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joyre Monday 5 May 2008 at 22:46

Le jeu marche très bien chez moi aussi, par contre le son est vraiment dégueu ^^
chriswill Tuesday 20 May 2008 at 10:02

pas possible de faire mieux, enfin, pour l'instant....
je retesterai l'install avec les nouvelles versions de wine et je modifierai le scritpt en fonction, si l'OpenAL32.dll installée avec le jeu est enfin supportée !

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chain2k Friday 23 May 2008 at 1:23

Hi, and sorry for my english, I can't speak french.
I created the same script... later... I didnt know nothing about that version. Didn't tested it but for sure it's good.
My script was not so complex especially with DirectX installation.
But I write here to tell you that I resolve sound problem) but I need testers. You can check my idea with your script just replace 2 dll's. You can check it here:

bye, and sorry again for my poor english
chriswill Friday 23 May 2008 at 7:44

i will answer you in english :

so, i don't understand why you think you resolved the sound problem: i have read your script, and i saw that the dll file you include by it is the same as mine !!
this file comes from website : that what i did !
for directx, this game needs the full version of directx to avoid connection problem in multiplayer mode.
thanks a lot for your contribution.
at the last,

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chain2k Friday 23 May 2008 at 10:24

think you didnt check my theme for last changes)
thats - from your script

download "OPenAL32.dll" "" 16 17
mv openal32.dll OpenAL32.dll MV openal32.dll OpenAL32.dll

thats from mine

download "$LNG_DOWNLOAD" "" "$LANG_TM_DOWN_DLL" 8 9 0
run_and_wait "" "unzip" "" 0 0 0 "" 1
cp -f wrap_oal.dll $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/TmNationsForever/drive_c/Program\ Files/TmNationsForever/wrap_oal.dll

That' s the last version, think I have to delete old script versions ...

First time I did the same thing as you, checked, read the solution, tested it and, as it almost worked, added step by step to rhe script. Except DirectX (for me standart POL solution allways worked I tested network play... may be not so long as you).
But sound was really annoying and when I checked OpenAL developers site, I notice another dll that they use - wrap_oal.dll:

so I did some tests and found the solution. Just recover OpenAL32.dll(that was installed with the game) or get it from creative installer, and change wrap_oal.dll to old version. I'll test that solution today at work (at home computer all was extremly good)

And about pixel shaders, The only problem ( I tested it only on thee computers) that if you try to change for higher shaders you' ll can't to read onscreen messages, but If you'll lower it all will be ok.

Edited by chain2k

chriswill Friday 23 May 2008 at 14:10

i didn't see that this morning,......i was probably lost at seven !
i'm sure you are on the good way !
POL and the world of Linux must have the best !
good luck....

(if you want to translate english text in french, i can make it ! )

Edited by chriswill

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chain2k Saturday 24 May 2008 at 12:37

Hi, again.
I made a long test (several hours, yours and mine DirectX installation, three videocards from GeForce4 till Geforce8800GTS, differenet audio including hardcore gaming card from RAZER, different network conditions, for pity can't test with ATI) and for now I know you was right about network game. But the problem is not in DirectX, problem in wine version. Only version that can work without any bugs in network play is 0.9.58, all later versions are buggy. Didn't feel that win2k better that winXP, but so as someone told that, i changed to win2k in script and prepare it for easy translation. Also you was right about PIxelShaders, that more easy changed it in script than explain for user how to switch shaders version in game options.

So if you have a time, please translate the script (check english forum here:
chriswill Sunday 25 May 2008 at 9:55

I began to translate the text, I warn you as soon as I finished

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chain2k Sunday 25 May 2008 at 10:51

thank you the great
chriswill Sunday 25 May 2008 at 20:45

here it is:

