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Passing xmodmap key mappings to POL apps

Issue with Office 2007 running on Chromebook

Author Replies
cpmorris Wednesday 21 January 2015 at 12:33

I'm successfully running MS Office 2007 on POL, on Ubuntu Trusty running via Crouton on a Chromebook. ok, it's a pretty roundabout way of running MS Office but I have a lightweight £200 computer and it works well.


Except that Chromebooks don't have a caps lock or delete key.  I have solved that for general Ubuntu use by running a script call xmodmap to map the search key to CAPS Lock and shift-bcksp to Delete. Whilst the MS Office apps respond to caps-lock they ignore the mapped Delete key combo.  Is there a reliable way of getting xmodmap-ped key mappings into POL??


My simple script is

xmodmap -e 'keycode 133 = Caps_Lock'
xmodmap -e 'keysym BackSpace = BackSpace Delete'


Given I have an issue with one and not the other, could it maybe be that I am using keysym in the latter??



cpmorris Wednesday 21 January 2015 at 16:19



Turned out to be the keysym line.  I mapped the un-used alt gr key to delete by

xmodmap -e 'keycode 108 = Delete'  and it now works. Case closed.

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