Hi there, from yesterday until today i make the follow script -> https://github.com/inukaze/maestro/blob/master/bash/videojuegos/inusteam
Well the idea is very simple for use and improve it
1 ) Install PlayOnLinux 4.2.10
2 ) Install Steam for Windows inside PlayOnLinux
3 ) Test Games without any modification of the default prefix. just for add to the script the games working in "Platinium" status
4 ) When you have tested a videogame just with Microsoft Windows Native version, works in Platinium Status ( Installs, Works at 100% ) edit the script and share the line you has been added in the "STEAMID" lists
You notice the format is very easy to understand the list is just :
"steam://run/204360" # Castle Crashers(TM)
"steam://run/517320" # GunGirl2
If you ask from where you can get the "STEAMID" is very simple on the Steam Web Site open the follow Screenshot

In the url you can see the SteamID and the "steam://run/$ID" of each game
5 ) Use the Script with the Web Browser for Launch games from the Steam Site :

Here the Translate to English Version of my Script :
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo '
Author ----------------> Inukaze ( Venezuela )
Site ----------------> inukaze.wordpress.com
E-mail -------------> inukaze.otaku@gmail.com
License -------------> GPL 2
GNU/Linux ===========> Lignux
******* Start : About This Script ********
This Mini-Script is for start Steam for
Microsoft Windows or Lignux. from your
Native Web Browser for Lignux
The idea and the funtion of this script
is make ease the installation and launch
of a lot videogames which not have native
port for Lignux, and just have Microsoft
Windows Version.
******** End : About This Script **********
# Get The Kernel Name
Kernel=$(uname -s)
case "$Kernel" in
Linux) Kernel="linux" ;;
FreeBSD) Kernel="kfreebsd" ;;
GNU/kFreeBSD) Kernel="kfreebsd" ;;
* ) echo "Your Operating System -> IT NOT SUPPORTED" ;;
# Fix For Steam just for Stop Errors like :
# Could not find required OpenGL entry point :
# 'glColorMaskIndexedEXT'
# 'GLGetError'!
# 'glUseProgramStages'!
#export PATH="/media/Compartido/Videojuegos/Gestor/Linux/Steam/Slackware64/home/bin/":$PATH
#export GAME_DEBUGGER="hl2debug"
# Get the Architecture
ARCHITECTURE=$(uname -m)
x86) ARCHITECTURE="x86" ;;
i?86) ARCHITECTURE="x86" ;;
amd64) ARCHITECTURE="amd64" ;;
x86_64) ARCHITECTURE="amd64" ;;
* ) echo "You architecture : '$ARCHITECTURE' : -> IT NOT SUPPORTED." ;;
# Check (Don't)/Exist the paths and files, before continue
if test -d "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam"
if test -f "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steam.exe"
echo "Found Steam executable on the default PlayOnLinux prefix"
if test -d "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common"
echo "Found Steam common folder"
echo "Steam is not installed on the default PlayOnLinux Prefix"
xmessage -timeout 3 "Steam is not installed on the default PlayOnLinux Prefix"
exit 1
if test -f "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/playonlinux.cfg"
# Get Wine Version and Architecture inside the PlayOnLinux Steam Default Prefix ;
VERSION_WINE=$(cat "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/playonlinux.cfg" | grep VERSION= | sed 's/VERSION=//g')
ARCHITECTURE_WINE=$(cat "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/playonlinux.cfg" | grep ARCH= | sed 's/ARCH=//g')
echo "Steam is not installed on the default PlayOnLinux Prefix"
xmessage -timeout 3 "Steam is not installed on the default PlayOnLinux Prefix"
exit 1
# Configure the Environtment Variables, Paths and start Steam for Windows :
export WINESERVER="$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wine/$Kernel-$ARCHITECTURE_WINE/$VERSION_WINE/bin/wineserver"
export WINELOADER="$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wine/$Kernel-$ARCHITECTURE_WINE/$VERSION_WINE/bin/wine"
export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam"
export WINEDEBUG=-all
cd "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/./Program Files/Steam"
# Videogame List follow it ID of APP on STEAM :
"steam://run/204360" # Castle Crashers(TM)
"steam://run/205230" # Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
"steam://run/205950" # Jet Set Radio (It's possible you need swap the two exe file names to make it work)
"steam://run/215100" # Ragnarok Online
"steam://run/218640" # Lucius
#"steam://run/22000" # World Of Goo - Has been ported to Lignux
"steam://run/222900" # Dead Island: Epidemic - The Store Page don't exist anymore
