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PlayonLinux + Origin - Help!

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josieisrad Sunday 8 January 2017 at 19:48

I'm running Bunsen Labs Linux and am trying to install Origin so I can run/play The Sims 4. I installed wine using my terminal: I'm running 2.0-rc3. I installed playonlinux the same way and am running version 4.2.5. I've had a few bugs with wine and generally, things aren't going great. My main problem is trying to run Origin using playonlinux. I'll walk through my steps: 

- Install a non-listed program

- Install a program in a new virtual drive

- Virtual drive name: Origin

- Configure wine - 32-bit installation + in winecfg/applications I set it to Windows 7 (Anything earlier and I get an error message)

- I select OriginSetup.exe as my program to run (NOT the thin version)

- I make a shortcut using OriginSetup.exe (currently in my Downloads folder)

The program loads for a little while. A blue window entitled "Default - Wine Desktop" flickers on for a second, then flickers off again. Then, Playonlinux crashes and I get the error message:

Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: OriginSetup.exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?

What is the default location that I should install the program to???


RavonTUS Tuesday 10 January 2017 at 13:34


I am not familiar with this game, but from your discription - "I make a shortcut using OriginSetup.exe (currently in my Downloads folder)" - I think you need to use the .exe in the "default location".  The default location should be where the  OriginSetup.exe installs the program, usally \program files\origin or \program files (x86)\orgin.  I would guess the file should be the game .exe, not the setup file when making the shortcut.


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