LNG_TM_PRESENT="Véritable jeu gratuit, TrackMania Nations Forever vous propose de conduire à pleine vitesse des bolides sur des circuits amusants et spectaculaires, en solo comme en multijoueurs. Vous proposant une nouvelle version "Forever" de l’environnement Stadium , dotée d’un solide mode solo avec 65 circuits inédits à la difficulté progressive, TrackMania Nations Forever rassemblera un très grand nombre de joueurs grâce à ses modes multijoueurs captivants, ses fonctionnalités en ligne innovantes et une interactivité révolutionnaire entre les joueurs..."
LANG_TM_PRESENT_TITLE="Présentation du Jeu"
#LNG_TM_MKCH="Faites votre choix, s'il vous plaît" (it's not necessary: the title of the dialog box mean the same thing)
#LNG_TM_DOWN="Télécharger l'installateur avec POL (environ 500Mb)"
LNG_TM_CHOOSE="Choisir le programme d'installation précédemment téléchargé"
LNG_TM_URL="Ouvrir un lien dans votre navigateur afin de télécharger manuellement le programme d'installation"
LNG_TM_WAIT_END="Cliquez sur "Suivant" dès que le téléchargement est terminé.
Vous indiquerez ensuite l'endroit où le programme d'installation a été enregistré"
LNG_TM_URL_MESS="Veuillez choisir un site de téléchargement sur la page web qui va apparaître et téléchargez le programme d'installation."
LNG_TM_ERROR="Veuillez seulement choisir ou tmnationsforever_setup.exe"
LNG_TM_DEFAULT="Veuillez garder le répertoire d'installation donné par défaut 'C:\Program Files\TmNationsForever'
et décocher l'option 'lancer le jeu' à la fin de l'installation."
LNG_TM_DX="Afin que le jeu puisse fonctionner correctement, il est nécessaire:
- d'installer Directx
- de changer wrap_oal.dll ."
LANG_TM_DOWN_DX="Téléchargment de DirectX"
LANG_TM_DOWN_DLL="Téléchargement de wrap_oal.dll"
LANG_TM_LAST="L'installation est terminée. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes lors de l'utilisation du jeu, essayez de desactiver le son EAX et de mettre la qualité du son à "basse", dans les options de jeu. Vous pouvez également désactiver l'option doppler. Vous pouvez essayer en toute sécurité les différentes options du jeu mais il peut arriver que, de temps en temps, l'option bloom change étrangement l'apparence du jeu."
LANG_TM_CANCEL="Annulation de l'exécution du script"

i had to modify a very small party of text in order that everyone can read it in every differend dialog box....
LNG_TM_MKCH is not necesary....(i wrote the reason)

Edited by chriswill

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chain2k Sunday 25 May 2008 at 22:35

thank you
u r right, no need in dublicates.
and so as english is not my native language (i'm russian), I hope my messages were understandable)
BlondVador Monday 26 May 2008 at 21:16

Pour un son parfait :

Panzer Monday 26 May 2008 at 21:27

C'est bien sympa mais le lien ou la solution a été trouvée est ici, c'est plus haut...

Bientot surpuissant ;)
Mon blog (déjà surpuissant) : Le BaB
chriswill Tuesday 27 May 2008 at 12:25

je confirme !!

....... c'est rigolo le lien qui pointe vers le forum ubuntu qui pointe lui-même ici !! ?? !!

je ne sais d'ailleurs pas si chain2k a proposé son script en remplacement du mien ?
le mien a toujours l'air d'être proposé !

Edited by chriswill

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chain2k Wednesday 28 May 2008 at 15:26

mine script is in "validation" state.
there are not many changes with yours, chriswill, so I think that for those who installed previous version I can make a patch script.
directX version - had'nt big matter when I tested it
only wine version (at many messages that people had troubles with wine higher than 0.9.58) and dll changes... just have to find downloadable last version of OPenAL32.dll. If I didn't, I have another solution, download and extract it from OpenAL developers package.
Toumeno Wednesday 28 May 2008 at 17:40


Pour valider le script de chain2k, je veux des screenshots, et de au moins 2 utilisateurs différents.
To validate chain2k's script, i want screenshots, and at least from 2 differents users.

chain2k Thursday 29 May 2008 at 13:14

I can show videos from the different comps with ubuntu 8.04, one with GF 8800GTS and one with GF4 TOGO,
but I think you need other users shots. (network play GF4 ToGo, sound problem resolved) (local play GF8800 GTS with old sound)


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