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World of Warplanes 1.5

Problems since latest patch

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der Papst Tuesday 26 August 2014 at 23:19
der PapstAnonymous

I've installed WoWarplanes with Playonlinux' install-script.

After login, before the garage is shown, the game crashes to desktop showing the following message-box with the error:

Acces violation (0xC0000005)at 0x00C6B6DF.

Reading location 0x00000008.

Private build: 156850

Please send the <path>/file.dmp and the last log to developers.


Maybe it stopped working because of the recent patch to version 1.5

It was my first try, so i have no idea if it would have worked before 1.5

Edited by der Papst

der Papst Thursday 28 August 2014 at 13:55
der PapstAnonymous

Because i don't get it working, i've tried War Thunder now (only the airforce-part).

The game works perfect in Wine, just create a 64bit-drive, download and run the installer - nothing is required to install before.


The game can be set to render in OpenGL, which brings amazing performance on Linux.


My GTX670 renders it in maximum details with 60fps (limited by vsync)

Edited by der Papst

Ronin DUSETTE Thursday 28 August 2014 at 21:29

Well, that is a completely different game, sooooooo, what about WoWP?

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der Papst Friday 29 August 2014 at 2:47
der PapstAnonymous

sooooooo, what about WoWP?

Edited by der Papst

Ronin DUSETTE Friday 29 August 2014 at 3:15

Um, we answer things all of the time. Maybe someone just does not have an answer for you... having an attitude does not help. :)

I understand why you mentioned it. WoWP and WoT are usually very buggy. You can thank the developers of that game for that. We just try to keep up. If they change something in their client, which is a normal thing for online games, it can break stuff with wine, which sometimes needs a new patch, a change in the script, some new dependency, etc.. We don't know it is broken until the community responds, and we do our best to respond accordingly.

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Ronin DUSETTE Friday 29 August 2014 at 3:17


I've installed WoWarplanes with Playonlinux' install-script.

After login, before the garage is shown, the game crashes to desktop showing the following message-box with the error:

Acces violation (0xC0000005)at 0x00C6B6DF.

Reading location 0x00000008.

Private build: 156850

Please send the /file.dmp and the last log to developers.


Maybe it stopped working because of the recent patch to version 1.5

It was my first try, so i have no idea if it would have worked before 1.5


One thing I would like to point out, is that, according to the forum rules, you should have posted your debug output and FULL system specs in your first post. Really, anyone trying to help, would have been guessing, and I would have for sure come along and suggested that you go back and re-read the forum rules and stickies, and post accordingly, so that we can have the info we need to help. By "we", I mean the whole community. There are some VERY smart people in the forums that are just users, and that information helps us troubleshoot. Maybe your post was skipped over for lack of information to troubleshoot with? 

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der Papst Sunday 31 August 2014 at 17:52
der PapstAnonymous

@Ronin: Sry, I thought the mantainer/creator of the script would install the update and check what's the problem...


System Specs:

Kubuntu 14.04, 64bit

nVidia GTX670, proprietary nvidia driver 331.38

Intel i5-3570K

2x8GB DDR3


Error log: (is there a way to upload attachments?)

Edit: I've just there is more than one debug-log of wowp in the paste.

The last try has the timestamp:

[08/31/14 17:28:54]

Edited by der Papst

Ronin DUSETTE Monday 1 September 2014 at 10:26

The way you uploaded the log is just fine. Either that or pastebin. :)

First, update to POL 4.2.4.

All of the errors that I see seem to be related to graphics, so perhaps the we are missing a 32-bit library? Try to install d3dx9 in your virtual drive:

PlayOnLinux -> configure -> virtual drive -> Install Components -> d3dx9 -> install

Perhaps that will work. It seems like your graphics driver is installed, but I feel there is one particular library we are missing. 

Also, try running:

sudo apt-get build-dep wine

That might bring in a missing lib. 

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der Papst Monday 1 September 2014 at 14:25
der PapstAnonymous

@Ronin: Thx for help

First, update to POL 4.2.4.

I've added your rep to my source-list, now I have your latest version.

All of the errors that I see seem to be related to graphics, so perhaps the we are missing a 32-bit library? Try to install d3dx9 in your virtual drive:

PlayOnLinux -> configure -> virtual drive -> Install Components -> d3dx9 -> install

This lib was already installed by the installer script - but I've installed it again, just to make sure it is there.

Perhaps that will work. It seems like your graphics driver is installed, but I feel there is one particular library we are missing. 

Also, try running:

sudo apt-get build-dep wine

That might bring in a missing lib. 

Also installed.


All this actions didn't change anything on the problem :(

BTW: World of tanks works perfect on my system, the engine should be quite similar and also the needed libs...

Edit: I've tried to install the game into my world of tanks 32bit-drive (which was created by the wot-install-script).

There, the hangar works and i can join the first tutorial before it crashes with the same error message.

Edited by der Papst

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 2 September 2014 at 7:03

I am not sure, then. I mean, they should both work fine, as I understand they are built with the same engine. You seem to have all of the requirements. They probably have changed something that requires a new, patched version of Wine. 

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der Papst Tuesday 2 September 2014 at 14:55
der PapstAnonymous

I guessed that ;)

Wargaming is known for sloppy coding and "fixing" bugs with strange workarounds...


I've experimented with different libraries (from suggestions from winehq aso) and different wine-versions, but nothing fixed the problem...


Btw: The error I encounter occurs (according to bugreports in the wowp-forums) since a year with different ATi/AMD-Cards on Windows. They've created a special config file to work around it - I've tested it too - but it made the problem worse for me...


The problem could also be a missing font or something like that, but because of the known problem with ATi-Cards, i guess also it's a graphics-problem...


Is Wowp 1.5 working for anyone with wine? Maybe one of my libs is damaged...

Edited by der Papst

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 2 September 2014 at 18:23

If it was a missing font, the error would be apparent in the logs. It is more likely an issue to be address directly through Wine. 

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