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League of Legends BUG


Author Replies
zLKidda Friday 29 April 2016 at 11:41

I have used play on linux with no issues before this. I am trying to install League of legends on my new debian system.


On startup of play on linux i get the error 

"PlayOnLinux is unable to find the 32bit OpenGL libraries.

You may encounter problems with your games"


It allows me to continue and then when i try to install lol i get "wine has crashed" the debug file is bellow 

also note that the directory in bold is actually there 


debugging file


PlayOnLinux debugging tool (v4.2.10)
Debugging: League of Legends

Warning: This is a PlayOnLinux script logfile. It does not contain everything that happened in your program\'s virtual drive (wineprefix)
Please do not use this logfile on winehq forum, this logfile is not interesting for wine debugging.

Date: 04/29/16 10:32:32

> uname -a
  Linux acid 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version (Be careful; this version might not be the version used
in the script. Read the content of this file for more information)
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
    GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2, GL_NV_path_rendering, 
    GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2, GL_NV_path_rendering, 
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
  OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE2
> OpenGL libs
  64bits direct rendering is enabled
> export
  declare -x AMD64_COMPATIBLE="True"
declare -x APPLICATION_TITLE="PlayOnLinux"
declare -x CINNAMON_VERSION="2.2.16"
declare -x DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-xn28Qvegg8,guid=bca44a2126f9d425f7109b4d5723204a"
declare -x DESKTOP="/home/acidman/Desktop"
declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="lightdm-xsession"
declare -x DISPLAY=":0"
declare -x DONT_MONITOR="1"
declare -x DYLDPATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
declare -x GDMSESSION="lightdm-xsession"
declare -x GDM_LANG="en_GB.utf8"
declare -x GECKO_SITE=""
declare -x GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE="/usr/share/applications/PlayOnLinux.desktop"
declare -x GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT="stderr"
declare -x GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID="this-is-deprecated"
declare -x GNUPGHOME="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//gpg"
declare -x GPG_AGENT_INFO="/run/user/1000/keyring/gpg:0:1"
declare -x HOME="/home/acidman"
declare -x IGNORE_ICON_DIR="false"
declare -x LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"
declare -x LANGUAGE="en_GB:en"
declare -x LD_32_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
declare -x LD_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LOGNAME="acidman"
declare -x MACHTYPE="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
declare -x MD5_COMMAND="md5sum"
declare -x MONO_SITE=""
declare -x OLDPWD="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/setups/League of Legends"
declare -x OS_NAME="linux"
declare -x OpenGL32="0"
declare -x OpenGL64="1"
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games"
declare -x PATH_ORIGIN="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games"
declare -x PLAYONLINUX="/usr/share/playonlinux"
declare -x POL_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_COOKIE="jQHByFq6dOhqQGoGdz3J"
declare -x POL_CURL="curl"
declare -x POL_DNS=""
declare -x POL_HOST=""
declare -x POL_ID="24731169"
declare -x POL_LANG="en"
declare -x POL_OS="Linux"
declare -x POL_PORT="30000"
declare -x POL_PYTHON="python"
declare -x POL_SetupWindow_ID="7781"
declare -x POL_TERM="x-terminal-emulator"
declare -x POL_UPTODATE="TRUE"
declare -x POL_USER_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_USER_ROOT="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x POL_WGET="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\" wget --prefer-family=IPv4 -q"
declare -x PWD="/usr/share/playonlinux/python"
declare -x REPERTOIRE="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x SCRIPTID="League Of Legends"
declare -x SED="sed"
declare -x SESSION_MANAGER="local/acid:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1130,unix/acid:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1130"
declare -x SETUPWINDOW_INIT="true"
declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
declare -x SHLVL="4"
declare -x SITE=""
declare -x SSH_AGENT_PID="1153"
declare -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh"
declare -x TEXTDOMAIN="pol"
declare -x TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/playonlinux/lang/locale/"
declare -x TITLE="League of Legends"
declare -x TITRE="PlayOnLinux"
declare -x UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="0"
declare -x USER="acidman"
declare -x VERSION="4.2.10"
declare -x WGETRC="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//configurations/wgetrc"
declare -x WINEPREFIX="/home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/default"
declare -x WINE_SITE=""
declare -x WorkingDirectory="/home/acidman"
declare -x XAUTHORITY="/home/acidman/.Xauthority"
declare -x XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="X-Cinnamon"
declare -x XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"
declare -x XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR="/var/lib/lightdm/data/acidman"
declare -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000"
declare -x XDG_SEAT="seat0"
declare -x XDG_SEAT_PATH="/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_ID="1"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_PATH="/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0"
declare -x XDG_VTNR="7"

