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How to Increase the Fonts of the Application


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cricrazy Monday 12 January 2015 at 0:10

First of all, thank you for PlayonMac, I am able to use Notepad++ which I love. Is there a way to increase the fonts of the Notepad++ menu? I know how to increase the fonts of the content I type in NPP, but I can't find a way to increase overall fonts of Notepad++ menu. 


Edited by cricrazy

Ronin DUSETTE Monday 12 January 2015 at 8:35

playonmac -> Configure -> select virtual drive -> Wine tab -> Wine Configuration -> Graphics tab -> adjust the DPI slider

That may help. I don't know what your link is pointing to, but I only see a bunch of spam ads...

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cricrazy Monday 12 January 2015 at 16:06

Thanks Ronnin. 

I removed the link of the picture. I did not know that it goes to some spammy ads. 


I did try to adjust the dpi slider, but it only increases the dialogue boxes and preferences inside the Notepad++ application. But it does not change the DPI setting of the main GUI. 

Here is the quick video I made that shows that.

Sorry, I dont mean to direct to the different links, I just want to demonstrate what I am talking about. 

Thanks for your help.

(btw, is there a way to insert an image here?) 

Ronin DUSETTE Monday 12 January 2015 at 18:47

Then you cannot increase the font size. If the DPI settings didn't work, then that program might not be able to do that. You could possibly try increasing the font size in your system, but yeah. 

Have you looked into open-source alternatives? VIM? gedit? kate? Sublime Text? Eclipse? I mean, there are far better alternatives to notepad++ that run on Linux natively that you can install right from your distro's package manager. 

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cricrazy Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 15:50

Thanks. I have tried Sublime Text (though its not free). But I will check those. Thanks for your help.

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 20:22

No problem. I have no doubt that you will find a good alternative. There are a lot of them. 

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