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PlayOnLinux and Tor

Author Replies
clarjon1 Wednesday 23 April 2008 at 17:56

Hi there.
I just tried running PlayOnLinux under Tor, and I get this error:
[clarjon1@laptop ~]$ playonlinux

PlayOnLinux v2.0
Checking python : [ Ok ]
/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/main: line 49: 17862 Segmentation fault $PYTHON "$PLAYONLINUX/python/"

And, as you can tell, there is no main window appearing. However, it does pop up an information window telling me there is a new version. Is there a piece of the source I could tweak? Or some environment variable that needs setting, or similar? Thanks!
Ghostofkendo Friday 2 May 2008 at 1:11

Hi clarjon1,

When you talk about "POL under Tor", you mean you use Tor, the anonymous routers network, to connect to the internet, is it right?
If yes, I don't think your problem comes from it.

What's your distribution? How did you installed POL?
All the dependencies are installed?


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