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Heroes of Might and Magic 3

the restoration of erathia

Author Replies
Ghostofkendo Monday 12 May 2008 at 21:52

Hello everyone,

I made a draft of a script for Heroes of Might and Magic 3 but I have a strange bug: The InstallShield loading locks at 99% independently from the wine version I use.
Although, it used to work very well with several versions according to the related wine's appdb page.

So I would be pleased if anyone who have this game could quickly test my script, in order to see if the issue comes from me.

Here it is:
if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

#Game and script presentation
presentation "Heroes of Might and Magic III : The Restoration fo Erathia" "The 3DO Company" "" "Ghostofkendo" "Heroes3" 1 4

#Ask for the path to the game's CD-Rom and check the installer's presence
Ask_For_cdrom 2 4

#Heroes III's prefix creation
mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/Heroes3
cd $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/Heroes3
select_prefix "$(pwd)"
polprefixcreate 3 4

#Run the game's installation
#Set_WineVersion_Session "0.9.54"

#Simulate the windows' reboot
simulate_reboot 4 4

#Create a launcher for Heroes III
creer_lanceur "Heroes3" "Program Files/3DO/Heroes3" "Heroes3.exe"


If it doesn't work for you the first time, try to uncomment the following line:
#Set_WineVersion_Session "0.9.54"
to run the installation with Wine 0.9.54 (the latest version known for working well).

Bye and thank you in advance

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