04/29/16 10:32:37 - [POL_SetupWindow_icon_menu] Message: icon_menu answer: Download the program
04/29/16 10:32:37 - [POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod] Message: Install method: DOWNLOAD
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_SetupWindow_menu] Message: menu answer: Europe West
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Download_retry
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Download_retry -----
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Download_retry
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:32:38 - [POL_System_wget] Message: Downloading with wget
04/29/16 10:33:10 - [source] Message: POL_System_wget exit code: 0
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [source] Message: Download completed successfully
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Download_retry -----
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix: LeagueOfLegends
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Setting POL_WINEVERSION to 1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix (1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5)...
04/29/16 10:33:11 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Prefix already exists
04/29/16 10:34:04 - [POL_SetupWindow_menu] Message: menu answer: Erase (virtual drive content will be lost)
04/29/16 10:34:04 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Erase Prefix
04/29/16 10:34:05 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Using wine 1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5
04/29/16 10:34:05 - [POL_Wine_InstallVersion] Message: Installing wine version path: 1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5, x86
04/29/16 10:34:05 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: ARCH x86
04/29/16 10:34:05 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: VERSION 1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5
04/29/16 10:34:06 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 --version (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts)
04/29/16 10:34:06 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:06 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:08 - [POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES] Message: Getting Program Files name
04/29/16 10:34:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts)
04/29/16 10:34:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:08 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:13 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_corefonts
04/29/16 10:34:13 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_corefonts -----
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_corefonts
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Internal_InstallFonts
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Internal_InstallFonts
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [source] Message: Installing microsoft fonts
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_corefonts -----
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_vcrun2005
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_vcrun2005 -----
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_vcrun2005
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for vcredist_x86.exe
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 start /unix vcredist_x86.exe /q (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun2005)
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:14 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:18 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:24 - [POL_Wine_OverrideDLL] Message: Overriding DLLs
04/29/16 10:34:25 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 regedit /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun200/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:25 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_vcrun2005 -----
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_vcrun2008
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_vcrun2008 -----
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_vcrun2008
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for vcredist_x86.exe
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 start /unix vcredist_x86.exe /q (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun2008)
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:31 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:32 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:34 - [POL_Wine_OverrideDLL] Message: Overriding DLLs
04/29/16 10:34:34 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 regedit /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/vcrun200/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:34 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 127
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_vcrun2008 -----
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_d3dx9
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_d3dx9 -----
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_d3dx9
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
04/29/16 10:34:35 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource
04/29/16 10:34:36 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
04/29/16 10:34:36 - [source] Message: Extracting only x86 dlls
04/29/16 10:34:37 - [source] Message: Overriding all d3dx9 dlls
04/29/16 10:34:37 - [POL_Wine_OverrideDLL] Message: Overriding DLLs
04/29/16 10:34:38 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5 regedit /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 568: /home/acidman/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.9.2-LeagueOfLegends5/bin/wine: No such file or directory
04/29/16 10:34:38 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed\n\nIf your program is running, just ignore this message.

Addickeva Friday 29 April 2016 at 22:56

I had a similar issue on Ununtu 16.04 64bit. I had to do this 

sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri:i386


You may have to do something similar on debian, so it can find the 32bit libraries.

Here is the source that I used.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Addickeva

sysads Monday 16 May 2016 at 20:55

Have you installed wine as it installs the 32bit libs?

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