plata |
Sunday 8 May 2016 at 11:21
Note: This is not yet working. I'm just sharing it here because I thought we might get it running together.
What works:
- Installation
- Running Epic Games Launcher
- Logging in
What doesn't work:
- Creating an Unreal Engine project (requires Windows 7 SP 1)
Update: Use OpenGL to avoid D3D11 issues (black window). (thanks to Yaakuro for figuring this out)
Update 2: Fixed crash of login window ("Portal") with error
wine: Call from 0x7bc581c0 to unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.InetNtopW, aborting
by adding
to command line arguments.
Update 3: Use 64bit (otherwise you cannot create Unreal Engine projects)
Update 4: Wine 1.9.16 fixes
wine: Call from 0x7bc581c0 to unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.InetNtopW, aborting
Update 5: If the update complains about missing dependencies, try "-SkipBuildPatchPrereq".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | #!/bin/bash
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE= "Epic Games Launcher"
PREFIX= "EpicGamesLauncher"
EDITOR= "Epic Games"
AUTHOR= "plata"
POL_System_SetArch "amd64"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run.')" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_wait "$(eval_gettext 'Please wait while $TITLE is installed...')"
POL_Shortcut "EpicGamesLauncher.exe" "$TITLE" "$PREFIX-48x48.png" "-OpenGL"
exit 0
Edited by plata
MTres19 |
Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 0:25
Hmmm... Going by this, it might be worthwhile to try adding:
1 | POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "" "d3d11"
Might be worth a try, but don't count on it helping.
plata |
Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 17:41
This gives me:
err:module:import_dll Library d3d11.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\Launcher\\Portal\\Binaries\\Win32\\EpicGamesLauncher.exe") not found
MTres19 |
Thursday 19 May 2016 at 22:07
I can't say I know what to do in that case. Probably a deficiency in Wine. If there aren't yet any relevent bugs filed on WineHQ bugzilla, though, you could file one about it. A word of warning though: you should retest first with the official wine-staging packages, possibly from the Official Wine PPA if you're running *buntu. Wine isn't exactly friendly about PlayOnLinux, and you should avoid discussing it even though PlayOnLinux uses vanilla Wine. (This is probably due to the fact that PlayOnLinux is very similar to the commercial Crossover, which helps fund Wine development, only free and arguably better.)
plata |
Friday 20 May 2016 at 18:25
I assume it's because D3D11 is not working properly in wine yet. As they are currently working on fixing this (and already have some games running), the near future might bring some improvements.
Yaakuro |
Saturday 28 May 2016 at 15:05
You can use OpenGL instead of DirectX. Add the '-OpenGL' flag as argument. But it still doesn't work. This
wine: Call from 0x7bc581c0 to unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.InetNtopW, aborting
seems to be an issue.
Edited by Yaakuro
plata |
Saturday 28 May 2016 at 17:40
I updated the script. Seems like the argument '-http=wininet' fixes the crash caused by
unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.InetNtopW
I cannot log in but it seems to run in offline mode.
MTres19 |
Saturday 28 May 2016 at 18:43
Hey, it looks like you're getting somewhere! Try
1 | POL_Call POL_Install_wininet
Maybe that will work!
plata |
Saturday 28 May 2016 at 19:11
I cannot install wininet. It complains about the checksums.
plata |
Tuesday 19 July 2016 at 11:46
One more hint: If the Launcher tries to update, it might get stuck in the "Please wait" window. In this case, temporarily remove the "-http=wininet" parameter.
Maybe installing wininet could help but I cannot check this as I said already. Any news on the checksum problem?
(In winetricks the problem has been fixed in the meantime. As MS has removed old files from their servers, they are now using a fallback to to download the required files).
Edited by plata
plata |
Tuesday 26 July 2016 at 18:44
The wine patch solves
wine: Call from 0x7bc581c0 to unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.InetNtopW, aborting
With this patch, also the "-http=wininet" parameter is not needed anymore.
plata |
Saturday 6 August 2016 at 12:53
Wine 1.9.16 contains the required patch. It is now possible to log in. I can, however, not create an Unreal Engine project because this requires Windows 7 SP1 (if I set Wine to Windows 7, the Launcher does not start anymore - I guess it's the same cef issue as for steamwebhelper).
Edited by plata
Yea |
Friday 24 December 2021 at 19:18
I'm very new to this and I am wondering how to install the epic games launcher. When I try to do it I get stuck an error when trying to install prerequisites. Where should I put this code in? Thanks.
Yea |
Friday 24 December 2021 at 19:18
I'm very new to this and I am wondering how to install the epic games launcher. When I try to do it I get stuck an error when trying to install prerequisites. Where should I put this code in? Thanks.