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Sudden Banished Crash?

I'm not sure what part of the log is even the main problem?

Author Replies
cyanidearsenic Saturday 11 March 2017 at 22:25


I've had Banished installed for a bit through PlayOnLinux. I just played about eight days ago, haven't done anything with it in between but suddenly it won't launch at all? I stared at the debug log but I don't even know what part of this is the part causing a problem.  I think it might be something with this part maybe?

err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x7b47d8e8

I don't actually know though. There is some iffy looking stuff but I don't really know what I'm doing anyway so...

Here is the full log if it helps.

:EnableTrace (1, 0x10, 4, {22fb2cd6-0e7b-422b-a0c7-2fad1fd0e716}, cafe4242): stub
fixme:advapi:CloseTrace cafe4242: stub
fixme:advapi:ProcessTrace 0xcde65c8 1 (nil) (nil): stub
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib32/pkcs11/ /usr/lib32/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x31dd20 (nil)): stub
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (3): stub
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {d2d578d9-2936-45b6-a09f-30e32715f42d}, 0x10820670, 0x13f4ad10, 0x1412e448
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100a2, filter=0xe4de4d4,flags=0x00000004) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer unsupported flags
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0xf63b1bac, 0x110ecd8, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, (nil), 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0xf63b1bac
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer unsupported flags
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0xf63b1bac, 0x110ecf0, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, (nil), 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0xf63b1bac
fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl The DISK_PARTITION_INFO and DISK_DETECTION_INFO structures will not be filled
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl The DISK_PARTITION_INFO and DISK_DETECTION_INFO structures will not be filled
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000461
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x100aa, filter=0xe6de918,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000455
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000455
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000455
fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale failed to get locale name for lcid=0x00000455
fixme:nls:GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 0x33f74c, (nil) 0x33f750
fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 0x33f74c (nil) 0x33f750) returning a dummy value (current locale)
fixme:nls:GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 0x33f74c, 0x267b000 0x33f750
fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 0x33f74c 0x267b000 0x33f750) returning a dummy value (current locale)
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x33f444 0x00000ff0 0x33f484) Stub!
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x33f5c0, overlapped 0x267bbdc): stub
fixme:shcore:GetProcessDpiAwareness ((nil), 0x33f50c): stub
fixme:file:FindFirstFileExW flags not implemented 0x00000002
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x100b8, filter=0x33f55c,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x100b8, filter=0x33f55c,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xa71064c, overlapped 0xa710650): stub
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x100be, 0x33e408) stub
fixme:dwrite:dwritefactory_CreateMonitorRenderingParams (0x1): monitor setting ignored
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x100c6, 0x33e158) stub
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x100d2, 0x33d988) stub
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x100be, 0x13420a0): stub
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100d2, filter=0x33dc4c,flags=0x00000004) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:system:IsProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmGetWindowAttribute ((nil) 9 0x33dbec 16) stub
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x200fa, 0x33e26c) stub
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_get__NewEnum 0x10dbbf8, 0x102be4c4
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_ProcessImageFileName 0x10dbbf8, L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steam.exe"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Name 0x10dbbf8, L"Steam"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Enabled 0x10dbbf8, -1
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_Add 0x14f7570, 0x10dbbf8
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x200c0, 0x33ded4) stub
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x10144, 0x33da74) stub
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x7b47d8e8
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x40130, 0x33dd68) stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, hwnd=(nil)): stub
fixme:appbar:SHAppBarMessage unknown msg: 4
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=3): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=1): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=2): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, hwnd=(nil)): stub
fixme:appbar:SHAppBarMessage unknown msg: 4
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=3): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=1): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=2): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, hwnd=(nil)): stub
fixme:appbar:SHAppBarMessage unknown msg: 4
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=3): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=1): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=2): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken QueryInformationToken( ..., TokenSessionId, ...) semi-stub
fixme:advapi:CreateRestrictedToken (0x2bc, 0x2, 8, 0x2896328, 20, 0x2896370, 1, 0x2891b28, 0x4ebd6c4): stub
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 28!
fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken QueryInformationToken( ..., TokenSessionId, ...) semi-stub
fixme:advapi:CreateRestrictedToken (0x2bc, 0x2, 8, 0x27f5450, 20, 0x28db868, 1, 0x2881650, 0x4ebd6c4): stub
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 28!
fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken QueryInformationToken( ..., TokenSessionId, ...) semi-stub
fixme:advapi:CreateRestrictedToken (0x2bc, 0x2, 8, 0x2893550, 20, 0x2907fb8, 1, 0x2893730, 0x4ebd6c4): stub
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 28!
fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken QueryInformationToken( ..., TokenSessionId, ...) semi-stub
fixme:advapi:CreateRestrictedToken (0x2bc, 0x2, 8, 0x2954590, 20, 0x29541b0, 1, 0x2922450, 0x4ebd6c4): stub
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 28!
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd 0x1014e
fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unknown action: 116
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f006740, 0x3f041d28, 0x3f041d20
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f006740, 0x3f041d60, 0x3f041d58
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f006740, 0x3f041cf0, 0x3f041ce8
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f006740, 0x3f041d98, 0x3f041d90
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f006740, 0x3f041dd0, 0x3f041dc8
[03/11/17 16:22:36] - Running wine-1.9.13-staging Application-steam-x64.exe (Working directory : /home/alex/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Banished/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Banishedfixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x32e580 (nil)): stub
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f006ff0, 0x3f04d4e0, 0x3f04d4d8
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f006ff0, 0x3f04d518, 0x3f04d510
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f006ff0, 0x3f04d4a8, 0x3f04d4a0
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f006ff0, 0x3f04d550, 0x3f04d548
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f006ff0, 0x3f04d588, 0x3f04d580
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x20d920 (nil)): stub
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33e470 (nil)): stub
fixme:process:ProcessIdToSessionId Unsupported for other processes.
fixme:dwmapi:DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea (0x3014e, 0x33d258) stub
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x7b47d8e8


booman Tuesday 14 March 2017 at 16:43

Sometimes just switching to a different version of Wine can fix this problem.

I don't see any serious errors causing it to crash, could be a corrupted file or something.  You can always re-install Banished

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
cyanidearsenic Thursday 16 March 2017 at 15:17

Darn, I was hoping there would be something big and obvious in there because I had so much trouble getting it to install and run with the Colonial Charter mod anyway.

booman Thursday 16 March 2017 at 16:04

Oh, I didn't realize you were using a mod.  Does Banished run without the mod?

Go to the Banished developer site  They already have a Native Linux version in progress.

Edited by booman

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
cyanidearsenic Friday 17 March 2017 at 0:32

Yeah, once I remember how I got it working without it the first time.

Ze does, it's been in progress for almost a year now and I love it so much I want to play it sooner rather than later.

Edited for this addendum and spelling corrections.  I made a shortcut for the steam install from that drive too. It won't launch either. I guess I'm starting all over again.

Edited by cyanidearsenic

booman Friday 17 March 2017 at 5:07

Starting over is the name-of-the-game...

Some games have to be installed 10 times before I can figure out what was missing

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained

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