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Is it possible to compile a patched wine through POL scripts?

Would it be possible to ask for a specific patched wine?

Author Replies
glendar Monday 4 August 2014 at 20:40

Hello everybody,

Fist of all, thank you. Really.Playonlinux is...I don't even have a scale of value to tell.

I'm new to the forum so please be merciful.

It's about a week I'm trying to fix a Unity3d installation which runs but gives to me a lot of troubles.

Actually, I found out that there's a way to force opengl on unity (a simple -force-opengl) but...

no way it can be started, I receive from the debug:

err:wgl:glxdrv_wglShareLists Could not share display lists, one of the contexts has been current already

So, digging on the net, I found out that I need to compile Wine with a specific patch:  --> Force.opengl section

I was wondering If it would be possible to ask for a patched wine version with WGL-ShareList-Hack.patch.

Furthermore, I was searching on the forum if there would be a way to patch a wine version through a POL script, but I cannot find this info.Could you help me?

Thanks in advance for whichever answer :)



petch Monday 4 August 2014 at 22:29


No, you don't patch Wine through PoL scripts.

We're talking sources patches here, meaning that to get a patched Wine, you fetch its sources, modify it, then compile the modified sources. That's a lengthy operation that requires tools (compilator and associated tools, development version of the dependency libraries,...) that are seldom present on final user computers.

The way to get a patched Wine version is a compilation request, we have a server to compile Wine, for all supported platforms and architectures.

Post a feature request in, including

- The name of the patch,

- Some introduction about what it does (what it's supposed to fix),

- Link(s) to original pages about the patch,

- Link(s) to the patch sources,

- Instructions or link to the instructions to use the patch.


glendar Wednesday 6 August 2014 at 17:57

Hello and thanks a lot for your quick and exhaustive answer.

I've managed to perform the request.

Maybe link it could be useful:

Thanks again :),


glendar Tuesday 28 October 2014 at 17:38

Hello again to everyone.

The custome wine build is available as 1.7.23-WGL-ShareList on playonlinux Versions manager.

I've tested it for a couple of hours and the result is that unity can be run and it works more smootly. As far as I tested it (opening stealth, for example, which was crashing the application for me) there's no problem.

Thanks for your support,


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