Hello. This is my first post and English isn't my native language. In adittion I don't know fine how PlayOnLinux works, I only installed one game and was following a video on youtube, so sorry if there's some mistake.
The thing is I'm trying to install this game: https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-1774-FEZ_Steam.html (FEZ). But when the installation has started (I choose the option "Use an archive of installation in my PC" and I select the executable file) and after the archives of installation have unzipped a window comes out with the title "Fatal error in gc" and with the text "GetThreadContext failed" just as appears in the picture: http://i57.tinypic.com/vra5ip.png
Then I press accept but the installation's window freezes, showing always the same message: "Installing: OptimusFix.exe (step 1 of 6)".
I have Ubuntu 14.04. and PlayOnLinux 4.2.9.
I swear you could help me, I'm looking forward to play this game. Thanks a lot.