problem

Ok it'll be done. For cyrillic it's more difficult. We're converting POL in .mo file so please be patient
chain2k Friday 16 May 2008 at 23:36

no problem) i can post my scripts with russian on russian forums for now, so that is not a big problem, i can wait)
Ghostofkendo Saturday 17 May 2008 at 20:08

Hi chain2k,

When you just created a new script, present it in a new topic into the "Your creations" section.
Thus, other people will can see it and maybe fix some little mistakes.
Then you will can propose your script and it will have more chances to be accepted.

chain2k Sunday 18 May 2008 at 0:45

thank you)

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