"steam://run/224220" # Pressure
"steam://run/235720" # Cubetractor
"steam://run/253900" # Knights and Merchants
#"steam://run/254000" # East India Company Gold - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/254040" # Pirates Of Black Cove Gold - The Store Page don't exist anymore
"steam://run/254060" # KnightShift
"steam://run/254100" # World War II: Panzer Claws
"steam://run/258200" # Talisman: Prologue
"steam://run/259320" # Heli Heroes
"steam://run/267920" # Gun Metal
"steam://run/267940" # Glacier 3: The Meltdown
"steam://run/267960" # Hyper Fighters
"steam://run/267980" # Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
"steam://run/271640" # Humanity Asset
"steam://run/274900" # Murder Miners
"steam://run/278490" # Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night
"steam://run/279640" # The Troma Project
"steam://run/283330" # Desert Thunder
"steam://run/283350" # Eurofighter Typhoon
"steam://run/283410" # CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect
"steam://run/284950" # Pixel Puzzles: Japan
"steam://run/285840" # Enemy Mind
"steam://run/286440" # Rover Rescue
"steam://run/292380" # Racer 8
"steam://run/292390" # Realms Of The Hauting (DOSBox)
"steam://run/292410" # Street Racing Syndicate
"steam://run/293180" # Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
"steam://run/296910" # 8BitBoy TM
"steam://run/306350" # Slipstream 5000
"steam://run/307070" # Memories of a Vagabond
"steam://run/307350" # Nux
"steam://run/310450" # Steam & Steel : Episode 1
"steam://run/311480" # Vertical Drop Heroes HD
"steam://run/315430" # Polarity
"steam://run/319180" # Platypus II
"steam://run/321150" # Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
"steam://run/323630" # Ubinota
"steam://run/331710" # Why So Evil
#"steam://run/34270" # SEGA MegaDrive & Genesis Classics - The Store Page don't exist anymore
"steam://run/343360" # Particula
"steam://run/344040" # Voxelized
"steam://run/344130" # Cataegis : The White Wind
"steam://run/347560" # Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant
"steam://run/350810" # Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime
"steam://run/351030" # Pixel Puzzles Ultimate
"steam://run/351470" # Sometimes: Success Requires Sacrifice
"steam://run/3590" # Plants -VS- Zombies GOTY
"steam://run/37400" # Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack
"steam://run/37420" # Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack
"steam://run/382490" # Relic Hunters Zero
"steam://run/385200" # Absconding Zatwor
"steam://run/395170" # DISTRAINT
"steam://run/395980" # Break Into Zatwor
"steam://run/410560" # Trinium Wars
"steam://run/42500" # DogFighter
"steam://run/428430" # Endorlight
"steam://run/447880" # Beast Blaster
"steam://run/4720" # Condemned: Criminal Origins
"steam://run/517320" # GunGirl2
"steam://run/57690" # Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition
"steam://run/6850" # Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
"steam://run/7510" # X-Blades
"steam://run/7520" # Two Worls II
#"steam://run/91200" # Anomaly: Warzone Earth - Has been ported to Lignux
#"steam://run/200710" # TorchLight II - Has been ported to Lignux
#"steam://run/238910" # Bionic Dues ( Ya portado a Liñux )
#"steam://run/253920" # Gorky 17 - Uses own Wine version
#"steam://run/253940" # Septerra Core - Uses own Wine version
#"steam://run/253980" # Enclave - Uses own Wine version
#"steam://run/254020" # Commander : Conquest Of the Americas Gold - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/259280" # Earth 2150 : The Moon Project - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/259300" # Earth 2150 : Lost Souls - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/259360" # Chicken Shoot 2 - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/278460" # SkyBorn - Has been ported to Lignux
#"steam://run/382240" # Blood Of Old (OLD VERSION) - The Store Page don't exist anymore
#"steam://run/38740" # EDGE - Has been ported to Lignux
#"steam://run/48000" # LIMBO (Has been ported to Lignux)
# 1 ) In case the parameter exist on the list
# Start the Steam native for Windows from PlayOnLinux
# 2 ) In case the parameter don't exist on the list
# Start the Steam native for GNU/Linux :
[[ "${STEAMID[@]}" =~ "$@" ]] && $(exec wine Steam.exe -no-dwrite -no-cef-sandbox "$@"
&> /dev/null) || $(steam "$@" &> /dev/null) || exit 0
i hope the community improve the script :D in particular with Microsoft Windows Games
on the list.
Edited by inukaze